Why do some care more about welfare moms or children in the

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14 May 2009, 4:13 pm

Strangegem wrote:
people who cheat the system definitely get more attention than those who don't. and yes, you're right, welfare money should not be spent feeding addictions instead of caring for one's kids.
however the first post was a blanket statement. the "all" was implied. they didn't complain about the use of the money for drugs or alcohol, they complained about, and I quote, "welfare leeches" which is definitely discriminatory against an entire group. that's the part I had a problem with.
people should definitely take care of their children first, but to complain about helping others just doesn't sit well with me. if you must, complain about humanity and its vices.

Yes there are people who need it like disabled people, people who just need it after losing their job due to bad economies, NOT ignorance/laziness, then when they are able to work again they should get off welfare and not stay on it. Americans can't afford to keep paying for people, in order to pay for these programs and taxes need to be raised. When you raise the taxes of the rich you create less jobs, because then the rich higher less people.

Also rich people pay A LOT more taxes then we do, and I'm sick of people saying that all rich people are bad and that all conservatives are bad, just like you hate when people say everyone on welfare is bad!! !

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14 May 2009, 4:25 pm

timeisdead wrote:
Strangegem wrote:
people who cheat the system definitely get more attention than those who don't. and yes, you're right, welfare money should not be spent feeding addictions instead of caring for one's kids.
however the first post was a blanket statement. the "all" was implied. they didn't complain about the use of the money for drugs or alcohol, they complained about, and I quote, "welfare leeches" which is definitely discriminatory against an entire group. that's the part I had a problem with.
people should definitely take care of their children first, but to complain about helping others just doesn't sit well with me. if you must, complain about humanity and its vices, but don't complain about helping people who are specifically unable to help themselves, please. thankyou.

The vast majority of the people I know on government assistance are who continue to leech off the taxpayers.

those you know do not define the vast majority. in my experience, i have not known anyone on welfare that didn't need it, and I personally know nobody that uses it for drugs. I assume that what I've heard is true and some do, but what we're seeing is different, tiny, cross-sections of the same group. it's a biased sample.
I do agree that some reforms do need to happen, but I do find that not everyone is like you've implied.

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14 May 2009, 5:02 pm

StewartMango wrote:
Americans can't afford to keep paying for people, in order to pay for these programs and taxes need to be raised. When you raise the taxes of the rich you create less jobs, because then the rich higher less people.

You scrap (at least scale down a lot) the military, legalize a bunch of things and decriminalize other things. Problem is on the way to beign solved. Then people can re-do the tax system which is a mess-up

Also rich people pay A LOT more taxes then we do,

They can also manipulate government and politicians via lobbyists and corporations too :wink:

We can get into some Marxist-type discussions on that. heard of The Communist Manifesto :P

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14 May 2009, 5:10 pm

social security is not welfare. you pay taxes into it when you work, and if you become disabled while you work and cant work anymore you can collect disabilty. its more of an insurance program.

and welfare, if im thinking right is stuff like food stamps, medicaid and other assistance. most people are only guilty of being horny, and not all hopped up on the idea of the more babies i have the more stuff i can get.

ive been on food stamps before because i cannot afford to buy food. healthy food is atrociasly expensive, and thats why most people would rather become obese and go to the dollar menue for there meals.

most people dont even stay on welfare at all, i didnt. i stayed on foodtamps for awile until i had a cash flow and could afford some semi-nutritional food, so its not like all people out there are looking for a free ride. it mostley varies

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14 May 2009, 5:10 pm

StewartMango wrote:

Also rich people pay A LOT more taxes then we do, and I'm sick of people saying that all rich people are bad and that all conservatives are bad, just like you hate when people say everyone on welfare is bad!! !

"Rich" people do pay more taxes than most of us, but they pay less of a percentage of their earnings in taxes than we do. Whereas a $15,000 tax bill would wipe most of us out, someone like Bill Gates could pay that out of petty cash. As far as the welfare mom bit, I can understand how one gets angry about the system. I'm not saying that most or even a majority of welfare moms are lazy, but I am saying that the government does very little to help the working poor unless there are children involved. The government seems to think that the working poor are there to be preyed upon for whatever little bit it can get out of them. If a working person gets sick or becomes unable to work, most of the time, the government will refuse to help them. In fact, in many cases the government will fine them for because they are unable to pay the costs of government mandates.

In the Police States of Amerika, we have the bad of the Socialist health care system without the good. The government mandates, excludes, and controls the system while refusing to pay for the cost that is incurred because of the government interference. In addition, the government and its lap dog media pits black against white, poor against middle class, Christian against Jew, and so on. As long as we are divided, it is easy to keep us conquered. We either need to move to a single payer system, or we need to move to a free market health care system. Right now, we have neither one, and it is 'we the people' who are getting royally screwed!

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14 May 2009, 5:17 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
timeisdead wrote:
Thankfully, my parents pay for my college tuition ( I am not a moron who attends college that is $20,000 a year). When I'm older, I would rather pay to help ensure my children's success rather than give food stamps to a welfare mother who is far too moronic to refrain from having unprotected sex with sleazeballs she met in the club.

In my state there's a program for students who make good grades in high school. They get free tuition at state universities and colleges. If you lived in a state that had a program like that, your tax dollars would go to pay for your kid's tuition.

You say you live somewhere "between mexico and canada", annd refer to states. To ME, that implies the US! Well, many state colleges and universities at least HAD lower prices for state residents, but THEY have increased a LOT. TODAY, they are cutting back on EVERYTHING, including school infrastructure. So you really can't say what a stundents kids may be able to do.


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14 May 2009, 5:17 pm

Here’s my two cents:

I would like to see all biological fathers held accountable for their offspring whether the mothers want it or not. We have something called DNA testing. Unlike my younger days when guys used to shrug their shoulders and walk away. The fathers should be made to either pay or go to jail.

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14 May 2009, 5:22 pm

i would like to see more fathers being able to have physical custody of there children


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14 May 2009, 5:24 pm

Some of the fathers are already in jail(which is why they can't pay). The ones who aren't have to pay up or they get sued and some of them do end up in jail. They don't stay there for long because America imprisons more citizens than any other nation and we don't have the room.
I say find them all jobs and make them work at something. There's really no reason why they cannot work unless there isn't a job. Make them work forty hours a week doing something then give them their welfare check. I don't understand why the government doesn't utilize this workforce. They are already getting a check anyway.

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14 May 2009, 5:25 pm

Timeisdead.... At this point I am wondering why you have been hanging around the welfare lines in the first place? How is it that you know so much about "them"? As a former recipient of welfare funds, I would like to qualify my comments about "them" by pointing out that I have spent time with "them" and know that your generalizations are distoreted. I had to report to a case worker every three months so that they could "re-evaluate" my situation. I had to have forms filled out by my neighbors, teachers, school and my employer. YES! My employer!! It is a popular misconception that people who recieve welfare "do nothing". I was allowed a certain level of income before they began systematically removing benefits. This, however, is another issue entirely. My point is that for each of these visits to the welfare office (a total of at least four per year) I had to wait on average 2 to 3 hours to see a caseworker. You hear and see a lot in that amount of time. I have seen everything from those who are hard working and honest to those who are clearly attempting to cheat the system. Of those who are generally hard working, I am here to tell you that it is my conclusion that many of them are suffering from mental illnesses, disabilities and the effects of having low intelligence and/or little or no education. The folks who are meth addicts and heroin addicts and the likes are far and few between. They are there, but they certainly do no make up the majority. In fact, these are generally the individuals that I have seen hauled out of the office by security because they have been denied benafits until they have complied with drug treatment. YES!! I said "drug treatment"! ! The welfare system actually has a system of checks and balances (in most states) that allows them to procure help for those who need it. Many times when you see an "addict" in the waiting area, if you listen... and I mean "really listen" rather than recoil in disgust.... you will often hear stories of remorse and regret. You will often hear someone who is truly degenerate giving positive advice to someone who is about to go down the wrong path!! I will not lie and so that there are no "low life scuzzy people" on the welfare lines, but it is a gross distortion of reality to lump all welfare recipients into this category.

I would like to mention a very controversial book written in the early 90's by a Harvard psycologist by the name of Hernstein. His book was called The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. It was generally felt that the book was a form of scientific discrimination and at the time I was right in there thinking the same thing. However, I was only 20 years old at this time, a welfare recipient and in school. I was concerned someone would think that I was not intelligent because I was receiving welfare at the time. The long and short of it is this. Hernstein had discovered in his research that overall intelligence was a very good predictor of socioeconomic status. He preformed statistical analysis and determined that the overwhelming majority of welfare recipients were actually in possession of low-average to very-low IQ's. It is believed that IQ is a highly heritable trait and for this reason Hernstein concluded that this could possibly explain "some" of the generational phenomenon associated with recieving welfare. I would like to mention that Hernstein did NOT say that ALL welfare recipients are in possesion of a low IQ. There were individuals with high IQ scores on the welfare lines. It was just the vast majority of recipients with overall low scores.

This said... perhaps there is a larger problem than drug use that is at the root of the welfare debate. It almost seems to me like welfare recipients may actually be a "disabled" group that should enjoy the same protections and services that other disabled groups receive. Afterall, drug and alcohol use are prevalent in the AS/HFA population, as well as the depressed and anxious community. It is a coping mechanism. A mask to hide symptoms of a larger problem.


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14 May 2009, 5:26 pm

As for Charity, etc... WHO KNOWS! I HATE that ALSO! As I see it, HERE is what you should do:

1. Provide for YOUR FAMILY.
2. Provide for YOUR COMMUNITY.
3. Provide for YOUR SOCIETY.
5. Provide for CHARITIES that are local or truly universal that have a CHANCE, Like American Diabetes Association.
6. Etc...

The LAST thing is to provide for someone in another country that may die of the simplest thing, or even end up trying to kill you, etc.....


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14 May 2009, 5:31 pm

BTW there are plenty of two parent families who recieve benefits from the government. They get food stamps, sometimes even medicaid. They can qualify for section 8 housing if their income is low enough which means the government pays some of their housing expenses. They can qualify for free vouchers and buy a car with them where I'm from.
They can also qualify for programs that lower the monthly cost of certain utilities.
There's lots of benefits for both men and women with children here. There's also benefits for men and women without children who don't make a lot of money and need affordable housing. In the US, it's against the law to discriminate based on gender.

It's not just about unwed mothers anymore.

Try doing some research and see who, exactly, is getting the most welfare before pointing the finger at welfare moms specifically. You may be surprised at just who is getting your tax dollars.

Last edited by ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo on 14 May 2009, 5:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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14 May 2009, 5:32 pm

oh i thought this topic was about charity at home. "with much that has been given, much is expected" sounds about right to me. our country is rich and we should do all we can to help out 3rd world nations


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14 May 2009, 5:36 pm

Coadunate wrote:
Here’s my two cents:

I would like to see all biological fathers held accountable for their offspring whether the mothers want it or not. We have something called DNA testing. Unlike my younger days when guys used to shrug their shoulders and walk away. The fathers should be made to either pay or go to jail.

This happens.... They force you to name a father. If you do not, you will lose your benefits.

The problem is that the father may not have any money either.


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14 May 2009, 5:41 pm

Like everything else, people strive harder and harder for less and less. In the 1940's and early 50's, the G.I. Bill actually paid the costs of a veteran's college education. Now days, it barely covers the costs of tuition. The same goes for welfare. If I were to go on Social "Security" disability, I would make less than a $1000 per month, and this does not include the costs of health insurance (Medicare). People who work hard their entire life will find that Social "Security" retirement payments will keep them below the poverty level if that is the only source of the retirees' money. The government has looted the retirement fund of Americans and is satisfied leaving them destitute.

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14 May 2009, 5:43 pm

and not that i want to brag or anything, but i donate several times over to several places. including to this guy who i met while i was homeless in fresno. hes a vet, and well was an intrresting fellow to talk to. i really think war is not only a sham, is used to keep countries afloat both ecnomically and socially. (think the war on terror)