Spokane_Girl wrote:
However I love it how child rapists get beaten in prison by inmates. I know lot of people think they should be shot but I think they should not be and let them suffer in prison. Killing them would free them from the misery.
so if somebody was wrongly accused of rape/molestation and as a result was beaten in prison, would you still "love" it? Surely these people are sick and need to be segregated from society but we shouldn't let other convicts mete out their own sick brand of "justice" (really vengeance). I'd feel better about government sanctioned beatings/torture in the public square. Like back in the good old days. I'm against that as well but at least it would force the population to take some responsibility for their justice system, by viewing the results.
I'm fascinated by prisons in films, and what they represent to the characters. Not so much in real life. They're interesting but so are lots of things...