AnAutisticMind wrote:
in all my research, i have found one outstanding symptoms list which covers everything...i will slowly go over this as we discuss it.....i will go through 2 symptoms per day until this is done
Social characteristics of asperger's disorder:
1-difficulty in accepting criticism or correction, this symptom is usually mild to my youth this was so very true, i would not like you very much if you criticized me, as i got older, it regressed
2- difficulty in offering correction or criticism without appearing harsh, pendantic, or insensitive...this symptom is usually moderate to severe...............again in my youth, i was terrible at directing criticism, trying to make people seem foolish or stupid on purpose.again, as i got older, i learned the fine touch of giving constructive, diplomatic criticism
more tommorow
thanks yall for responding.................please note that not everyone obviously will have these symptoms, some have more, less, or none........remember autism is a syndrome, hundreds of symptoms that affect everyone in a different degree or not at all..
social symptoms of asperger'd disorder continued
3-pouting, ruminating, fixating on bad experiences with people or events for an INORDINATE length of time........this symptom is moderate to severe.....................omg, lol............until i was about 35 yrs old i had a big chip on my shoulder, lol....i could never let go, or forgive anyone who had injured me in any way, or injured my family.....i would keep the fire alive and even resort to petty and vindictive acts to nurture and keep me boiling, lol....THANKFULLY, one day in revelation, i broke down into tears and prayed to god, and i asked that everyone forgive me for my actions and i forgave everyone who had harmed me......let me tell you, such a weight was lifted off me and a crushing burden disappeared..................hatred is an awful thing, forgiveness is soooo sweet and infectious.....don't be a dummie like me and wait until you are 35 frikin yrs old, rofl
4-abrupt and STRONG expressions of likes and dislikes......mild to moderate symptom...........this is me all the way................i either REALLY LIKE something or someone.......or i REALLY DISLIKE something or someone.......not many in betweens....i am still like that though i try to tame the dislikes, lol
keep it rolling
Some of your greatest accompolishments are the direct results of your greatest failures. Some of your greatest failures are the direct results of your greatest accompolishments.......AnAutisticMind