TLPG wrote:
Lastcrazyhorn, the profile is rubbish. But Beau is wrong as well - he's actually in New Hampshire. But is that true about the cops, Beau? Where did you hear it?
I can also confirm that Best has basically said, if he can't cure his son, he'll put him in an instutition. And he claims to love his son? Yeah right!
And I think I read somewhere that there was something wrong with the DMSA? Or was it the DMPS?
Am have known about John Best for a long time via mainly AFF but no idea how he really treats his child or how he really sees them,if he is as horrible as he acts online,his child would be better off with people who are specially trained and able to cope with him,he shouldn't be left with someone who continues to hate every bit of life of him.
Own parents were similar in that they continued to attempt to get am put away from an early age as they couldn't cope with am, am hope that unlike them,John is not saying how unwanted and bad his son is in front of him.
Institution-if he is going to be moved anywhere,an actual institution isn't a good start for autists,too many people,sensory onslaughts and too pro medical model [although that is what pro curists want],as an ex resident of a secure modern institution it wasn't as bad as what people had to go through years ago,but they are still places that cater for a lot of people,a home with less people and enough staff needed is better for autists.
John might not want his son as he is,but has he thought whether his son would want him either? just a thought.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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