I'm not aspergers and scored 27, I noticed I got the first 5 wrong as well as some others randomly scattered, so I think it takes time to get the gist of what is expected, which is the way most things are worked out, for example just looking at the eyes without seeing the whole face is difficult to work out alone, it is usually the whole face and body which is taken into account when deciding how someone is feeling, also old black and white photos without much line definition is difficult to interpret emotions from. I'd also like to add that the way I read faces is natural and I don't even know I'm doing it, but if i were to stop and focus on someones expressions, I would probably miss the point of the conversation and not respond properley because I was too zoned into reading their expressions instead of stepping back and absorbing everything, which is what I would naturally do. It's difficult to see the whole picture (of peoples emotions) when things are broken into little pieces and I really don't think interpreting subtle differences in a black and white photo of just the eyes are helpful, I worked most of them out through the process of elimination and looking at the angles, i'm currently researching ways in which to help my daughter to function socially and stumbled upon this test, but i think i will build our expression work on whole body, clear, colour images. The way I can tell my daughter doesn't understand facial expression or body language correctly, is because she does 'it' so badly, she will act hostile and with disdain when I know she wants to be friendly, she just gets it so mixed up. I know a lot of her social learning was acquired when she was about 6 and she still seems to act in the animated style of her 6 year old peers.