Why are so many Aspies on here getting disablility income?

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09 Sep 2008, 10:49 pm

lionesss wrote:
aspiartist wrote:
lionesss wrote:
Callista wrote:
lionesss wrote:
Excuse me? No. I'm trying to show that this guy obviously enjoys causing trouble and this is not the only place where he is doing it. Maybe just seeing that would be enough to not even say anything to him, its a waste of time... he obviously enjoys pissing people off. And really I am surprised this thread is still even around.
It's just that the responses are interesting and well thought out; the original post kind of falls by the wayside, and we have a good discussion of why some Aspies aren't employed. Lots of good information here, not a lot of flaming.

Yes, WHEN he isn't in the picture throwing around his dirt.

Back away lionesss, unless you have a real purpose here.

Wow so sorry I pissed you off, whatever!

Rather unnecessary... the conversation evolved, but responses still come up from the original post. Either we get used to it, or split off the thread into two parts. Relax.


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09 Sep 2008, 11:24 pm

ProtossX wrote:
Heres a hint GO take a shower then drive or have someone drive you to a McDonalds that has Now hiring sign, ask to meet with a manager an fill out an application and tell him to call you THATS IT then walk right out the door fill out the sheet an send it in I guarantee you will be hired especially some of you aspies in college saying you can't handle a job envioronment BUT U CAN HANDLE A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT?

Blaaaaaaaah. I have worked at Macdonalds. I have had more jobs than you, I bet. ProToss X you cannot assume that everyone who has Asperger's is on disability. In fact it is really difficult to get disability for something like Asperger's. LFA yes, Asperger's no, because Asperger's is thought of as higher functioning and guess what? The higher the functioning the less likely the SSDI. I have read plenty of posts by people with Asperger's who have jobs. I suspect, although I don't want to piss anyone off, that many of the people who say they have Asperger's and are on SSDI actually have PDD-NoS or LFA, perhaps even HFA.
ProToss X you should be more concerned about the lack of opportunity than the few who are on SSDI.


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09 Sep 2008, 11:43 pm

Well at the moment I am unable to work as I think some part of AS just makes it feel totaly unnatural, It feels scarey, but I am at uni trying to get myself to be atleast more confident.

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10 Sep 2008, 12:12 am

ProtossX wrote:
Folks im sorry if I came off as offensive...

"IF"?! ! :evil:

Kid, your posts ARE offensive - no "Ifs" about it. That you won't even admit your own offensiveness without a subjunctive clause implies that you do not regret your actions. Saying "I'm Sorry" just isn't enough. Adding a bunch of excuses doesn't cut it, either. Some of the people you've offended have taken it very personally. This is the correct form:
  1. State what you did ("I offended a lot of people here").
  2. Declare that what you did was wrong ; not "seemed to be", not "might have been", not "Someone could have interpreted what I said as offensive", but "What I did was wrong".
  3. Declare your sorrow ("I am sorry THAT I was offensive").
  4. Ask to be forgiven.
  5. Offer restitution.
This is how a genuine and sincere apology is done. If you can't do it this way, then there is no reason for the rest of us to believe that you are sorry.

Go ahead ... let's see if you can do it right.

End Of Rant.


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10 Sep 2008, 12:42 am

Finding work is easy, it's that damned interview you gotta perform for the interviewer or manager to impress them with the "first impressions count" BS. To me, getting an interview is the challenge, some of the time I wonder why I don't get asked for an interview. Last interview I went for I think I was late because where I live some of the people were like "oh, but it won't take long!" I was late and I think THIS was the deciding factor :evil:


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10 Sep 2008, 2:47 am

lionesss wrote:
anbuend wrote:
spudnik wrote:
CockneyRebel wrote:
He needs to find himself a hobby.

Unfortunately this is his hobby, he's at his happiest doing what he's doing, I have know idea why his ass hasn't been shagged.

I have trouble believing a person could get anything other than the shallowest of forms of happiness, from deliberately messing with people.

Unfortunately this is what he enjoys doing for whatever reason. Google his user name, you are going to find all kinds of interesting things.. I can promise you that.

Oh I believe he does it, I just have trouble believing that's the happiest someone can get.

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10 Sep 2008, 5:09 am

ProtossX wrote:
I've seen mentally ret*d people doing ticket booth's in movie theatres and serving/cleaning things and doing basic task's

Why is that so many aspies on here are on disability income and don't work at all?

I'm not talkin about the people who are getting some on the side im talkin about the ppl just using disability for there income when they know they can work as much as someone who is mentally challenged or what have you being asperger or autism is realy no excuse for not working if you take look at what other people with even more problems are able to do, what makes them entitled to welfare?

I'm on DLA but I also work. You can still claim DLA and work at the same time. The DLA is there to help with other things that I need help with, I use it to help me when I'm out and about by paying for my phone which gives me a sense of security (without it I'd be that bad with agrophobia that I wouldn't leave the house).

In addition to this I've been through so many jobs in the past mainly due to my Asperger's that it is quite hard for someone with Asperger's to keep a job as a lot of employers understand some mental conditions but the majority just don't understand the problems faced with Asperger's.

One major problem I have is time keeping, due to also having ADHD along with Asperger's, and it is really hard to find employers that are willing to allow reasonable adjustments on that one under the DDA as most employers treat it as just being really bad that someone can't turn up on time. Most places I work I end up starting 5-10 minutes late and usually finish about 30-40 minutes late. My judgement of time is so poor and I've tried numerous ways around it and just can't get round it.

In addition to this I'm a very easy target for bullying. In my last job I ended up resigning as one of the people I worked with claimed I'd took a letter that was addressed to him and told the entire office what it contained. The works investigated it and could only find one witness (his best friend) to this (despite there being 15 people in the office at the time, the office didn't have any CCTV on it which was a shame). The actual truth of what happened was that he snatched the letter off me and began reading it, and then started asking me about what the leaflets are we send out as he'd seen loads at home (we'd made a mistake and posted too many of these leaflets out, I told him this and then he goes and makes up all this rubbish that I walked around the room telling everyone what was in the letter). Prior to this this lad had also been driving erratically behind me when leaving the premises to intimidate me. I ended up getting the union involved and I decided screw it it's not worth going through all the hassle of getting done for something I didn't do then appealling against the decision with a firm that was so rubbish to work for anyway and so cheapskate that they couldn't afford a CCTV camera to protect their employees, and allow someone who already had previously been done for bullying numerous other members of staff to come up with such rubbish. In addition to this whilst they were investigating the incident they suspended me but left him working in the firm, apparently it was so I couldn't interfere with it - so how did they know he wasn't going to interfere with it.


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10 Sep 2008, 6:04 am

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Let's all become street musicians and sing 10,000 Maniax songs:)

Don't make fun of street musicians. I sometimes play at these things called "Saturday markets" here, and have made up to $120 in one day from tips. =b Definately a good way to add some cash to your wallet on weekends.

I currently am unemployed but I work at the universities bookstore at the start of every semester, and I also have a scolarship which covers almost my entire tuition. The money I earn at the start of every semester, during the summer, on weekends, and from the big checks the state gives us every october (this year we get a huge one, $3269, and early too), easily pays my expenses.

I can understand why some people need disability pay. I can barely stand school alone, It's very mentally and physically taxing on me.


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10 Sep 2008, 7:37 am

ProtossX wrote:
Why is that so many aspies on here are on disability income and don't work at all?

I'm not talkin about the people who are getting some on the side im talkin about the ppl just using disability for there income when they know they can work as much as someone who is mentally challenged or what have you being asperger or autism is realy no excuse for not working if you take look at what other people with even more problems are able to do, what makes them entitled to welfare?

I don't see "so many". I see a few here and there.
I am not on disability, yet. I will be trying to get on it once my mom straightens out some problems. (IE, I'm not currently able to see anyone, because I have no medical.)
The long (obvious) answer short: I'm disabled. I have social anxiety and severe depression, in addition to aspergers. My aspergers has been called "severe" as well, by my ex-shrink and doctors I've seen. Not that I agree with that, although I see a lot of people who seem to "have it better" than me.

I know its possibel because I have worked

Congratulations for being able to work. But your reality Image everyone else's reality. Your abilities Image everyone else's abilities.

Getting a job isn't something you're going to love to do PERIOD

Actually, I would like to. Maybe not love, but like? Yeah. It would make me feel better about myself if I could. But I can't, I know I can't, and so I will not stress out about it.

Heres a hint GO take a shower

I take one every other day, thank you. :roll:

then drive

I can't.

or have someone drive you

My family only has one car. And they use it so they can go to work. Furthermore, there are people out there who can't drive, and they have no one else to drive them.

to a McDonalds that has Now hiring sign,

I wouldn't be able to work at a McDonalds. Sensory issues, you know. The smell of grease and meat makes me litteraly sick. I don't have the muscles for manual labor. I can't cook. I can't have a counter job, because I cannot deal with the interaction with the costumers, I can't handle all the demands and orders (IE: I want this and this and this...). I can't handle money, because I'm pretty bad with math.

ask to meet with a manager

Wouldn't even make it that far. I would freeze up, or have a meltdown. Or both. Both is actually the most likely.

an fill out an application

Can't write when I'm having a meltdown or am frozen. Even if I could, chances are, they wouldn't be able to read my handwriting. I can't even read my own handwriting sometimes.

and tell him to call you THATS IT

Wouldn't be able to tell him (or her). Wouldn't be able to talk. I doubt very much that anyone would want to call me after seeing snot dribbling out of my nose while I cry uncontrolably. And even if they did (highly unlikely), guess what? They can call all they want, but no one will answer the phone. Because I can't handle talking on the phone, 98% of the time. That's IT.

then walk right out the door fill out the sheet an send it in

You mean "freeze up, get pulled out the door by your mom, and go home and sob your heart out because you feel pathetic"? :wink:

I guarantee you will be hired

Please, you make me laugh. :lol: You can throw out your "I can guarantee...", because in this aspie's case, it is so much bullsh**.

especially some of you aspies in college

I'm pretty sure those are the ones who are more likely to be employed, so you are wasting your breath with that one.

saying you can't handle a job envioronment BUT U CAN HANDLE A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT?

They are nowhere near the same thing.

seriously now come on the same basic rules apply in a classroom then in a work environment

Please, tell me what planet you are on. Maybe I'll join you there. But it can't possably be good ol' planet earth.

the same accommodation's can be made for both

...Definitly not earth...

so I don't buy all your complaints about unable to function in work environment but do fine in school

No one cares about what you do or do not "buy". Furthermore, this aspie did not do fine in school. This aspie, Belinda the Nobody, me; I dropped out. Of high school.

thats just lazyness

No, no, no. Your terrible grammer: that is being lazy. :lol: :roll:

Working is not some magical mystical thing

I never saw anyone ever say it was. But apparently, understanding the concept of disability is. At least for you.

If people just handed me free money all day who wouldn't take it?

People with morals?

you people are lazier then anything ive ever seen before

Oh, boy, you should get out more then. Here, come visit me at my house. I can show you some prime examples of lazziness. (and no, it is not me.) Furthermore, I have at times, have been lazy. Being lazy is nothing like being disabled.

and no you are not disabled like most of the people who i think should get it

The goverment would like to disagree. :wink:
Who are you to argue with the almighty GOVERMENT? </sarcasm>


Actually, I can't.

in ur own apartment pay bills

I live with my mom, her boyfriend, my dad, my brother, my half-sister, my mom's boyfriend's kid, a mutant-psycho cat, and a guinea pig. But I live in my own apartment?!? Well, that's news to me. I guess I can kick all these annoying people out then, huh? :lol: And I don't pay the bills. My mom, her boyfriend, and (sometimes) my dad do that. And they struggle to do it, all the time. That's the life of poor white trash for ya.

and feed yourself

My mom does most of the cooking. My mom/her boyfriend/my dad pay for and get the groceries. I can't even shop on my own.
Feed myself? Well, yeah, microwavables and snack food. That's basically it. Sometimes I can't even do that.

but you can't WORK?

If you have read this far, the answer should be very obvious. :wink:


Not yet. Getting there, though. I'll let you know when I am. :wink: Maybe in a few more years.


Well, that's news to me. I'll have to let my ex-shrink, my doctors, my family, my friends, my cat, my alter ego, ect, ect know that. :roll: And then maybe people would stop pitying me, and maybe they would stop going on and on about cures and autism being horrible.


I am not in your face, buddy. Unless maybe you are invisable? Doubt it though. Your profile says "USA, IL.". I live in massachusetts. Nowhere near your face. Which, to me, is a good thing. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near your face.

I Hope the government personally visits some of ur apartments

I can has visitors? :o Coolieo. But I told you, the apartment isn't mine.

an finds out how really able you are

Able? Of WHAT? Of writing angsty poetry? Of having meltdowns every day? Of saying mean, scary things to people I don't like? Of interacting with my cat decently? Of interacting with people very poorly? Of keeping my room a mess? Of wondering what the hell is for dinner tonight? Of wondering what the fu** to do when my best friend (my only real life friend) cries because she has depression even worst than mine? Of wondering why the world is so messed up when I watch shows like Maury and Jerry Springer? Of worrying what the hell to do with my life? Of worrying what I am going to do when my mom dies? Yeah, I'm able of all of that. Of getting a job? No, I am not able of that.

when you have to live on the street

How does "being able" equate to having to live on the street? :?

instead of gettin these free pay checks handed your way

When I get those "free" "pay checks"... how much of it do you think I will be able to use for myself? I'm going to have to help my mom pay the bills, and such. So will my brother, if/when he gets a job.

of course you can't handle working

Exactly! Of course! :D

when its not life or death

Even then, I can't handle it, buddy. Even then.

but u can go to school

Remember, I dropped out. To save my sanity, among many other reasons.

an spend spend spend on yourself

What money do I spend on myself? Oh, yeah, my birthday money. I spent 20$ on myself.... no, no, wait, I didn't. My friend got 10 of those dollars, because I share with her. She doesn't come from a rich family either, you see.
So I spent 10$ on myself. Oh, geeze! I'm such a horrible, horrible person! So selfish! :cry:

an who cares if u cant have a car

I don't. :thumright: Cars are pointless, because I can't drive.

or tons of money in ur bank

I don't care about that either. All I want is enough to get by in life, with maybe a creature comfort here and there. Like books and a pet. <- oh, and enough to feed a pet.

ur GETTIN money for doing absolutely nothing at all

Not yet...

an it just keeps funneling in an out so what does it matter

What does it matter? :? I'm afraid that, sir, you are not making much sense.

By the way, the whole guilt trip thing you tried to pull here? It didn't work on me. :D
Because, plainly, I don't give a f*** about you or what you think.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
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10 Sep 2008, 7:41 am

Atomsk wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Let's all become street musicians and sing 10,000 Maniax songs:)

Don't make fun of street musicians.

Are you kidding me? I can't believe you just assumed I was making fun of street musicians! That just shows you how disconnected I am to damn near everybody on the planet. I have been to gazillion + concerts have listened to a gazillion + hours of music and if I had the talent would be singing for a living every single night. I just don't think people would want to hear me sing:(

So, no. You quit assuming anything about me. You are wrong anyway.

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10 Sep 2008, 7:45 am

oh well..... poeples get upset about trolls, but continue to feed them.... is there someone getting what i'm trying to say here ?

Hello ? McFly ? :roll:


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10 Sep 2008, 7:56 am

coyote wrote:
oh well..... poeples get upset about trolls,

I'm not upset.

but continue to feed them....

I was feeding myself. I needed some laughs.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
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10 Sep 2008, 8:59 am

Belinda's post = Sarcasm WIN

Seriously, I laughed my head off, and I've just been crying because I can't find a way to get to college and will probably have to drop out... you may have saved my already-tattered sanity :P

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10 Sep 2008, 9:14 am

Oh dear god I’d have done shot myself or someone else before I could work at McDonalds. That’s not as easy a job as people assume.

I could clean up tables/mop/etc, but as far dealing with damned customers and/or in the kitchen. FGJHGH!


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10 Sep 2008, 10:20 am

Callista wrote:
Belinda's post = Sarcasm WIN

Seriously, I laughed my head off, and I've just been crying because I can't find a way to get to college and will probably have to drop out... you may have saved my already-tattered sanity :P

Aw, it was nothing. :oops: I was in a very snarky mood.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.

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10 Sep 2008, 10:37 am

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
My attention span is tremendously short.


In the middle of the lesson. 'Ohhhh, I can do that, I want to say someth-.... it's a bird! It's a bird outside! BIRD! BIRD!'

Got this exactly in school from a kid today hehe

ProtossX wrote:
Getting a job isn't something you're going to love to do PERIOD

You're not talking about what most in this topic are talking about.

You talk about liking or disliking jobs. Many here are talking about the ability or inability to do a job.

That's a very important differences, as preferences should not be equated to likes and dislikes to prevent anyone from insisting that an inability is just a dislike and opposition.

ProtossX wrote:
Heres a hint GO take a shower then drive or have someone drive you to a McDonalds that has Now hiring sign, ask to meet with a manager an fill out an application and tell him to call you THATS IT then walk right out the door fill out the sheet an send it in I guarantee you will be hired especially some of you aspies in college saying you can't handle a job envioronment BUT U CAN HANDLE A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT?

Did you A) consider special ed and B) have you considered that school and work are usually very different from each other?

If you flunk school 25% of the time because you cannot handle it, nobody minds. If you miss 1% of your work without being ill, you're fired.

If you're beaten, spewed upon, screamed at at school, nobody minds. If the same happens at your job, you're a disturbance to your company and you're fired.

If your grades are miserable, nobody minds and you're dragged through somehow. But your either do your job and do it well or you're fired.

My job has nothing to do with how my school went. I was on 6 different schools, different school forms and in different cities. Still, it was nothing alike to how my job goes.

If you can work - good for you. Try to keep it like that, stick to a good job. Doesn't mean it's easy, but do what you can do.

You're unique, as is everybody else!

But please don't expect anybody else to be like you.

Working at McDonalds would overload quite many non-autistic people, for example. They couldn't do that job. Yet other non-autistic people can.

Not because they're disabled or special or lazy, but because they cannot do it and do not fit that job. Which means that even if they tried hard, they'd perform horrible.

If somebody says they're disabled because they have AS, they're disabled. I and everybody must respect that. If you say you are not despite that you have AS, then I respect that too.

Autism + ADHD
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