My eyes used to be a dark sapphire blue as a baby/young kid.
Around the time I was 8, they changed to be more grayish. These days, they are a dark hybrid of bluish grayish greenish. They are banded in a way, that the outer rims are blue, the middle is gray, and the center is green-hazel.
And here's a closeup.
Social_Fantom wrote:
I can for the most part think without letting my emotions cloud my judgment but the are times when I rely on my heart to come to a decision and I know when to use it. It's for the matters of the heart. But any other time, there is no "gut feeling," just pure logic and deduction.
Same here.
As for ancestry? I'm 7 different things. German, Irish, Cherokee, French, English, Dutch, and Scottish. Not sure the percentage of the amount of European decent by country, but the Cherokee I know is at least 1/8th from my mom's side, and I have more from my dad's side (not sure of the amount).
As for other family members in the spectrum, my mom had an aunt who she thought was autistic, and I have a cousin who seems to be AS but her mom won't get it checked out. I mean, come on, the girl is struggling in school year after year, there's something that's not right.
Why females in my family seem to be the affected, I don't know. There is nobody within my immediate family I am born from who is affected though.
Trait-wise, I don't know if it's related, but I'm the overall recessive kid. I got the recessive toes (where the 2nd toe is shorter than my big toe), the recessive facial features (not my dad's ski-slope nose), I'm about 3 shades lighter than everyone else in my family because I take after my maternal grandfather. And everyone else in my immediate family (both my parents and my three sisters) all have brown hair and brown eyes. I get my blonde hair from the same grandpa, but the eyes I think are a mix between mostly the same german-dutch grandpa (who had blue-gray eyes) and my maternal grandmother (half cherokee half irish) who had green eyes.
The "suspected to be AS" cousin, she at the moment has blue-gray eyes, but I don't know if any of that is related, her dad has blue eyes, and her mom and half-brother have brown, although I have 2 NT (well, born NT, one got brain injury from a serious accident) brother-in-laws. One has green eyes and the other has bright blue eyes. The green-eyed one's kid, that niece's eyes are turning to hazel. The blue-eyed one, I have a niece and a nephew from. They both have his blue eyes, and they are 8 and 6. All three of these kids are NTs.
Now, I do have a birthdaughter who is on the spectrum with autism (not sure the extent of it right now, she's going to be 4 in december, but I do communicate with her family and have visits, phone calls, and we email pictures). Her birthfather/my boyfriend, I'm not so sure if he's completely NT, because he has some ocd and stuff, but doesn't necessarily seem aspie (I've been with this guy for 7 years). He has the most stunning green eyes, as most of his family (minus a few cousins, a grandparent, and his brother), all have these green eyes. The other aforementioned people in his family who do not have these green eyes have dark brown eyes. They are mostly german with some english and irish thrown in there. He does have a lot of recessive traits too, i.e. connected earlobes and such.