Hearing people talk like they have breathing/sinus problems makes me feel like i'm suffocating. My dad breathes through his mouth a lot and his particular sound makes me want to get up and punch him in the face. It's terrible.
Small talk, like hockey stats or prices of food at supermarkets. Depending on the voice speaking, similarily makes me violent.
Almost anything on TV or the radio. Loud commercials, sports announcers, talking really fast, phrases like "No money down", "save on car insurance" "12 goals in the off-season" makes me rage. Sports stats are like nails on a chakboard. the sound of nails on a chalkboard, however doesn't bother me, just the dust under the fingernails. Also, country music, or any music that feels "dirty" or reminds me of riding in a dusty truck. Which is what most country intentionally does.
Dry hands, walking barefoot on carpet, fleece, shag carpet
Touching velvet / seeing or hearing someone scratch velvet is CRIPPLING. If someone wanted to murder me all they would have to do is bring a gun and two guys with velvet pillows scratching them and I would be helpless, writhing in fetal agony on the floor.
Especially velvet under my fingernails or on my teeth, or anything fuzzy or grainy like dirt under my fingernails is absolute torture. Scratching rubber or plastic or skin helps it go away.
I love cold, smooth surfaces. Leather couches, glass, water, lotion. I like to submerge my feet in lotion or wear rubber gloves full of it. I also like cool weather (not cold) and "wet" sounding music. Movies with blue tones and smooth glass visual themes, like Minority Report. I hate anything hot and dry.
Riding in dusty trucks on dusty roads with fuzzy seats with the smell of spilled coffee and lit cigarettes is basically my asperger equivalent of waterboarding. I mostly fold my arms and stick my nose under my t-shirt and close my eyes until we reach the destination and I feel sick for the rest of the day. Unfortunately I grew up in the country where I had to go through a lot of that. A sterile car with NO smell (I also hate air fresheners) and leather seats is very nice, however. Can't afford leather seats and can't keep a car clean, but it's not so bad if it's me driving.
PS: Is it a coincidence that Google Ads on my is showing Vaseline for dry skin or are they that good at targeting you now?