Gingersnaps wrote:
I always freak people out, especially as a girl, when they find out I crush spiders and crockroaches with my bare fingers and my favorite job involved working alone with boas and snappping tutles. But I'm terrified of birds.
ZomZ!! Are you my twin?! lol I'm the designated bug squisher in my household and I've even posted in this thread about my issues with birds. I actually had an incident yesterday driving down the freeway. A small cluster of seagulls flew up and over my car just as I was driving. I still shudder thinking about it. Gross!! !
A.) You met your closest friends online, B.) You will probably never meet them in person, and C.) You prefer it that way. (One of my best driends for two years was a guy 15 years my senior whom I've never met in person.
You might have ADHD if:
You often tell people that you have "ADOK" as in "I have Attention Defficit...OOOO, Kitty!!"
You have trouble reading an entire page of a book without losing your place, but you know the lyrics to over 1,000 songs.