lol, I wish I could get a good GP-mine won't even take the time to do a UA if I say I think I have a kidney infection-he just throws meds at me and sends me on my way... I'd hate to bring this one to his attention!
I don't know how long it will last, but I have to do this application process thing, which will take 3 months to go through apparantly before I can get my son assessed. It's through a Center for Autism here in Missouri, and they "claim" that if he is approved, they will help with any special classes he needs, any parenting classes that may help me (which rocks if it's true 'cuz I'm pretty darn sure I'm AS too-causes much conflict between us, lol), etc. But even though they are sending me information and an application, I'm worried about the idea of having to get "approved" lol, and whether or not it will cover a small chunk or a big one of things, because I do want to be able to get myself straightened out and get him off to a good start with things so that he isn't as frustrated with things all the time as I am when he gets older (if that's possible-if not, at least just options of things to look into for us). We are both very hectic and very misunderstood, and it sucks hearing someone say they will help with stuff if it is found to be so, but having to wonder what will they actually do? Right now, with the figures they gave me to begin with before offering this application, asking that much for both of us to be assessed is essentially asking me to hand over my rent money and bill money.