How Anti-Vaxxers Shame Autistic Kids.

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01 Aug 2019, 11:25 am

SaveFerris and Ezra both have a great sense of humor.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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01 Aug 2019, 11:39 am

League_Girl wrote:
SaveFerris and Ezra both have a great sense of humor.

Hallelujah for them both :!:

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01 Aug 2019, 12:21 pm

I don't think these anti-vaxxers are even thinking about child deaths caused by not having the vaccines. They're too hung up on the fears of having to bring up a child with autism.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand WHY people don't want their child to have autism. I wouldn't want my child to have autism, or intellectual disabilities or anything that will delay his or her development and make them stand out among their peers. Both myself and my brother are on the spectrum (well, not sure about him but he still has problems) and our problems have always caused stress for my mum, the type of stress that's unique from parents with neurotypical kids. I was the child from hell to raise (I had ADHD as well as ASD), and although my brother was good as a child, he is causing extreme worry for my mother as an adult. While all his peers seem to have jobs and relationships and independence, my brother is unemployed, living off his parents, hasn't had a girlfriend since he was a teenager, and seems to have mentally given up on life even though he's only 30. Compared to my mum's neurotypical nieces and nephews, he is way behind and seems to be sinking lower, even though my mum did a good job bringing him up.

BUT before anyone jumps down my throat, I do NOT agree with not vaccinating your child against diseases. If I had a baby, I'd get it vaccinated without hesitating, rather than letting it go vulnerable to disease and death. I'd rather not have a child on the spectrum but I wouldn't want my baby to die either.



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01 Aug 2019, 3:38 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I don't think these anti-vaxxers are even thinking about child deaths caused by not having the vaccines. They're too hung up on the fears of having to bring up a child with autism...
Bingo! Ableism in action is what they're all about. If they didn't want to take care of their kids no matter what their condition may be, they they should've not had any kids in the first place!

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01 Aug 2019, 3:42 pm

Fnord wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
I don't think these anti-vaxxers are even thinking about child deaths caused by not having the vaccines. They're too hung up on the fears of having to bring up a child with autism...
Bingo! Ableism in action is what they're all about. If they didn't want to take care of their kids no matter what their condition may be, they they should've not had any kids in the first place!

I don't know if someone who can't understand vaccines and/or child care could grasp birth control either...that would seem to be a bit too advanced a concept.


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01 Aug 2019, 3:56 pm

timf wrote:
It is interesting to see how some subjects can generate intense emotional outrage and yet at the same time have such poorly defined terms and understanding.

1. Classic Autism was used to describe those (particularly children) whose severe brain damage or malformation resulted in early death. Such malformation would be verified by autopsy. To define Aspergers in the same category (spectrum) can legitimately be questioned. It is my view that Aspergers is a neurological variation and not the same as brain damage, or being "disordered".

2. While there is some benefit from vaccinations, there are legitimate concerns and risks. The polarized views that it is all good or all bad tends to shut the door on truth that could be useful for parents. Shouting either view more loudly is of no help either.

Some areas of concern I have as a parent after doing some research on risks is that I prefer not to have a child under 3 vaccinated. I also prefer single dose administration. One of the risks I see is the potential for a side effect of brain inflammation and swelling. This can (if severe enough) result in brain damage.

One has to remember that doctors are no longer professionals (free to make and follow a "profession" - declaration of ethical standard) They have become employees of corporations and are bound to follow the instructions of their employers. This means that each person and parent needs to do more research on their own than to rely solely on a corporate agent.

Vaccination provide more than "some benefit"; it provide MAJOR benefits. In 19th century children were still dying in massive numbers; only half of born babies could hope to reach 18 years of age.

On the risk of brain inflammation: if in the unlikely event your child get a brain inflammation; then how worse it would have been if it has been a dangerous disease?

jngyslate wrote:
firemonkey wrote:
jngyslate wrote:
firemonkey wrote:
jngyslate wrote:
Amity wrote:
I wonder if it comes from a shame of giving birth to a neurologically different child... and a conspiracy theory is better than anything that could change the narrative about the perfect lineage...

Anti vaxxers are not the only people that fear autism in their children or see it as a bad thing, though. That is people from across the board. There are actually some autistic people that see certain bits of their autism as being a bad thing. I think the world on the whole is just vastly uneducated about autism. I mentioned this in a different topic that I made on this board, where I talked about how tons of popular autism websites all claimed that "autistic people have one or two 'special' things that they are good at". That's the biggest bunch of baloney that I've ever heard. People can not make an educated decision on a matter when mostly all that they hear about the subject is wrong information.

And what makes you think you're a better judge of what's right or wrong information about autism ? Apart from arrogance that is . There's a difference between seeing being autistic as having plus and minus points , and wanting to risk killing your child because of that. That's irrational . Whereas accepting autistic people can have problems , and respecting them as people despite that is not. If your child is autistic help and support it . Don't risk killing a child because you don't want it to be autistic.

I dont know why you're asking me this? I dont want to kill any children. Ive already stated how I feel about the topic creators opinions.

Yet you're still willing to give a degree of support to the anti vaxx position . A position that increases the risk of a child being killed.

Sorry If I wasnt clear about this point earlier in this topic. I do not support not vaccinating your children. I believe that vaccines could have numerous side effects though, and that they could cause autism.

They found some surprising side effects from the old BCG vaccine; like potential prevention of type 1 diabetes and maybe some other auto-immune diseases: some beneficial side-effects.

Down with speculators!! !


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01 Aug 2019, 3:58 pm

timf wrote:
It is interesting to see how some subjects can generate intense emotional outrage and yet at the same time have such poorly defined terms and understanding.

1. Classic Autism was used to describe those (particularly children) whose severe brain damage or malformation resulted in early death. Such malformation would be verified by autopsy. To define Aspergers in the same category (spectrum) can legitimately be questioned. It is my view that Aspergers is a neurological variation and not the same as brain damage, or being "disordered".

2. While there is some benefit from vaccinations, there are legitimate concerns and risks. The polarized views that it is all good or all bad tends to shut the door on truth that could be useful for parents. Shouting either view more loudly is of no help either.

Some areas of concern I have as a parent after doing some research on risks is that I prefer not to have a child under 3 vaccinated. I also prefer single dose administration. One of the risks I see is the potential for a side effect of brain inflammation and swelling. This can (if severe enough) result in brain damage.

One has to remember that doctors are no longer professionals (free to make and follow a "profession" - declaration of ethical standard) They have become employees of corporations and are bound to follow the instructions of their employers. This means that each person and parent needs to do more research on their own than to rely solely on a corporate agent.

No. The longer your child is unvaccinated, the higher the likelihood that the child themselves get very sick (or possibility die) or TRANSMIT the disease to someone who cannot be vaccined, due to cancer, for example. This has been the case multiple times, immunocompromised children dying because of other parents' ignorant decision.

Listen to medical professionals, not quacks on the internet, folks.

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01 Aug 2019, 4:13 pm

I remember having the BCG injection, but back then I feared injections because I kept thinking I was going to turn severely autistic - that was due to all the hype about vaccines and autism at the time. In 1999 or 2000 there was some meningitis vaccine that all the kids at my school had to have, but on the night before the vaccine day, the school nurse phoned my mum and told her not to let me have the vaccine, as it could "make my Asperger's worse". To this day I do not know where she got that from, but it triggered off a fear of vaccines for me.



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01 Aug 2019, 4:23 pm

I remember being more physically and emotionally traumatized when the family dog attacked me and bit me in the face than from any injected vaccine. Why aren't the anti-vaxxers also fighting against families with children owning dangerous pets?

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