Well this is priceless , class and accent . This explains some of the aweful things , i have lived through. Yes i have been told i talk with some sort of accent . Born and raised a yank , was privately schooled . Have found my vocabulary to be ,what appears to me as exceptional. And others apparently,thought so too . Am quite sure have been mistaken for being snooty . Just by opening my mouth.
Am suppose to have a high i.q. , but am only seeing differences in thought process . And periodically style .striving to fit in have an entire wardrobe of un-snooty lower class appearing clothing .
Its like wearing societal camoflauge . Also have midwestern ozark accent that turns on depending on situation. Find myself mimicking accents quite abit ..So says the pet cats , i have grown up with too.
LOOOLs when i am talking , i use what i think words are most apropriate . And not readily able to dumb down my diction , This has not served me well, Am speaking with high level professionals , whom do not have available vocabulary . That i normally use. Possibly causing predjudice against me by people in power. But inspite of it all will always be appreciating of my early formal schooling.
to all
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are