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05 Jun 2009, 8:21 pm

glider18 wrote:
Our summer break/vacation began last Friday---and I made a post about all the things that I want to do in these three months off from work. Friday was a prosperous day. I hired a lawn worker to weed eat and clean up around the pool---about a 5-hour job---it is a big lawn with a lot of trees, etc. While he was working on the yard, I cleaned up on two of the rooms of the house and a hallway. Then in the evening, I mowed the lawn. That got done. So now the lawn is around 95% in shape. And there are more rooms to clean in the house---but I'll get it---and my wife is helping too. We (family) took some sacks of clothing to the Salvation Army---so that marks a continued effort to clear out clothing we no longer wear. Yesterday and today I feel pretty tired (I am allergic to the pollen in the air right now). Last night, I took my wife to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant in town---and we had a lot of laughs thinking of funny things. Today (Sunday) was church. I decided to play the piano rather than the organ for the prelude. I did a church hymn set in a very jazzy style. I didn't know how it would go over, but people were keeping the beat along with me, and when it was over everyone applauded---and I felt awkward as usual. I did what my therapist said to do---look at everyone, smile, and say "Thank you." That's all he said to do---no need to do anything else. I can tolerate that---but it's still awkward. Even though I am still tired, I am glad progress is being made. Tomorrow, I want to continue on with the list.

Well, the approach is a little different now for these things that need to be done. In the past I have gotten frustrated, but now I have tried to apply an approach that seems to fit my AS-being. I am taking it slowly, but steadily. When I feel frustration, I focus on something else, then return to the original task, or some other task. Eventually things will get done. So now, rather than feeling overwhelmed and helpless with the multitude of tasks, I feel good. By adjusting the chores to meet my AS, I have a more positive feeling. And a lot got accomplished out of what was not over-exhaustive work.

Here is the way I am trying to view it now. In the hallway was a huge pile of my sons' schoolpapers and other stuff. It looked overwhelming. But, I told myself, "Just take a few papers and file them away and leave the rest." I did that, and noticed...the pile is smaller now...not so intimidating...I guess I could remove a few more papers from it later. I did. And before I knew it...the pile was gone. I took "babysteps" to get there with the pile of papers. I set the goal at just taking away a few, but ended up getting it all. It would have been ok to have stopped at a few---because that would have been progress. But that is how I need to approach all the chores. I must not try to tackle everything about a task at once, but rather small amounts. Then, as time goes by, it won't look so "huge." Eventually, it will get done. So...whatever it is that bothers us, maybe we should view it in a manner of making little improvements and not think that it has to all be solved at once. Things take time. And I truly believe the task of getting the house in the shape that we want it might take all summer. But, each little thing that gets done is one step closer to the goal.

This post made me smile. :D I have times like this too, and I always feel good during them because I feel like I'm getting things accomplished.

Into the dark...


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06 Jun 2009, 1:06 am

Autism. If there's something I wouldn't want to forfeit to the world, it would be Autism. I used to be the type to dwell in the negative aspects of Autism, but then one day I found Wrong Planet and the many members that make this site. I glad I have Autism; otherwise I would be with conformity (sucks to be a conformist right now), and we know how bland that type of life can bring. I wouldn't have my unique mindset, gifts, personality, imagination, and other things I can't think of now.

Well here's how Autism helped me:


Writing: my main gift Autism gave me. I write stories in a cartoony-anime like voice (using otomonopoeias and writing to get that feeling you enjoy when you watch cartoons and anime) I think of my stories and make them have elements of anime. Also like to think outside the box beside having elements of anime. Like for instance if I created a fantasy novel I would set it in 19th century America and make an African-American the protagonist. I thought about the layout of a story once where it took place in the Old West, and the main character and his partner, a shapeshifting Native American girl, would travel as mercenaries. Later on in the story they would meet up with the girls twin sister and her partner and develop a rivalry, but then all that's been delayed when an evil threatens the West, so the sisters, the main character, and a group of friends, shapeshifting or human, have to stop it. The evil wants the West back to the old ways where the Native Americans ruled it, or something like that. That's what I mean by thinking outside the box for my stories; they have esoteric elements few novels contain, so they're very unique. 8)

Vivid imagination: I sure had it since I was little. I started making up Pokemon when I was six and even made up a set of Pokemon with the colors based on Link's three colors of his tunic on Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX on Game Boy Pocket (Kind of like the Eevee evolution, but all three were separate Pokemon; they don't evolve to the other one, and they were three different types.) Later on I invented my own world with a race of people. The main character was called Jestermon (based it off of Digimon), and he had five sisters who are older than him and wore different attire. Set in a part-Japanese, part-Medieval society, they would have adventures throughout the world and find treasure and other things. So in other words, a G rated anime world. I also based a world off of the Disney movie Mulan where a Mewtwo like creature nurtured a group of kids and they would fight evil while in a two eleven-minute episodes format. Aah, good times. :lol:

Academic Studies: yes, we all know this can help, but to me, an academic study is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and this is one of the gifts Autism brings.

Different mindset: I think things logically, but I also think of anime most of the time. What most people tend to find fun, I don't and vice versa. I also see things differently than most people, and I don't deal with conformity no matter how many people say I should.

Mythology: So I love Mythology. What makes me any different than the other person. Well, I look for the esoteric in all mythology. For instance, many people know Odin, Thor, and Loki from Norse Mythology, but how many people know Idun, Skuld, Verdandi, or Urd? Even if you watch Ah! My Goddess, you most likely won't know that Skuld, Verdandi, and Urd are goddesses of time, and Idun is the goddess who holds the apples of immortality if not the goddess of eternal youth.

Esoteric: I look for the esoteric instead of searching for the mainstream. Like for games I play Go, and for ancient history I look for the Celts and Hittite, especially the Hittites during thier golden age. Esoteric makes you unique, and many people might think you're weird for it, but there are more benefits for being esoteric than dealing with conformity. It what makes us unique.


Lilith, Ancient history (especially the Hittites and Celts), anime, writing, mythology (Norse, Celtic, African) Leviathan and Behemoth (funny though, most people like Psalms or a gospel from the Bible the best, but I like Job 40:15-Job 41.), Megaman series (excluding Battle Network and Starforce. Yuck! Hate alternate realities), and all the Yu-gi-Oh! series from the original to 5d's.

And right now I'm writing a novel about a group of elementalists fighting to save their city from the principal of the elementalist school and a serial killer (kinda scary thinking about the serial killer) and a gang of school children (though the gang really didn't intend to be bad form the start; they're just misunderstood by the people in the city.) Then they save their country and finally the world, and that's when forty years pass and a new group of adventurers fight a being named Sin (not based off of FF X), who in reality represents sin in the real world. Then in the next book a robot that has free will fights against the creator and loses (actually, the creator puts her in sleep mode.) The creator sees such corruption in the world that she wipes out everything except the robot (she buries her) by flooding the earth (like Noah's flood) and starts all over, creating the world as the ancient people (Greeks, Egyptians, Babylonians, etc.) know it (without the monsters that is.) Ironically, the world I'm creating is actually Earth, and everything that's in prehistory is actually from their world, and the diamonds we wear now are souls from a group of people someone genocided. The people back then used them as a way to use the elements. In the last book archaeologist find the robot, now dismembered, and they fix her back to normal. It's the year 25xx A.D., and the people now use the diamonds for battle purposes. The robot's has to fight an evil dictator, and after he's defeated, the robot knows why the creator put her into sleep mode and her purpose. Six books, one saga.

I wrote two poems about Autism if you want to look: The Proud Autistic and Variation of the Human Spectrum.

Well, I hope you see that I view my Autism as a gift rather than a burden. It'll help me in life as it'll help you. Without it, I wouldn't be who I am today. God made us for a purpose, and I thank God he did so the world could be in check. Be yourself, I would say, and they will accep you for who you are. I wouldn't have it anyother way Thank you for your time, and thank you all for sharing your gifts; they've inspired me even more to make the world a better place. :)

Last edited by Batz on 06 Jun 2009, 5:04 pm, edited 6 times in total.


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06 Jun 2009, 11:33 am

It's really nice to see a thread about Autism as a gift for a change. All too often on this sight I see NT bashings, negative aspects of Autsim, and us showing our rage against the public and Autism Speaks for not knowing any better, but Autism Speaks does know better, but I'm trying to make a point here. So much negativity in this world. Thank you glider18 for giving us this wonderful thread for encouragement and for us to post our gifts. I now see autistic people have as many gifts as NTs. Thank you.

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06 Jun 2009, 10:20 pm

Hi Sunshower---I'm glad my post made you smile. I always appreciate your posts---they mean a lot to me.

Hi Batz---thank you for posting on this forum. It is really important to me to see that other autistic people appreciate their gifts and interests too. You understand my purpose---to see the positives rather than dwell on the negatives. You have a lot of great interests. I am writing a novel too---a sci-fi horror story that is using a lot of my interests. I can clearly see you view your autism as a gift---that's how I view my autism as well. I tried to get your poems to open, but they wouldn't open. I would love to read them. I enjoy writing poetry too. Your writing sounds incredibly interesting. Please keep in touch.

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06 Jun 2009, 10:26 pm

From the wonderful recent posts, it's time to add to the list of those of you who see your gifts in autism. I look forward to hearing from more of you. Thank you so much.

Danielismyname (your poetry is a gift whether you think so or not)
Sora (I think you have described autistic gifts in your life whether you realize it or not)
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo (in finding something positive about social aloofness)
Lita101 (I added your name because you stated that you want to find the good things in autism---that is positive)

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08 Jun 2009, 12:01 am

So you couldn't get to my poems? No biggie. I'll post them on here. Hope you enjoy them. Might sound negative in the beginning because I used my life experiences in them, but they do get better as they progress.

The Proud Autistic

A curse
A contaminant
That’s what I have;
That’s what I possess
To the world;
To you, Gaea
My mind can clearly construct
Yet my tongue speaks jumble
When I converse with someone
Or when I’m listening to loud noises
I go blank;
I have meltdowns
“Pull up your socks,” they will say
“Let’s play Cowboys.”
And I pull up my socks
Or sit in the corner
And they look at me strange
Or bear little attention to me
I joke at a formal party
Joke at work
The host scolds me
Or the boss fires me
Would this world acknowledge my condition
Would it accept me for who I am
Must I wander in agony around you Gaea
Or tread along the path of Hel
Forget me
And forget you
For you mislead yourself like a June bug;
You walk like a hind-legged boar in the water
You shroud my kind with your cloak
And you spoon-feed me with castor oil
What goddess are you
The Lord knows you
Who presses favorites with your children
Or scorches us who fail in your delight
You bear hatred on us Cyclops;
You view us as freaks
Over the Titans
Or at least the gods
Yet you don’t know
(Or do you?)
The power we have
The gifts we possess
We’re creative
Look at our art
View our contributions
Stephen Spielberg
Hans Christian Andersen
Albert Einstein
See your favorites hang out with us
See us happy, accepted, and scholary
Your favorites have as many flaws
As we have gifts
We’re mere mortals;
We’re mere ants
Crawling on your belly
Or at least in Poseidon’s realm
So bear not judgment on us
Bear judgment on yourself
Not future generations
Nor those in heaven
For we have flaws
And just as much gifts
And Our kind is unique
We’re made for a purpose
So accept us
Don’t kill us or make us conform with society
I have autism;
I have Asperger’s Syndrome
And I sing out to the world;
I am a proud autistic

And my other one:

Variation of the Human Spectrum

I tread along the sidewalk
Tread along town
Beside the flaming rug
And along with the zephyr
I see fingers pointing
Faces jeering
And I cover
My face
Shroud myself
In darkness
Or at least behind one of the large broccolis
Laughter goes on
Fingers are bayonets
Piercing my heart
Piercing my confidence
“Your kind are weird,” they say
“They need to be cured”
“Can’t you be of any use?”
And a river of snot creeps down my nostrils
A deluge of tears become waterfalls
My pride
My pride
O my pride
An experiment
Is that what I am to you?
Am I a burden to you
Or a threat to society?
Am I a monster carved from Satan’s flesh
That need to be slain?
Answer me
For my soul wants proof
That the Aryan race exists
“Leave him alone!” a voice says
I look up
And the fingers,
“Are you okay?”
The same voice
And I turn back
To see a girl
Dressed in a cotton strawberry dress,
Skin peachy as—well—a peach
I smile
And she smiles back
I grab her hand
And she, mine
We gazed at each other
And I blushed when she blushed
Or she blushed when I blushed
“Avis,” she said
And I blushed harder
A Coca-Cola can
Hooray! One person in the world
One person accepts me
A gift from God
One of nature’s prizes
I’m not an experiment
Nor an object
I’m a human
Purely made in the sight of God
I’m just one of many variations of
The Human Spectrum
And I’m happy with that


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08 Jun 2009, 1:58 am

^ cool :)

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08 Jun 2009, 2:46 pm

If i didn't have autism...I wouldn't of taught so many people about autism. Not just by talking about it but by the friends I have made who have said on several occasions how much they have learned just from hanging out with me and how much they appreciate the brutal honesty and how nice i am.

Also i won $600 in jet blue giftcards on a movie trivia night just guessed it....out of the 300 people in the room no one had the vast knowledge of movie trivia that i did.

In all honesty us aspies should take on trivia shows across the country...we could make a living off of it.

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12 Jun 2009, 9:27 pm

Batz---great poems, I think you could get them published. They really speak deep feelings. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

Joshandspot---thank you for posting. Congratulations on winning $600.

Here is our updated list:

Danielismyname (your poetry is a gift whether you think so or not)
Sora (I think you have described autistic gifts in your life whether you realize it or not)
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo (in finding something positive about social aloofness)
Lita101 (I added your name because you stated that you want to find the good things in autism---that is positive)

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13 Jun 2009, 3:05 am

Great idea for a forum topic Glider. I think it's very important to flip that coin over once in a while or bend down below table level and see the glass half full! A different persepective is all it often takes to make it the right planet!

I am still very much learning about AS, being newly diagnosed. After so many decades spent (wasted?) self-loathing, I am pleased to say that my diagnosis has freed me in a way and I'm starting to loosen up on the expectations I place on myself and to look at myself as different rather than deficient. I think learning to like myself and all my 'quirks' is long overdue, so I look forward to this metamorphosis I am experiencing.

Things I like about about having AS:
My inherent and lifelong sense of justice and my ability to write and speak up about issues that violate my sense of right and wrong. In most other instances I am meek and don't voice dissent, but concerning ethics and the 'under dog' whether human, animal, environment etc. I most certainly have a voice!

My unusual creativity. My poetry as a teen, my collage art through my twenties, and now, my photography in my thirties has all been very outside the square. I agree with Penseive that AS gives photographers an 'angle' that others may miss.

My focus when all is well and the conditions are is singular and I like that feeling of productivity and intensity I get from it.

A lot of people have called me "serious" over the years and I used to berate my lack of a (normal) sense of humour and inability to relax easily or to make others laugh or feel at ease; all of which seem to be highly valued by a lot of people out there. Actually though, I'm proud to be serious. After all, consider the antonyms for the different senses of serious: flippant, minor, trivial and lightweight!! Why would anyone want to be those things? :lol:

Being a wordsmith and loving language, linguistics and anything to do with communication systems.

My constant thirst for knowledge and the fact that I will always be learning and growing as a result.

My logic and ability to distance myself emotionally can be many of you out there have been called "an ideas (wo)man"?! I think emotions get in the way of logic, which gives us an edge on seeking solutions.

My absolute passion for cats, primates and all animals and nature. They make me happier than anything else and give me a sense of connection and are SO easy to understand compared to most people.

My ability to understand technology as it constantly evolves, which gives me an advantage over my peers, who lament that their kids have to show them how to use the latest gizmos.

Wow, doing this is a valuable exercise. Thanks Glider! :wink:

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13 Jun 2009, 6:48 am

Thank you Prim8 for a wonderful discussion of your AS and how you have come to appreciate it. I enjoyed reading your response and saw many things that related to me in it. I now want to add your name to the growing list of those of us who appreciate our autism for the gifts/joys/interests/talents that it can bring to us.

Danielismyname (your poetry is a gift whether you think so or not)
Sora (I think you have described autistic gifts in your life whether you realize it or not)
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo (in finding something positive about social aloofness)
Lita101 (I added your name because you stated that you want to find the good things in autism---that is positive)

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13 Jun 2009, 11:09 am

Thanks Glider, but really I may not be that wise yet, I always try to say something that is worthwhile and is sincere by all respects..


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13 Jun 2009, 12:52 pm

Speaking of wise ProfessorX, it is interesting how we are often able to deal with things as we get older versus the way we did when we were younger. I appreciate your sincerity and respect---it definitely shows great maturity in you---and I think wisdom.

I deal with challenges everyday, and I always try to remain positive by looking at the good in life. That is my message to the WrongPlanet. I understand that things can get rough and hard to see through, but if we take some time to focus on fun things/good things/interests/research/talents/a game of solitaire/etc., then life can seem positive. And I have had some incredible challenges in life, and had it not been for special intense interests, I don't know where I would be today. So basically, from my personal perspective I give thanks to God for giving me autism along with its special intense interests and talents.

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13 Jun 2009, 7:43 pm

I love being autistic I love being mad,

I am currently in the middle of writing a novel on my 52nd page which is goo for me as struggle with long term things
I love collecting things I am a hoarder

at the moment I amresting from university a bit overwhelming all the people so fourth so my interests except my writing have taken a back seat I really want to write a book about growing up with autism and aspergers once diagnosis is complete.

I am trying to maybe do some stand up comedy as I love writing jokes and I actually loe laughing even though my humour is absolutely terrible.

I am in the middle of an english degree well starting actually I meant process looks for people sharpening axes,

one interest I am thinkig of is you know the little single pane comics in the papers I am thiking of doing them and providing them to the local weekly newpaper.

people stigmitise autism as a terrible degrading illness but in my foresight an hind sight it is the illness of te truly individual and that difference is cool not a curse I think the people especially on the UK news should be ashamed as a lot of them are parents with autistic aspergic kids. they should embrace and fuel their difference. I admire you for playing instrumnts have for years wanted to play piano as I have a good sequencial memory.

it makes me proud to be an aspie when people like you and us write about the positives

in fact could you PM me i possable a as I would like to have some snippets in my book of information with aspergers/autism so people can understand this

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13 Jun 2009, 8:18 pm

Hi SteveeVader, I am so happy that you appreciate your AS as I do my AS. We have some things in common. I too am writing a novel---a horror/sci-fi incorporating many of my interests. I too love collecting things, and I too am a hoarder. I graduated college with a degree in education and English. As for your comics interest---I have dozens of comic ideas written down that I always wanted to draw up (Far Side type)---but I am not an illustrator.

I thank you for your compliments, and I would be delighted to give you some snippets for your future book. And as I have with others who see the positives---I am adding you to the list.

Danielismyname (your poetry is a gift whether you think so or not)
Sora (I think you have described autistic gifts in your life whether you realize it or not)
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo (in finding something positive about social aloofness)
Lita101 (I added your name because you stated that you want to find the good things in autism---that is positive)

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13 Jun 2009, 8:42 pm

hehe the list o the proud genius here is a poem like leonard nimoy


Some of you think we're crazy
According to 4chan we're lazy
But please do not fret
For your world is not under threat
sOME OF US are kooky
some of us are crazy
some of us have asperations that outshine the norms
again to 4chan we are not lazy
we are just misunderstood
In a world with little proof
proof that they do not know why we are mad
but they know we are certainly not bad
some of us make up words like palazarica
some of us make humble songs
some of us encase knowledge
some of us just don't like porridge

so please do not judge the aspies
else we get rather raspy
and that is something you may not like
for we will bite in the night

In the future don't dare to judge
for those with aspergers are merely just misjudged

heh lovwe poems by the way palazarican to add paloza to a word frequently I do it a lot its my word hehe