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09 Mar 2009, 9:45 pm

Callista wrote:
Yeah, see, some girls want to stop bothering with their hair. It's my hair and I'll do what I want with it--including getting rid of it altogether if I so desire. Women do not have a responsibility to look "sexy" or "feminine".

I'd ban people trying to dictate other peoples' clothing or hairstyles. :x

This topic isn't real so relax. You can be bald if you want, BUT I'd feel more comfortable dating women that look like real women.


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09 Mar 2009, 10:40 pm

Meh. I don't date anyway. The whole "not wanting sex" thing kind of spoils it for me.

...I'd ban people calling asexuals "amoebas".

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09 Mar 2009, 10:58 pm

mobile phones in cars
mobile phones in cinemas and theatres - unless you're a doctor on call, or a patient on a transplant list, you're really not that important that you can't turn off your phone for an hour or two.
keeping dogs in apartments
dog owners allowing their pets to foul parks where children play and people want to have picnics
crying and shouting children on flights, especially overnight flights

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 Mar 2009, 1:42 am

These are some of the things I would ban :lol:

Punishing a group for one person or a group of people's actions
Small talk
The idea that everybody wants children
Animal cruelty
People who follow you around in stores or asking you if you need help finding anything when you haven't even had a chance to look around yourself yet
Being judged by social skills instead of how well you can do the work in work/school


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10 Mar 2009, 4:04 am

Cask wine, their introduction has turned many a peaceful harmonious neighbourhood into a crime riddled ghetto. They are even worse than crack cocaine.


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10 Mar 2009, 5:30 am

I would ban all victimless crimes. There is no reason at all for a crime to exist without a victim.


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10 Mar 2009, 7:08 am

Why I have emphasised cask wine is because there was pretty much open warfare at the other end of my street. It was a riot principally triggered by kids binge drinking on cask wine or "goons" as we call them in Australia. It is the cheapest way to get very very drunk. There were guns and knives and kids doing burnouts in cars and a whole lot of people screeching at the top of their lungs and girls screaming. The police had to call in reinforcements to control them.

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10 Mar 2009, 7:57 am

global warming


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10 Mar 2009, 8:48 am

-Autism Speaks
-RIAA, MPAA, BPI, IFPI and all other such crap


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10 Mar 2009, 10:20 am

paulsinnerchild wrote:
Why I have emphasised cask wine is because there was pretty much open warfare at the other end of my street. It was a riot principally triggered by kids binge drinking on cask wine or "goons" as we call them in Australia. It is the cheapest way to get very very drunk. There were guns and knives and kids doing burnouts in cars and a whole lot of people screeching at the top of their lungs and girls screaming. The police had to call in reinforcements to control them.

That's a perfect example of why "bans" were created. They should be very specific, address public safety (I guess noise-control can count there - when you can't get your sleep), and be enforceable.

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10 Mar 2009, 12:44 pm

I would make parent-teacher communication illegal, except in truly serious, non-academic cases. Why? Because many parents are so focused on their children's performance in school, that it a child starts getting good grades purely of fear. Furthermore, it unites parents and teachers against children, creating a battleground of two or more powerful adults against a powerless child. In the end, a child suffers from feeling weak and helpless, while parents and teachers pat themselves on the back for "properly communication".


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10 Mar 2009, 1:02 pm

Creating an international law preventing countries around the world from making fun of each other just because of the problems they are experiencing.

Banning lawsuits over minor, frivolous issues (e.g. Chinese cleansers lost a lawyer's pair of pants in DC).


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10 Mar 2009, 1:08 pm

i would ban nothing.

bans dont work.

for example, drugs are banned. junkies have to pay upto and over a hundred times times the original price, to get it illegaly. the price increases w the smuggling.

by banning more stuff, we're just creating more crime.


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10 Mar 2009, 1:26 pm

First off, on the passing on the right, well if people didn't go so freaking slow in the left lane and stayed in the right lane where they belong, then we wouldn't have to pass them on the right. I love how they are in so much of a hurry that they can't wait the 3 seconds for you to pass them, yet they feel like they must go slower than the speed limit like they really are in no hurry. I really love how they often will do this at the risk of other people's lives, because they will cut you off so close that they are inches away from hitting you, and at 60 mph, it wouldn't be pretty. I should be granted self defense when dealing with unsafe drivers. My favorite, I loved when I was in the military, and I was in a hurry to get somewhere military related because military isn't too kind about giving enough time in between things, nor are they kind about tardiness, and then I get cut off for no reason by a minivan who then steps on the brakes and goes slow causing me to miss the green light adding even more minutes to my time here, and all the while, they have "Support your Troops" and "I support my troops" plastered all over their vehicle. I almost want to sue for false advertisement.

To whoever thinks noisy kids should be banned... How about your own stupidity? If parenting was so freaking easy, you'd be doing it. I know you aren't because you'd realize, there is no such thing as a quiet kid. Even the mute/deaf ones are able to create a lot of noise. So, let's just ban kids. Make abortion necessary. Oh crap, then the human race will die off. Well, I can't admit that I'm wrong, so now we need to force science into figuring out how to get us to reproduce skipping out the child years in the process. Like cloning, let's figure that out. Or better yet, make us all immortal.

To be honest, I've read a lot of other stupid ideas for a ban. It's funny how many lives have died in the past for you to have the freedoms you are wanting to ban now, at least here in the states. Football, unleashed dogs, pets, freedom of speech (i.e. Autism Speaks), the idea that everybody wants children, small talk, customer service, mobile phones in certain places, dogs in apartments, smoking, crying and shouting children, Hippies, Diet Soda, Obesity, plastic bags, using the word fart on children's tv, beauty pageants, etc. Cmon now. And many of you would ban communism as you are sitting here asking for it.

You know, I like to have my choices. Anything unsafe to the world around me, that's what you ban. Murder, theft, things like that. But, to take away my rights and then claim you are all about choice... Where's your brain? Seriously, put the crack pipe down and walk away.

Now, if you are really talking about these things that annoy you to a point where you would figuratively (not literally) like to see a ban, then that's different. But you really need to stipulate that because there are many stupid people in this world who will take it seriously. Like in my state, they banned smoking in the bars. Yeah, just sit there and sip down that whiskey. Your health will be fine now that you no longer have to worry about lung cancer. Nevermind your liver.

Why stop with smoking? Let's ban fast food, alcohol, etc. You don't think they effect everyone? Fast food makes people fat and unhealthy increasing health insurance costs. Alcohol, how many times does a drunk get hit by a drunk driver? I'm willing to bet if we keep going down this road, everyone will lose something they like or can't live without. Then you'll be screaming for freedoms again whining and complaining about all the bans.


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10 Mar 2009, 1:38 pm

Tantybi wrote:
First off, on the passing on the right, well if people didn't go so freaking slow in the left lane and stayed in the right lane where they belong, then we wouldn't have to pass them on the right. I love how they are in so much of a hurry that they can't wait the 3 seconds for you to pass them, yet they feel like they must go slower than the speed limit like they really are in no hurry. I really love how they often will do this at the risk of other people's lives, because they will cut you off so close that they are inches away from hitting you, and at 60 mph, it wouldn't be pretty. I should be granted self defense when dealing with unsafe drivers. My favorite, I loved when I was in the military, and I was in a hurry to get somewhere military related because military isn't too kind about giving enough time in between things, nor are they kind about tardiness, and then I get cut off for no reason by a minivan who then steps on the brakes and goes slow causing me to miss the green light adding even more minutes to my time here, and all the while, they have "Support your Troops" and "I support my troops" plastered all over their vehicle. I almost want to sue for false advertisement.

To whoever thinks noisy kids should be banned... How about your own stupidity? If parenting was so freaking easy, you'd be doing it. I know you aren't because you'd realize, there is no such thing as a quiet kid. Even the mute/deaf ones are able to create a lot of noise. So, let's just ban kids. Make abortion necessary. Oh crap, then the human race will die off. Well, I can't admit that I'm wrong, so now we need to force science into figuring out how to get us to reproduce skipping out the child years in the process. Like cloning, let's figure that out. Or better yet, make us all immortal.

To be honest, I've read a lot of other stupid ideas for a ban. It's funny how many lives have died in the past for you to have the freedoms you are wanting to ban now, at least here in the states. Football, unleashed dogs, pets, freedom of speech (i.e. Autism Speaks), the idea that everybody wants children, small talk, customer service, mobile phones in certain places, dogs in apartments, smoking, crying and shouting children, Hippies, Diet Soda, Obesity, plastic bags, using the word fart on children's tv, beauty pageants, etc. Cmon now. And many of you would ban communism as you are sitting here asking for it.

You know, I like to have my choices. Anything unsafe to the world around me, that's what you ban. Murder, theft, things like that. But, to take away my rights and then claim you are all about choice... Where's your brain? Seriously, put the crack pipe down and walk away.

Now, if you are really talking about these things that annoy you to a point where you would figuratively (not literally) like to see a ban, then that's different. But you really need to stipulate that because there are many stupid people in this world who will take it seriously. Like in my state, they banned smoking in the bars. Yeah, just sit there and sip down that whiskey. Your health will be fine now that you no longer have to worry about lung cancer. Nevermind your liver.

Why stop with smoking? Let's ban fast food, alcohol, etc. You don't think they effect everyone? Fast food makes people fat and unhealthy increasing health insurance costs. Alcohol, how many times does a drunk get hit by a drunk driver? I'm willing to bet if we keep going down this road, everyone will lose something they like or can't live without. Then you'll be screaming for freedoms again whining and complaining about all the bans.

The pet one was a joke. I think it was a reference to how bans shouldn't reflect one small group's beliefs. (Orthodox PETA people) At least that's how I took it.

Maybe the word "BAN" is what has you and a few others' panties in a wad. What if we said, "restrict"?

As far as your Support Our Troops story - loved it!! ! I see it everyday! That and jesus fish. But then you went all medieval on us. :evil:

Comprendre, c'est pardoner.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 Mar 2009, 2:05 pm

Uh...Tantybi, I think you're taking this thread a little too seriously. I thought it was pretty obvious that this was for things people figuratively want to see banned instead of literally (like you mentioned in part of your post) with the exception of maybe a few. *shrug* Obviously, these things aren't going to be banned, so I don't see what all the fuss is about anyway.