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23 Jul 2010, 3:12 am

Todesking wrote:
Sean, if your running a scam someone could easily get your address from and see where you are running it from and get your name from one of those who is ip checkers. I am not saying your a scammer but its real easy to find out where you are running it from.

If you are being scammed by someone you may be implicated along with them even if they are using you like a patsy or a scapegoat.

Seanmw wrote:
Come to think of it, i should probably ask her for her mom's number to prepare for that eventuality so that i'll still have a reliable line of communication...

watch out incase its from a prepaid disposable cell phone my friend said to use one of those they are untraceable. If they call you back and it reads unknown name or unknown number just hang up and forget about the whole thing they are playing you Sean. sorry.
mehhh, some people on here already have my address. A few opted to send via postal service. I only gave it out to members i trusted though. So if i were a scammer i guess that would make me the most careless scammer in the world :roll: .
Taupey told me about P.O. boxes though & i'm thinking i'll look into those.
Safer on the off-chance.

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23 Jul 2010, 3:23 am

Todesking wrote:
Do you know you are asking for money from people who likely do not make much money? I know I certainly do not. Many (Not all) of these people are on some form of government assisstance and are scrapping by. The $20.00 some person might send you could have gone for some medicine or doctor co-pay. Perhaps they could have used that money to buy something extra to make their life a little better or easier. You are sounding pretty selfish to ask these people for money to visit someone who you really do not know exists. I hope you can live with yourself after taking these people's money if it turns out to be a scam or a hoax. :cry: I know I would not be proud of myself if I did it. :cry:
for the record though, i've yet to directly ask anyone for anything. All contributions thus far have been offered, not asked :? .
I didn't even start all this. Not to say i don't appreciate it though. This all originated and spun off from my thread in the haven. It was in fact other members who broached the subject of donation initially. I'm just glad for what little help people have felt inclined to offer.

the website thing i made was really just to host my paypal button 'cause some international members suggested it 'cause there's really no viable other way considering i couldn't for example use Australian currency in the U.S. if someone mailed it.

the site also had another purpose. Taupey suggested i use it to host it as a charity because apparently she has family connections in the ministry around where my GF lives who might've been willing to help out also. & on the website i was going to try to get a copy of the diagnosis documentation to make it official. But that sorta got shot down when Adrienne's mom flat out refused to allow it today because she doesn't want Adrienne's medical papers floating around the internet. her mom is a bit paranoid of "strangers on the internet" & such.

i hope this helps clear things up a bit.

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23 Jul 2010, 3:31 am

Seanmw, when I went to your blogspot and clicked on the donate button, there was an error. You might want to fix that.


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23 Jul 2010, 3:42 am

flyingkittycat wrote:
Seanmw, when I went to your blogspot and clicked on the donate button, there was an error. You might want to fix that.
yeah, i think it has something to do with the blogpost form being incompatible with the button's html maybes, i'm not entirely sure.

so i also put the button on the site i made (last link in my sig)
that one should work in a few days from now, when the site is now longer provisional and the forms start working.
sites made with are provisional until the first week after creation. I guess to give a person time to edit and fill in the site? idk.
but anyways, i made it about 4 days ago, so just about 3 more days to go til it's up and running, and the button is functional.

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23 Jul 2010, 4:15 am

melbi wrote:

•Primary tumor
◦TX - Primary tumor (T) cannot be assessed
◦T0 - No evidence of primary tumor
◦Tis - Carcinoma in situ, intraepithelial tumor without invasion of lamina propria
◦T1 - Tumor invades lamina propria or submucosa
◦T2 - Tumor invades muscularis propria or subserosa
◦T3 - Tumor penetrates serosa (ie, visceral peritoneum) without invasion of adjacent structures
◦T4 - Tumor invades adjacent structures

Cacinoma in situ = the stage right before it becomes tumour
Lamina propria is a layer in the epithelium
muscularis propria is a deeper layer in the epithelium
serosa is a thin membraous thingy that wraps around the outside of the organ, seperating organs from each others.
adjacent structure = the structure next to where the original tumour is

melbi wrote:

•Regional lymph nodes
◦NX - Regional lymph nodes (N) cannot be assessed
◦N0 - No regional lymph node metastases
◦N1 - Metastasis in 1-6 regional lymph nodes
◦N2 - Metastasis in 7-15 regional lymph nodes
◦N3 - Metastasis in more than 15 regional lymph nodes

so metastasis means that the cancer has travelled to other areas, lymph node close to the original tumour site are the first site they travel to becoz they travel via lymphatic vessels. the lymph node is like a filter that can catch the tumour cells.

melbi wrote:

•Distant metastasis
◦MX - Distant metastasis (M) cannot be assessed
◦M0 - No distant metastasis
◦M1 - Distant metastasis

Distant metastasis means the tumour has travelled to a distance site in the body eg. another organ

melbi wrote:

•Prognostic features
◦Two important factors influencing survival in resectable gastric cancer are depth of cancer invasion through the gastric wall and presence or absence of regional lymph node involvement.
◦In about 5% of primary gastric cancers, a broad region of the gastric wall or even the entire stomach is extensively infiltrated by malignancy, resulting in a rigid thickened stomach, termed linitis plastica. Patients with linitis plastica have an extremely poor prognosis.15 ◦Margins positive for presence of cancer are associated with a very poor prognosis.
◦The greater the number of involved lymph nodes, the more likely the patient is to develop local and systemic failure after surgery.
◦In a study by Shen and colleagues,16 the depth of tumor invasion and gross appearance, size, and location of the tumor were 4 pathologic factors independently correlated with the number of metastatic lymph nodes associated with gastric cancer.
◦Lee and colleagues found that surgical stage, as estimated during curative resection for gastric cancer, complemented the pathologically determined stage for determining prognosis. Survival was significantly poorer among patients with pathologic Stages II, IIIa, and IIIb disease in whom intraoperative staging overestimated the extent of pathological stage.17

◦Stage 0 - Tis, N0, M0
◦Stage IA - T1, N0 or N1, M0
◦Stage IB - T1, N2, M0 or T2a/b, N0, M0
◦Stage II - T1, N2, M0 or T2a/b, N1, M0 or T2, N0, M0
◦Stage IIIA - T2a/b, N2, M0 or T3, N1, M0 or T4, N0, M0
◦Stage IIIB - T3, N2, M0
◦Stage IV - T1-3, N3, M0 or T4, N1-3, M0, or any T, any N, M1

•Survival rates
◦Stage 0 - Greater than 90%
◦Stage Ia - 60-80%
◦Stage Ib - 50-60%
◦Stage II - 30-40%
◦Stage IIIa - 20%
◦Stage IIIb - 10%
◦Stage IV - Less than 5%.

•Spread patterns
◦Cancer of the stomach can spread directly, via lymphatics, or hematogenously.
◦Direct extension into the omenta, pancreas, diaphragm, transverse colon or mesocolon, and duodenum is common.
◦If the lesion extends beyond the gastric wall to a free peritoneal (ie, serosal) surface, then peritoneal involvement is frequent.
◦The visible gross lesion frequently underestimates the true extent of the disease.
◦The abundant lymphatic channels within the submucosal and subserosal layers of the gastric wall allow for easy microscopic spread.
◦The submucosal plexus is prominent in the esophagus and the subserosal plexus is prominent in the duodenum, allowing proximal and distal spread.
◦Lymphatic drainage is through numerous pathways and can involve multiple nodal groups (eg, gastric, gastroepiploic, celiac, porta hepatic, splenic, suprapancreatic, pancreaticoduodenal, paraesophageal, and paraaortic lymph nodes).
◦Hematogenous spread commonly results in liver metastases.

i'll try to explain the rest later....*hungry*

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23 Jul 2010, 4:29 am

melbi wrote:
melbi wrote:

•Primary tumor
◦TX - Primary tumor (T) cannot be assessed
◦T0 - No evidence of primary tumor
◦Tis - Carcinoma in situ, intraepithelial tumor without invasion of lamina propria
◦T1 - Tumor invades lamina propria or submucosa
◦T2 - Tumor invades muscularis propria or subserosa
◦T3 - Tumor penetrates serosa (ie, visceral peritoneum) without invasion of adjacent structures
◦T4 - Tumor invades adjacent structures

Cacinoma in situ = the stage right before it becomes tumour
Lamina propria is a layer in the epithelium
muscularis propria is a deeper layer in the epithelium
serosa is a thin membraous thingy that wraps around the outside of the organ, seperating organs from each others.
adjacent structure = the structure next to where the original tumour is

melbi wrote:

•Regional lymph nodes
◦NX - Regional lymph nodes (N) cannot be assessed
◦N0 - No regional lymph node metastases
◦N1 - Metastasis in 1-6 regional lymph nodes
◦N2 - Metastasis in 7-15 regional lymph nodes
◦N3 - Metastasis in more than 15 regional lymph nodes

so metastasis means that the cancer has travelled to other areas, lymph node close to the original tumour site are the first site they travel to becoz they travel via lymphatic vessels. the lymph node is like a filter that can catch the tumour cells.

melbi wrote:

•Distant metastasis
◦MX - Distant metastasis (M) cannot be assessed
◦M0 - No distant metastasis
◦M1 - Distant metastasis

Distant metastasis means the tumour has travelled to a distance site in the body eg. another organ

melbi wrote:

•Prognostic features
◦Two important factors influencing survival in resectable gastric cancer are depth of cancer invasion through the gastric wall and presence or absence of regional lymph node involvement.
◦In about 5% of primary gastric cancers, a broad region of the gastric wall or even the entire stomach is extensively infiltrated by malignancy, resulting in a rigid thickened stomach, termed linitis plastica. Patients with linitis plastica have an extremely poor prognosis.15 ◦Margins positive for presence of cancer are associated with a very poor prognosis.
◦The greater the number of involved lymph nodes, the more likely the patient is to develop local and systemic failure after surgery.
◦In a study by Shen and colleagues,16 the depth of tumor invasion and gross appearance, size, and location of the tumor were 4 pathologic factors independently correlated with the number of metastatic lymph nodes associated with gastric cancer.
◦Lee and colleagues found that surgical stage, as estimated during curative resection for gastric cancer, complemented the pathologically determined stage for determining prognosis. Survival was significantly poorer among patients with pathologic Stages II, IIIa, and IIIb disease in whom intraoperative staging overestimated the extent of pathological stage.17

◦Stage 0 - Tis, N0, M0
◦Stage IA - T1, N0 or N1, M0
◦Stage IB - T1, N2, M0 or T2a/b, N0, M0
◦Stage II - T1, N2, M0 or T2a/b, N1, M0 or T2, N0, M0
◦Stage IIIA - T2a/b, N2, M0 or T3, N1, M0 or T4, N0, M0
◦Stage IIIB - T3, N2, M0
◦Stage IV - T1-3, N3, M0 or T4, N1-3, M0, or any T, any N, M1

•Survival rates
◦Stage 0 - Greater than 90%
◦Stage Ia - 60-80%
◦Stage Ib - 50-60%
◦Stage II - 30-40%
◦Stage IIIa - 20%
◦Stage IIIb - 10%
◦Stage IV - Less than 5%.

•Spread patterns
◦Cancer of the stomach can spread directly, via lymphatics, or hematogenously.
◦Direct extension into the omenta, pancreas, diaphragm, transverse colon or mesocolon, and duodenum is common.
◦If the lesion extends beyond the gastric wall to a free peritoneal (ie, serosal) surface, then peritoneal involvement is frequent.
◦The visible gross lesion frequently underestimates the true extent of the disease.
◦The abundant lymphatic channels within the submucosal and subserosal layers of the gastric wall allow for easy microscopic spread.
◦The submucosal plexus is prominent in the esophagus and the subserosal plexus is prominent in the duodenum, allowing proximal and distal spread.
◦Lymphatic drainage is through numerous pathways and can involve multiple nodal groups (eg, gastric, gastroepiploic, celiac, porta hepatic, splenic, suprapancreatic, pancreaticoduodenal, paraesophageal, and paraaortic lymph nodes).
◦Hematogenous spread commonly results in liver metastases.

i'll try to explain the rest later....*hungry*
kinda informative. Can size of the tumor in any way indicate the stage though :? ?

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23 Jul 2010, 4:37 am

Seanmw wrote:
kinda informative. Can size of the tumor in any way indicate the stage though ?

i assume the bigger the size, the deeper it grows into the tissue. unless it grows "outwards" into the lumen (the hallow part of the stomach).

thanks. for the first time in my life i feel the pathology i studied was a bit useful. it was my most hated subject LOL well, everyone's most hated subject really...

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23 Jul 2010, 4:55 am

melbi wrote:
Seanmw wrote:
kinda informative. Can size of the tumor in any way indicate the stage though ?

i assume the bigger the size, the deeper it grows into the tissue. unless it grows "outwards" into the lumen (the hallow part of the stomach).

thanks. for the first time in my life i feel the pathology i studied was a bit useful. it was my most hated subject LOL well, everyone's most hated subject really...
lol, you're welcome i guess.

Also just how cancer actually spreads confuses me a bit. Like as for metastasizing and stuff, etc.. Does it spread almost virally, corrupting healthy cells? or is metastasizing just sorta when some cells break off from the main tumor and just settle somewhere else in the body and multiply into a new growth outbreak, but made up of the same cell-type as the original :? ?

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23 Jul 2010, 5:31 am

Not really. Cancer cells just go forth and multiply. The bad effects are due to them not being differentiated (in other words, they don't do anything to help the body, they have no function), eating up all the resources for healthy cells, and generally screwing up bodily organs and structures. Although cancer cells cannot change other cells, to my knowledge, carcinogens can affect any cell type. Susceptibility depends on location. For example, alcohol abuse often leads to mouth, throat, and stomach cancer. That's what did in Graham Chapman, I think.

Basically, you can have a sort of genetic susceptibility, or else develop cancer from exposure to carcinogens, either radiation or chemicals or specific pathologies (like asbestos causing mesothelioma).

And melbi, to my knowledge, a tumour can potentially be pretty damn large and technically be benign, although I think they're rare if they're large but not actually malignant. But I'm not an oncologist, so don't hold me to it. And even benign tumours, not metastasized, can still interrupt bodily function and be deadly just by sheer mechanical pressure, like if it is a brain tumour.

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23 Jul 2010, 6:07 am

Quatermass wrote:
And melbi, to my knowledge, a tumour can potentially be pretty damn large and technically be benign, although I think they're rare if they're large but not actually malignant. But I'm not an oncologist, so don't hold me to it. And even benign tumours, not metastasized, can still interrupt bodily function and be deadly just by sheer mechanical pressure, like if it is a brain tumour.

I agree with you Quatermass. Ameloblastoma of the jaw can be as big as your head and it's benign. I was saying that in refer to Sean's statement of her gf's cancerous tumour is as big as a baseball.

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23 Jul 2010, 8:12 am



Last edited by alone on 25 Jul 2010, 7:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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23 Jul 2010, 8:24 am


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23 Jul 2010, 8:39 am

it depends largely on the doubling time of the cancer.

each cells splits into 2 cells in an amount of time that is the doubling period.
i am not using any reference for what i say because i am about to go to bed.

doubling time ranges from 20 to 60 days i think (from somewhere in my memory). cancer is an unrestrained doubling of genetically unrecognized imposter cells. the body is fooled into providing nutrition for a cancer because it sees the cancer as a vital process.

if the cancer metastasizes, then small bits of it break off and travel through both the veinous/arterial system as well as the lymphatic system, and those microscopic bits eventually lodge into other areas where they can not fit through like tiny capillaries in the liver and lung and pancreas etc. when they lodge there, they bind with the adjacent tissue and receive nutrition that the body gladly provides. they double in number in a certain amount of time, and continue to double in size unrestrained in every successive period of that length.

cancer is exponential in that it goes from 1 cell to 2 cells to 4 cells to 8 cells etc until it becomes invasive of the area that it occupies to the degree that it is catastrophically destructive.

when a cancer is the size of a baseball, then it will be the size of 2 baseballs in whatever its doubling time is.

primary pancreatic cancer is the most aggressive i think because it doubles in only a few weeks.
breast cancer is also very aggressive.
gastric cancer i think takes about 1 month to double in size.

the risk of metastasis is increased due to the action of the churning of the stomach, and if 100 tiny bits of cancer break off and get lodged in 100 other places in the body, then it becomes like a wildfire that is unstoppable.

anyway, my post is entirely unresearched and i am tired and maybe i should research it before i say it but i am too tired to determine.

anyway, i will give you up to $250, so tell me when you have the rest of the money and i will give it to you.
any more than $250 and i need convincing evidence. i am so tired that i am probably talking rubbish so i am going to flop off to bed.

Last edited by b9 on 23 Jul 2010, 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.


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23 Jul 2010, 8:42 am

$250 8O you mean Autralian Dollars or Japanese Yen?????

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23 Jul 2010, 9:06 am

melbi wrote:
$250 8O you mean Autralian Dollars or Japanese Yen?????

$250 aud.
i edited the post i made to say "double in number"rather than "double in size", but your post ensured that i got the "edited by..."

he needs to go and see what is happening. if it is a scam then so be it. he is upset and i will give him $250 to see whether it is true or false. if it is false, then he will learn a good lesson. if it is true then he will be able to do what is needed for her and him and that is to give her his love to strengthen her fight.

i have enough money that i would not consider agonizing over the details. any more than 250 and i would be annoyed that i gave it if it was a scam.

i did a vector analysis on the 2 pics of her face and they are the same.

sometimes it is better to err on the side of belief than on the side of caution.

i know that many people have not much money, but i do have money, and i do not have any pressing need for all of it, so if i just sit on a pile of it and watch someone else fail to go to someone they love before they die because i can not spare a little, then i am not happy with how i am.

i will never get scammed into bodgy investments and suchlike (emu oil type scams), but this situation has an urgency which i would prefer to overlook all the hesitation inducing analysis of, and just give him some money to get there, and if he reports it was a scam, then he and me and all that contributed will have paid for a valuable lesson and be wiser in the future.


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23 Jul 2010, 9:22 am

After thinking about it its probably not a good idea to make public how much has been raised... It might give real scammers an idea.
I've seen pictures of the girl and i'm pretty sure they are the same person now. He says hes seen her on video so I guess i'll just have to trust his judgement.

If she is serious about meeting up, like someone said she could help out with whats going on in here (15 pages of arguing whether she really has cancer?)