hadapurpura wrote:
Reyairia wrote:
Every other character from One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
That book is basically asperger's in a... book... Yeah.
OMG! You made me remember a very important character from that novel that I thought "she's soo totally aspie!! !": Remedios, the Beautiful!! ! how did I forget that?! ---> people: read this book. This character is like, the quintescence of Asperger's. Or autism. No, Asperger's.
And yeah, one could say Macondo is the "town" version of a person with Asperger's. And this is supposedly the book that represent us, colombians. This explains soo many things...
The whole book is what I basically call having Asperger's. Everything from not being to tell what is real or not to every character shutting themselves to their science to the solitude to the childish feel to the journalistic/factual writing style to the impressive amounts of detail that don't allow you to tell what is important and what is not important and mimic a lack of filter.
Remedios the Beauty was probably the strongest example of autism (she probably had higher autism as to opposed to the asperger's of everyone else), but she is not the only example of it; the whole book is an example of it.
Marquez probably did it without intention, but that whole book basically proves that he has some form of autism.