EstherJ wrote:
Most recent moment?
At the dentist's, trying to get something corrected with my jaw. I listen as the dentist was fumblingly trying to explain that my jaw is rubbing against its cavity in my skull and that this is irritating the cartilage and the bursa, causing inflammation and pain.
He was trying to use different words than what I just said above because he thought I wouldn't understand the terminology. He got stuck at bursa...didn't know what to call it so I would understand...
While he was searching for a word, I said, "are you talking about the bursa in my joint?" He was SO surprised!
"How did you know that??"
How was I supposed to explain that I have Asperger's and that my special interest used to be horses, specifically their legs and their joints, so I know what the anatomy of a joint is????
I think it scares doctor's a little bit when you know what's going on, and they assume you don't.
I got irritated with my sleep doctor when I asked him a question and he seemed to know even less about the subject than I did. I got especially irritated with my psychiatrist when she had such little information about autism and what it actually is and how it can manifest itself. I hate people who just go to school for the degree and the career-start and don't make an effort to keep up with current medical/scientific findings until it's time to study for continuing medical education. Why would I want to pay to get medical advice from an apathetic ignoramus?