ToughDiamond wrote:
elkclan wrote:
Goosestepping, eugenics???
We were just joshing there. I don't expect anybody here really thinks AS Partners are
that bad. Neither is it meant as a caricature to blow raspberries at NTs as a group, just to that particular group. It's kind of childish of me, but they've been damning us much more heavily since long before this thread began, and they're still at it. I get that they need to vent, but we have a right to venting too, and it would be nice if they would be content with a little, as we are.
I remember when the news of the Sandy Hook massacre broke out a while back.. You should have seen what was posted on AS Partners at the time. It was truly appalling and disgusting. There is a difference between venting and letting out frustrations that have built up over time and using us ( the autistic community) as scapegoats for their bad experiences with their aspie partners. I remember earlier in this thread someone posted a mod post from that forum and it said something along the lines of : "look at them, making us all out to be evil.. I tried so hard for my Ash [I assume that was his name] but yet the selfish man still thinks I am evil"
Well, firstly.. It is incredibly unfortunate that this woman's relationship broke down due to many problems that occurred, that could have possibly been either attributed to Ash's Aspergers or maybe some external factors that may have had nothing to do with the Aspergers, that lead to lack of communication etc. And I sympathise with her emotional pain, dealing with something like that must be very difficult. However one thing that needs to be said, is that
the entire autistic community IS NOT ASH (I do apologise if I come off as insensitive or too harsh, that is not my intention at all.. I am not good with words.

I will just leave this quote here, because it explains what I am trying to say, a whole lot better than I can:
"If you meet somebody with Asperger’s, you’ve only met one person with Asperger’s. … Asperger’s is a blip on the far-reaching autism spectrum and no two cases are the same. Just as no ‘typical’ person deserves to be tar-brushed with the evil acts of another, Aspies don’t deserve the bad press they’re getting."
"A score does not define you as a person" - Bang Yong Guk, B.A.P.