Are there any true geniuses here? (IQ over 155)
@ Crassus truly a muse upon a bramble patch your insights are truly deep and interesting and sparkle interesting revelations
ere is my view on IQ;
firstly Binet who created the IQ and finalised the tests in 1937 I think, it was around then lol did not intend at all for IQ to be the laylines for intelligence he forwarded the idea for the monitoring of children in school as he thought it only truly benefited children, which in honesty it does.
The french government snatched up the idea immediately creating a new stigma, to some an enlightenment and thus Mensa in 1943 was created 'YAY an organisation with no point whasoever'
Do you find yourself adrift in a sea of idiots to the point where you want to pull your hair out, because they JUST DON'T GET IT after having the obvious explained to them a million times?
An example of a dilluded fool not an intellectual, A true genius does not tout their intelligence or 'IQ' to all they act, tey create but most of all they acknowledge all not segregate themselves from humanity and wish and act in a narsistic manner acting superior look at Da Vinci, Michealangio true geniuses they walked amongst their fellow man and gifted them with art, also shockingly no one has mentioned this man Shakespere truly a genius
To the OP yes you may be a genius but you are clearly misguided for we are not idiots everyone is clever at their own individual talents I am somewhat offended by your statement demening us on the forums as I have read here and truly most are intelligent
IQ is unstable and sheds no light on intelligence, if every test is different how do you know that you have scored the same als there is no perticular IQ for creativity so in a way an IQ test is an oxymoron because it denies the point of its task because geniuses create new methods of thinking not follow a crowd
So you can stick your IQ test I'd rather create my screenplays thank you very much
I mean, I got a 110 on an online IQ test. Does that mean I'm less intelligent than people who scored above me? NO! They could be book smart for all we know. You could be too. Intelligence can't be measured by an IQ test. How is a genius classified? He changes the world around him, not being smart. Anyone can be smart. It's how you use it that counts.
Nobody cares if you scored a 155 (except Mensa, but they're idiots for believing in that junk.) When Paolini wrote Brisingr did the critics give him an amnesty for writing a hackneyed crappy book filled with unemotional characters and a bunch of sidestories mashed together? No! Nobody cares if he wrote his first novel when he was fifteen anymore. THey care about the quality of his work now. And if he doesn't take advice (which I doubt he does), then boo-hoo to him.
What I'm saying is anyone has as much potential of being a genius as anyone else. As Einstein said: "Creativity is more important than intelligence," and this is true coming form a true genius. Geniuses don't brag about how smart they are; Only a fool putting a leash on himself and walking himself do that. THey want attention, and they'll do anything for it. How you use those smarts is more important. If you just sit on your butt all day doing crap then you're just wasted your purpose, and i see more people who score genius on their IQ do that more than anything else.
As for the OP: I'm offended by your post. Obviously you're obtuse enough to think you can be oblivious to the abilities of everyone who doesn't score 155 or higher. Without them the world would go flat. You think every person who made a difference had an misinterpreted IQ score?
The nerve.
Sir, I say sir. How dare you sir, How DARE you! The Spear that Shakes is but a Hack! A Thief! A pox on both your houses!
Seriously though, The Bard is pretty awesome whether you want to take that as meaning the actual person William Shakespeare or the collection of authors he acts as the front person for if you believe he was a plagiarist. Everybody who should care about that part is long dead and so The Bard is but a symbol, a name on an impressive collection of works. I just couldn't resist the chance to take a stab at my own poor imitation of his style of drama.
What is so genius about the works of Billy Tremble Shaft is the way they are layered to be plays within plays. You have the play that is being watched by the peasants, the play that is being watched by the soldiers, the play that is being watched by the industrialists, the play being watched by aristoc(r)ats, and the play that is being watched by the royalty. They are all taking place on the same stage at the same time.
His writing of Mercutio and Puck are Genius at their finest if you ask me. Early in Midsummer's when everything has been all flowery fairy poetry up till then and Puck just goes "I'll put a girdle roundabout the earth, in forty minutes." When that line is delivered properly it sets the tone of the entire play. And who doesn't love the fiery Mercutio so eager and loyal, wishing to protect dear Romeo, the true star of the play for it is he who defines it.
Batz: Well, if you say the definition of genius is scoring over a certain number on a test, then people that score over that number are a genius for all conversations using that definition. IQ tests certainly do actually measure real abilities, the problem is that those measurements are disconnected from any real predictive power except trying to figure out what kind of education is best suited for a particular person. The point of creating IQ tests was the purpose for which my own was used. They identified me as a genius so they could expose me to more advanced materials rather then letting me get bored in the mainstream class. Problem was the advanced class was still soooo booooring and sloooow and oohhhh myyyy goooood hooooow loooooong does it taaaaake for you people to learn a lesson.
I'm not trying to brag about how smart I am, I'm saying that when you are the smartest person in the room and know it, and somebody is standing in front of a class of people trying to explain something that you know is just plain wrong, but because you are just a little kid you are not allowed to correct them, it is absolutely infuriating. Not only are they not teaching me anything new, they are teaching my peers to be wrong and want to punish me for knowing the correct answer. With my compulsion to seek out concrete facts with rational logical explanations, it was absolute torture. State mandated torture. I'm not even bringing up all of the ways my behavioral disorders played into the picture, this part alone was horrible to endure.
A pretty typical example of me in the classroom growing up would be me with my head down on my desk engaging my inner world. We had individual desks collected into groups of four, anytime one of the three other students in my pod would have some question about how they were not understanding the material, I would pause my inner world, lift my head, engage in little professor lecture to explain what they were missing being sure to explain the difference between what is "true" and how the teacher wants them to respond on a test, and when they said "oh, okay, thanks James I get it now" I would put my head back down and resume my inner world.
People have always followed me. I didn't know why. At first I tried to shoo them away like a stray cat trying to take my lunch. They started bringing me offerings so that I would help them understand things. I became attached to the offerings. I started to see that I had power. I stopped waiting for offerings and started thinking up desires. That. I want That. Who can get me That? How can I get them to give me that?
It goes downhill from there. Why would I want to brag about this? I cry sorrow about this. I felt tortured by the school system so I tortured it back. I only attended when I thought there was something in it for me that was worth exposing myself to all of the pain involved. Got Mine, Screw Yours. I changed the world around me, I wish I could go change it back. Instead I can only change the now, and accept that what is done is done. Either you are the butcher, or you are the lamb, but even so Everybody Pays As They Go.
If you score lower than me on a linguistic abilities test, you are probably not as good with linguistic abilities as me. If you score higher than me on a mathematical abilities test, you are probably better than me with mathematical abilities. The IQ tests are pretty good at measuring that. If somebody has really strong math abilities but weak linguistic and spatial abilities and moderate memory ability, that can help give an idea of what kind of tasks they might be most comfortable performing. It can help give an idea of what areas somebody is weak in.
Once they are an adult, they probably already know these things without a test telling them.
I respect this forum as a whole as being capable and rational minds. Early in the thread this was said:
1) A genius is an autodidact, he talks a LOT about intricate details of what he knows, as opposed to "rambling".
2) He thinks "out of the box", consistently.
3) He hates authority, sees the structures that give normals meaning as useless regimentation holding him back.
4) He has a broad AND deep base of knowledge. He not only knows a lot, but knows a lot about a lot.
You all be the judge. I have given of my mind. Sound like me to anyone? Forgive my pride, but somebody just called me a muse upon a bramble patch, with deep insights, sparkling interesting revelations. All my life I've been called Genius. I Know Stuff. Okay, great, I'm a genius and I know things, but what have I done for humanity lately? What did I do for humanity today? What am I going to do for humanity tomorrow? I have a gift of intelligence. Bully for me, I now have the responsibility to use it. Having the gift is the easy part, not using it for evil is the hard part.
Yes but Crassus I think you have the moral fibre to admit yes you are exceptional at logistics and philosphy and literature you may or not as good at for example my field which is screen writing and camera styles and directing in general which I think the OP is so narrow minded he forgets being a genius is not necessarily a path of god but a path of the threefold because how you treat others is how others will treat you, for example a genius with no followers in their school of thought or views is not a genius they are a hack because they have a thought but no absolute support I was ahead in english and in science and computing but I never made aware of it instead I inserted a type of dogma to entertain myself but have followers hehe
@Batz give me five brother just what I was going to type earlier but I thought to go at a different angle, and Brisingr is a freaking joke that boke is terrible its like he was in Word 2003 and just copied and pasted stuff, I personally think Eragon is Bull anyway its starts of boring and just gets more boring its like Poalini was 14 and just watched the never ending story and thought hmmm never ending story but with dragons, whenever I just try to read that book I have the never ending story song you know the oh oh oh oh oh oh one in my head
But Poalini is a classic example of big headed clever, not genius but in a way a genius lol, I still refuse to say he is a genius for creating dragon starring in the never ending story, Its an example of this because he thought muhahahahaha now I have an established fanbase I can do what I want he was too blind sighted though to realise most of his fanbase would spit out the book and hate him for it.
What additions have you made to the intellectual, scientific, technological or ethical store of Mankind? That is the measure of genius, not scoring on tests.
What, shall I keep a little journal for you? "Dear Ruveyn, today I ...." and you will use this journal to judge whether or not I ever cross that critical threshold that suddenly transforms me from an on paper genius into a true genius?
I'm smarter than the average bear and people regularly go out of their way to tell me how important my insights are to them, but I don't really care whether or not somebody thinks I'm a genius. I've never actually made any claim to believe I am genius. It doesn't matter. I know I have abilities. I know I have a responsibility to make use of them. Somebody had asked a question, so I offered an open honest answer. I don't feel the need to go around making sure I get credit for that which I offered freely, that would mean I didn't offer it freely.
The measure of genius according to the intellectual, scientific, technological and ethical store of mankind is not the additions somebody made, but the scoring on some test. I think the contribution of my modernized sexual intercourse metaphor is the thing I will be recognized as genius for when they erect the twenty foot tall platinum statue of me. Go ahead and judge me for my actions. Let me know what you think. Point out where you think I could have done better. I'd love to hear your thoughts beyond calling an ambiguous "your definition" lame, who's definition? Why is it lame? Why is the test stupid? What kind of actions? By what criteria and what makes your standards better than other standards? What type of additions represent enough for genius? Why do we care about any of this? I care because I love an excuse to discuss anything, why do you care?
Does this mean that you have made these wonderful contributions to humanity? Or just that you feel the need to insult anyone who has gotten higher test scores than you have?
You make it sound like every genius goes down in the history books. (Making oneself sound good and taking credit for achievements certainly is a type of intelligence.. largely it's a social intelligence. Surely you aren't claiming that social ability is the only valid form of intelligence?)
I'll play.
It looks like there are 3 different uses of the word "genius" being used in this thread and in society in general.
1)Person who scores higher on a standardized IQ test than 99% of the people who have taken that same IQ test
2)Person who is smarter than most people as evidenced by his ability to learn new material faster than most people, integrate new material learned with material known to build a large knowledge and skill base, and cross reference that material to come up with unique ideas that may or may not have real world applications
3)Person who may not have a broad base of knowledge or be able to learn new material faster than others (except in one particular area) but who has a deep understanding of one particular area and is able to come up with a unique idea or skill that has a real world application
Crassus apparently fits 1) and 2) but not 3). Good enough for me. Leonardo DaVinci fit 2) and 3). Charlie Parker fit 3). (For debate purposes, I'm assuming a person has to have the unique idea and/or skill in order to create the work of genius which is its real world application.) Marilyn Vos Savant fits 1) and I have no idea if she fits 2). I've seen no evidence of 3).
It seems silly to argue about which of these 3 uses of the word "genius" is the right one (which is what this thread is mostly doing). All of them are right. Despite what the IQ tests say, not all questions have only one right answer.

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I mean, I got a 110 on an online IQ test. Does that mean I'm less intelligent than people who scored above me? NO! They could be book smart for all we know. You could be too. Intelligence can't be measured by an IQ test. How is a genius classified? He changes the world around him, not being smart. Anyone can be smart. It's how you use it that counts.
Nobody cares if you scored a 155 (except Mensa, but they're idiots for believing in that junk.) When Paolini wrote Brisingr did the critics give him an amnesty for writing a hackneyed crappy book filled with unemotional characters and a bunch of sidestories mashed together? No! Nobody cares if he wrote his first novel when he was fifteen anymore. THey care about the quality of his work now. And if he doesn't take advice (which I doubt he does), then boo-hoo to him.
For what it is worth, I think most people here realize it is little more than a test. Even people that etst REAL high have said so. Ms. savant, as far as I am concerned is an IDIOT! And what will she have really left the world with? MEANWHILE, people that have tested with little more than HALF the IQ she claims will have given a LOT.
I wonder how high her HUSBANDS IQ is! It is certainly high enough that she tries to ride his coattails. He will probably have contributed more than she will. Ironically, I don't think he claims ANY superior IQ!
It looks like there are 3 different uses of the word "genius" being used in this thread and in society in general.
1)Person who scores higher on a standardized IQ test than 99% of the people who have taken that same IQ test
2)Person who is smarter than most people as evidenced by his ability to learn new material faster than most people, integrate new material learned with material known to build a large knowledge and skill base, and cross reference that material to come up with unique ideas that may or may not have real world applications
3)Person who may not have a broad base of knowledge or be able to learn new material faster than others (except in one particular area) but who has a deep understanding of one particular area and is able to come up with a unique idea or skill that has a real world application
Crassus apparently fits 1) and 2) but not 3). Good enough for me. Leonardo DaVinci fit 2) and 3). Charlie Parker fit 3). (For debate purposes, I'm assuming a person has to have the unique idea and/or skill in order to create the work of genius which is its real world application.) Marilyn Vos Savant fits 1) and I have no idea if she fits 2). I've seen no evidence of 3).
It seems silly to argue about which of these 3 uses of the word "genius" is the right one (which is what this thread is mostly doing). All of them are right. Despite what the IQ tests say, not all questions have only one right answer.
I would suggest the amendment that evidence of 1) or 2) or 3) implies the unseen presence of the others. The presence of the mind that burns brighter will inherently either cast light on the struggles of others or burn them with its own intensity. The highest good is like water, nourishing life effortlessly, flowing without prejudice to the lowliest places. Wise people are not absorbed in their own needs. They take the needs of all people as their own. Wisdom always comes from below.
I could not know what I know if not for the generation of the knowledge by the infinite, I simply burn brightly and reveal what is known to those who don't know they know it. Knowledge belongs to all humanity. Information wishes to be free. Information refuses to be contained and harnessed and held stationary. It must grow and change because Information is life and life is growth and change, stagnation and entropy are negative-existence. Genesis is positive-existence.
The identification of the mind that burns more brightly is simple. The harnessing of that mind into being the Highest Good, the Genesis of Sage, the return to the Great Integrity is the struggle. What matter that Genghis Khan was Genius, he represents the corruption of his gifts. Accomplishments that were positive to all creation happened as a result of his hubris, imagine what wonders he could have inspired if he had been using it for the Highest Good. Alexander and Hitler and Attilla, the same thing. Imagine what greatness of Muhammad we would speak had he sought to establish the Caliphate without contention. Imagine what greatness of Jesus we would speak had he not been caught up in the traditional classist and racist warfare of the israelites. Imagine what greatness you would be accomplishing if you were able to simply accept the positives my light generates and help me to moderate my light and heat to be in proper temperance with the needs of those around me? We are all One Tribe, Contention is not necessary, credit taken is taken for all humanity or accreditation is perverted.
"First of all, I want to thank God, The all-father, it is only through the support and love of God that I accomplished *generic feat worthy of accolade*" This is You. They are thanking you. Every time you hear somebody give praise unto Allah, they are talking about you. They are talking about me. They are talking about the interconnectedness of all things. It is only through my pains and prides that I know my strengths and weaknesses. It is only by the loving support of all creation that I am possible.
What is Genius? That which is smarter than me. Genius is the generic recognition that some people think better than other people. Some people speak better than other people. Some people perform better than other people. Be what you are natural at, fill the inner gut not the eyes. How would we know that some process information better if there were not those that did not process it as well? How would we know that some people have a more powerful voice, if there were not those with weak voices. The separation and classification and naming was important, the assignment of superficial values to the things we name is not important except for purposes of confined systems in the pursuit of a sensible method of creating new namings.
Rather than be contentious and diminish my service to humanity, rather then say that I am not Genius until I prove so, attempt to find where you yourself are capable of Genius. Be content in that place where you are Genius for in an honest understanding of that which you are good and bad at, you return to the Great Integrity. The Question is not "Who is Genius" The Question is "Where is My Genius". I find my genius in tests and books and words and understandings. Kobe Bryant is a Genius at scoring points in a basketball game. What are you good at? How can you be better at that thing? I am good at helping people be better at things, let me help you be better, be good to me so that I may be good to you, let me provide that which I have to provide so that you may provide in turn. Let us serve together in One Love.
This is the accomplishment I offer unto Humanity. Judge it as you will. I ask the favor you inform me of your judgments and the reasoning behind them so as to give me more information to be Greatly Integral with. Take My Hand, I Offer It Freely.
If you enjoy producing screenplays, write screenplays, if you enjoy directing others in the expression of someone else's screenplay, be a director, be sincere in your effort, act without contention and fill your inner gut rather than your eyes, and happiness is inevitable. Commend yourself in the honest forthright appraisal of your own works, be proud of your productions and show them to others and accept their criticisms and make the knowledge they provide integral to your life. The greatest Rock Star to ever walk the earth, nobody even knows existed. They spoke truths so profound, nobody even remembers them speaking them, they just accepted them as if they had always believed them. They were so fulfilled with their own accomplishment, any material thing offered to them would pale in comparison and be without meaning.
This is the irony of expecting the genius to be in the obvious change of those around them, fully successful genius is unrecognizable as separate from that which it changed. The Genius of Will of the Vibrating Trident was in taking everybody's incomplete works, and putting them together as a complete production. We only recognize Romeo and Juliet as his version, because he was the first one to show us how it is not the lead characters of the conflict that define the outcome, the tragedy is the result of the actions of a supporting character who is seen as comedy relief. It is the jester who pulls everybody's strings and causes it all the crumble down.
It is a theme throughout his works. It is the smallest characters in the plays that have the most impact on how things come to be. The larger characters are constrained by their responsibilities to carry the burdens they take on, it is the uninhibited jokesters and scoundrels and peasants that show them the burdens exist only in their own minds.