colton.s wrote:
EzraS wrote:
I agree with krafite. If he seems like he's getting too overloaded take him somewhere else to cool his jets. He likely was taking everything in at once. It can be difficult maintaining a balance between being accommodating and being over protective. It might have been too much and wore him out, but that's no necessarily a bad thing. That old horse sounds like the perfect therapy animal. Really it sounds like everything went well.
my old horse used to take around the ranch and then bring me back to the barn i thought I was going it but it was him in control I even feel asleep on him once so he took me home.what you mean therapy animal
People with autism, especially kids, tend to have a special relationship with animals. And that horse seems to have a special relationship to people, especially kids. The whole thing sounds really cool. I'm starting to get jealous haha.