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07 May 2008, 6:34 am

Another Autisnob's traits:

-they believe that autistics are an evolved sub-species of homo sapiens.

-they refuse blindly every evidence that shows that autism may not genetic-related.

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08 May 2008, 1:24 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:
Another Autisnob's traits:
-they believe that autistics are an evolved sub-species of homo sapiens.

This is likely true, from what I've seen: I ask that you prove it isn't true.

I submit myself as evidence that AS is severely higher-evolved than human.

I submit myself, that I am relentlessly capable of super-human feats of both mind and body ... including phenomenon I can't even explain ... yet.

All you have to do is find any human who thinks they're the very best at anything, and I'll beat them at their very own stated expertise (well, in some things, you might want to give me one whole week to learn and practice what they're so expert at, first ... if you're willing to give me that benefit of one week).

I can run up any river bed faster than anyone, any athelete, in the world (while wearing flip-flops, slippers, thongs, or sandals .. the name depending on where a person's from).
I can catch deer running through the forest on foot.
I can win any physical battle against any man, regardless.
I can wipe anyone off the chess board; definitive win, no chance of going for a draw.
I can drive any vehicle better than anyone else.
I can design anything better than it already is, usually in three minutes, sometimes in two hours, maximum in two days.
I can prove anybody is completely wrong about whatever they say - in front of the entire world.

I will bet everything I have on this against your everythng and their everything that I am vastly superior to any human.


I have 3 standing bets, for whoever a person might think they are:

1) Would you like to have a talk-therapy session with me?

2) Would you like to be all alone with me - just you and me together, in the deep woods - and say what you just said to me ... and how you said it to me ... there, where we can be all alone together - just you and me, alone - in the very deep, deep woods? Then you can say that, just like you really did, right to my face; when we're alone together.
Would you like to accept my invitation to be all alone with me, far away from anyone else, where no-one can hear a man screaming, in the deep woods?

3) Would you like to sit down at my 'table' - where my everything is already sitting - and place your everything down on my table ... and then tell me what you KNOW and all about how you actually KNOW something?
All I care about is that it's a man's everything.
Whether he's a homeless bum or multi-billionaire - all I care about is that it's a man's everything
Are you absolutely certain that you KNOW that?
Well, then sit down at my table and put your everything down and tell me all about what you think you know.

Somehow, nobody even accepts any of my standing bets.

When it comes time for a person to put their EVERYTHING down ... or their life ... (much more than just "put your money where your mouth is" ... much, much more than just $100 or a bunch of money, no; I put my everything down, and to sit at my table a man puts his everthing down, first), somehow, everyone starts back-peddling.
NOBODY ever accepts any of my standing invitations.
Would you like to?
Are you ABSOLUTELY certain that I'm a so-called "autisnob"?
Are you ABSOLUTELY certain that I'm NOT a vastly superior mutation to human?

I've had these three standing 'invitations' for years - to shut people's mouths up real fast. I found out one year ago that I am Autistic.

Everyone has two IQ's; left- and right-hemisphere of their brain. Each hemisphere thinks differently. Nobody has just one IQ ... that is meaningless.
My left-hemisphere IQ: 141
My right-hemisphere IQ: 190+ (standardized testing) ... or 212+ (high-IQ testing)... or 220+ (my own assessment); depending on what you accept as valid. I already know my IQ, however. This is only a matter of what other people can allow themselves to accept.

LePetitPrince wrote:
-they refuse blindly every evidence that shows that autism may not genetic-related.

EVERY mutation that I have ever heard of or seen is genetic-related; that's exactly how Nature works. Just beause it's genetic only means that it's real.
If it's genetic, that's more proof of a mutation than against it.
All evidence indicates genetic; all evidence throughout the history of life indicates genetic.
We are made of our genetics.
That's scientific.
Any mutation is genetic, and everything points to a genetic mutation ... including the spectrum which ranges from LFA to me ... to some Autistic who isn't even here on this site because they're completely successful in an NT capitalistic environment.

"Autistic snobbery"?

I only found out last year, at 44 years old, that I am Autistic ... and always have been, my entire life.

I've always known myself - since I can remember myself - as superior to the "mindless apes" who surrounded me everywhere through my life; "Autism" is the obvious reason why.


I have always had utter disdain for the 'adults' around me as a child. I continued to have utter disdain for the people around me my entire life. I am not a "snob". I've always seen myself as what a human should be. Now I know why they can't be like me ... and now I can stop trying to show them how to be like me, unsuccessfully; they can't possibly be like me or do what I do, or understand what I understand, or known what I know.

I have always been bewlidered at the complete idiocy and disgustingness of the other inhabitants of this planet who only look liike me. That's where the similarity ends.

They just LOOK like me; that's all. Everything else is thoroughly different.

So, to say that I'm a 'snob' because I'm Autistic is backwards.
I only discovered exactly why this has always been true - and why it is true. I discovered it last year, when I discovered I am 'Austistic'.

Nothing personal against you, LePetitePrince ... contrary; anyone with a nick referencing that book is someone I'm bound to like.

You, yourself, are only additional proof to me that Autistim is a superior genetic mutation to human.

- Archetype


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08 May 2008, 1:42 pm

Willard wrote:
does no one involved in this thread understand sarcasm?

I "understand" it. I know it's BS and lies and try to limit it :P

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!


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08 May 2008, 1:51 pm

so basically we know the 'Autisnob' is BS, and a NATURAL RESULT OF OPPRESSION.

Remember Malcolm X and his popularity? Why, he advocated vengeance against those who wronged him and radical change to fix the problem.

I am not elitist and don't say we are "better" than others, but well a lot of of what people say is shown in studies; etc

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!


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08 May 2008, 1:53 pm

archetype wrote:

You're better ehh? I challenge you to a DUEL

Let's have a Sins of a Solar Empire internet duel. Who can be the better gamer :P

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!


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08 May 2008, 2:11 pm

Without bothering to trawl through 17 pages of peopel agreeing or going NO U!, I agree with the opening poster.


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08 May 2008, 2:18 pm

archetype wrote:
I can run up any river bed faster than anyone, any athelete, in the world (while wearing flip-flops, slippers, thongs, or sandals .. the name depending on where a person's from).
I can catch deer running through the forest on foot.

What about all these hf Asperger's people (and everybody else on the spectrum too) who has motor issues due to autism?

archetype wrote:
I can win any physical battle against any man, regardless.

I doubt I can win any physical battle. I very much doubt every autistic person can.

archetype wrote:
I can wipe anyone off the chess board; definitive win, no chance of going for a draw.

I can't even play chess.

archetype wrote:
I can drive any vehicle better than anyone else.

I cannot drive due to autism. I know other people who can't. Either because of sensory issues, probably due to anxiety too. Also due to issues with automatic processes/multitasking. Probably more reasons.

archetype wrote:
I can design anything better than it already is, usually in three minutes, sometimes in two hours, maximum in two days.

Whatever this has to do with autism...? And what is 'better'?

archetype wrote:
I can prove anybody is completely wrong about whatever they say - in front of the entire world.

Well, I doubt you can do that. I can do the same, and mine's not because of autism, but because of my manipulative, cunning and charming spirit if I need to. Whatever would happen if we met?

archetype wrote:
I will bet everything I have on this against your everythng and their everything that I am vastly superior to any human.

But that's you, maybe part of your autism. But it's like this for everybody's autism. Different weaknesses - different strengths.

Sometimes it may look as if a person (autistic or not) may not have strengths. But then one just has to take a closer look and find them. It's troublesome to recognise the strengths of others if they're unknown strength to us. But this trouble of recognition does not mean that they're any less present, any less real, any less equal.

I'm not superior to anyone. I'm equal to everyone. That's much better to my mind.

And that's coming from a person who'd, granted my genes, have no issue with showing everyone very much how superior I can be.

But rationality dictates otherwise. It says all human is equal. I am, fortunately, slave to my mind.

Autism isn't a superiority.

Maybe your autism is.

Mines not like yours. I know other people's autism isn't like yours, but their and my autism is just as much 'autism' and 'real' as yours is.

We currently all have that thing called autism, so we can only speak for each other in terms of demanding human rights and respect, demand to be treated equal and fair, but beyond that, it gets problematic by diversity.

Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett


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08 May 2008, 2:26 pm

NeantHumain wrote:
One thing I've noticed on this site is something that may be best described as autism snobbery—that is, a form of snobbery that follows from one's having an autism spectrum disorder like Asperger's syndrome. I'd say roughly 40% of the active members of this site show this attitude to a greater or lesser degree, and it is poisoning us. Being so vocal, these people set the orthodoxy of the Internet-based autism and Asperger's community whence our hatred of curebies, ABA therapy, and vaccination "conspiracy theories." Their fundamental belief is that autism spectrum conditions are a superior way of being; thus all "NeuroTypicals" (NTs) are contemptible conformists and closed-minded fools. Here is how we might identify them:
  • Believes aspies are smarter
  • Believes aspies should be recipients of welfare for their "disability" (yet means of superiority) instead of having to engage in work as the hoi-poloi do
  • Believes autists possess a different set of social skills that enable them to communicate among each other but not among NTs
  • Believes aspies are more creative
  • Believes aspies are more logical
  • Blames NTs for all problems

Fellow aspie, I know you are not one of these autisnobs, but the time is ripe to challenge them. Let's call them out and see what they have to say!

wow..... ..... ...... "hoi poloi" is fun to say :D

hoi poloi hoi poloi hoi poloi :D

*leaves the thread to go and chase a butterfly*

"there is no spoon"


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08 May 2008, 2:29 pm

me too. You should never think your more better than others!! ! Or blame your problems on other people like NT's. I think I have it but I have a job and I can make it just fine. And I am not that smart.


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08 May 2008, 2:30 pm

Believes aspies are smarter
I think I have average intelligence, to be honest...I am pretty smart when it comes to writing and editing, but that's about it!

Believes aspies should be recipients of welfare for their "disability" (yet means of superiority) instead of having to engage in work as the hoi-poloi do
I work full-time and have worked since I was 16...I also had a part time job until this year.

Believes autists possess a different set of social skills that enable them to communicate among each other but not among NTs
I dunno

Believes aspies are more creative

I think aspies are creative, but there are a lot of NTs that are, too.

Believes aspies are more logical
Hell if I know

Blames NTs for all problems
Why would I do that?


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08 May 2008, 2:32 pm

Hmm, so our dislike of people blaming things on NT's stems our own blaming things on Aspiesnobs? I must ponder this paradox.


I say we just treat everyone nicely :D
it's radical, but it just might work.

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08 May 2008, 2:39 pm

archetype wrote:

You, yourself, are only additional proof to me that Autistim is a superior genetic mutation to human.

wow, truth, you dont see that everyday. This I agree with, Its a complex subject. Are there more people that supports this theory?

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08 May 2008, 4:20 pm

anbuend wrote:
The reason it goes on here is because it's not 'NT' at all.
NTs get to do it more because there are more of them and they are more likely to end up in positions where they can define themselves along all these social hierarchies and stuff.
But get sufficient autistic people into the same place and we have the same range of proclivity towards or against that as any other group of people.

Anbuend, you are delightfully intelligent and thorough.
I disagree with you, but I understand your viewpoint.
I find your viewpoints to be very reasonable, objective, thoughtful, and compassionate.
('compassionate' instead of the word 'humanitarian'. I'll use 'compassionate' as that's the same meaning behind 'humanitarian', but isn't locked in to simply human; aliens from another planet can be 'compassionate', but we wouldn't technically call them 'humanitarian, since they wouldn't be exactly human).

The major ... very major ... difference is:
Which is correct, and which is not?
It is the proclivity for Autistics to be correct.
If it is correct that Autism is a superior manifestation to human ... then it is simply correct.

Germans ARE superior genetically to many other races or ethnicities, in many ways. I hung out and lived with Germans for nearly a year. I noticed a distinct sense of superiority in them. But, I also saw evidence of a superiority. I'm not German, but German genetics are, in many ways, superior. I've seen other 'snobs'. They're 'snobs' exactly because they AREN'T superior.

Humans have a proclivity to superiority.
Autistic have a proclivity to correctness.

Two people may do the exact same thing ... but for completely different reasons, such that the action or behavior cannot be defined as the same contextually.

If I cite Autistic superiority, it isn't because of the same reason NT's cite their *whatever* superiority.
If I cite Autistic superiority, it is because of what I see and read and hear, and that it is correct that Autism is, in fact, superior to human.
I am excellent proof of that.

Anbuend; you are further proof of that to me. Many here admire you greatly. I can't see why you wouldn't be worthy of such admiration.
Many here read what you write, and find a satisfactory settlement to their issues. You are a beacon of common sense and just plain 'decency' in a world of confusion and indecency.

I am not-so-common, however; nor am I 'decent' in the sense of being non-provocational. I am uncommonly provocative :)

Germans do have superior traits. But not sufficiently-enough for them to kill most everyone else on the planet, and make slaves of the rest - and they were proven incorrect by their constant failure to do such. Their 3rd Rise was also their 3rd Failure in the face of truth.
However ... when the Normandy landing took place, nobody knew who was going to win WW2. Had Normandy failed, we might all be speaking German today. Germans are really THAT superior-enough that they came all that close to taking over the world.
That's just an ethnic trait which enabled them to do what they really did do.

Autism is far more than just an ethnic diversity in genetics; Autism has every appearance of a standard Natural evolutionary mutation.

I would say than I began off feeling superior. I began off disappointed and horrified and bewildered. That turned into a feeling of disgustedness and disdain. This, in turn, gave promotion for a 'superiority.

Whether I am 'superior' or NT's are digusting, stupid, and horrible is irrelevent; it is simply the vast difference that I acknowledge.
This thread says I am a 'snob'.
I didn't make this world. I didn't make humans. I didn't create Autism. I was born as I am into this world as it is; I have only made myself as fully-actualized to my fullest potential as I could.
Stating that I am a 'snob' - when I state that humans are disgusting, stupid, and horrible - that's just someone else's morality that defines such backward causality ... and their morality has nothing to do with me. I only acknowledge the vast difference between me and humans.
I am not human; not what-so-ever.
I have never been human.
I cannot be human; that is impossible.
I do not do what humans do, I do not think like humans think.
I have never done such or been such.

I believe you have expressed a feeling of 'disgust' at me acknowledging this vast difference. I was 'disgusted' my entire life by humans.
I only know enough now to call them 'humans', and understand that I am not human, and that is the reason I have been disgusted with them and what they do to each other and to me my whole life.
I only discovered that I was Autistic last year ... and that is obviously the reason for this vast difference which has ALWAYS been true.

Do you understand that this feeling has always been there?
Do you understand that I now - as of one year ago - know that I am Autistic?
Do you understand that I have always been unlilke the other people around me?
Do you understand that now I know that difference is exactly because I am Autistic, have all the Autistic traits, and that 'those other people around me' are simply NT's ... or humans?
Do you understand that there is no basis for a 'snobbery'?

What I feel and know is far more and much deeper than any 'snobbery' could ever be.
"Snob" is just incorrect, and a massive understatement of how I have felt and what I have seen my entire life.

anbuend wrote:
The reality seems to be, from my observation anyway, that autistic people are prone to just as ugly social dynamics as anyone. The main difference is that we have less practice at it, and thus don't know what it feels like to be doing it.

It is safe to say that "the reality":
"seems to be, from my observation anyway", and "prone",
instead of:

"The reality is..."

is not something you feel comfortable stating.
That is understandable, and admirable. If you aren't certain, don't pretend to be. Being certain when clueless about something is an NT proclivity.

I used to be very careful, as well. Now, I no longer have to avoid making definitive statements; I can now simply make definitive statements ... because I know, and know I know.

The question is:

Why do we have less practice at it ... really?

Perhaps it isn't an Autistic proclivity to do that in the first place.


Am I a 'snob' ... or do I just simply continue to ackowledge the vast difference between myself and others I see and meet in this world - except now I know what that difference really is???
Am I a snob, or do I now know what the difference is?

Have I always been an Autistic snob ... even for the 40 years of my life before I discovered that I'm Autistic?

Or did I suddently turn into an 'Autisnob' at 44 years old?

When I was 6 years old, and felt a complete disdain for all adults around me, was I an "Autisnob" then???

When I was 6 years old, and some idiot man came everyday in the summer to take me to a summer camp that I hated and was mistreated at, and I felt he had no right to physically force me to go there just because he was bigger than me, and I stood my ground and drew a line in the ground with a wave of my hand and boomed out; "No! I Won't Go! You ... will have to ... MAKE ME!!" ... and I did fearless and full battle with this grwon, athletic man and I viewed this man as an idiot ape, for doing something to me that I would never, ever do to anyone else ... was I an Autistic snob, then?


I look back now, and understand this human primate who actually did physical battle with a 6yo child every day for two weeks because that child was all that adamant about not going to this camp ... was becasue he was actually a human primate, in fact ... and which is why he did such a stupid human primate thing; something I would, could, and will never do.

I think this is a very, very simple matter.

If I am an "autisnob now ... I must have also been an "autisnob when I was 6yo.

If this makes Autistics look bad ... well ... how does it make human primates look?

How can a 6yo child possibly make Autistics look bad when human primates actually did the actual things they did to him?
I rather seem to think that it makes human primates look ... just like human primates, and all that bad as they really, actually are.

anbuend wrote:
A lot of us assume that, since we have looked in from the outside, people doing a particular ugly social thing are feeling a certain distinct and noticeable way about it. We don't realize that doing that social thing just feels "normal". And then we go on to do it without realizing we're doing it, and then claim that we're not doing it, because it's an 'NT' thing. And doing it while believing you're not doing it is a way to make sure you're never going to stop doing it.

Your point is understood.
Nazism is ugly.
I am Autistic, and what was done to me my entire life by human primates is just as ugly. There is no difference in ugliness - the only difference I see is what they could get away with. That's all.

I know exactly what I'm doing, and exactly why.

It has nothing to do with anything NT.

NT's do what they do for NT reasons; I do what I do for my reasons.
If there weren't such a difference, I wouldn't have to make the distinction between what a human primate is and what I am. That difference is huge.
So huge that I will not ever associate with NT's again.

I could fill up this entire site with the million stories about NT's and my personal experiences with them. that is pointless, because I know everyone has had those experiences, too.

It's just that most of you can't or won't battle against it anymore. I understand; it's lonely, painful, and you just get hurt and punished, and nobody - not even other Autistics - sticks up for you, or stands beside you.

Anbuend; you don't want to fight. So don't. I will fight. I do that well, always have, still do, and always will.
I have always fought for the innocent. Those were children, and I was in elementary school. But those children grew up, and they are no longer innocent - not one of them.

There is no NT, ever, in my life who has not betrayed me.
In the last year, I have lost around $30,000 to human primates, including;

$5,550 to my ex-landlord (who I thought was an honorable man, and I bought a new boiler for him ... $2,550 in cash to his oil company becasue his wife froze his assets in his divorce and he had to get out of thier house and bought himslef a new condo for $10,000 - and had no money to buy a new boiler; so I bought it for him. UHe wlked out of my home with $1,000 of my cash in his hand, stealing it. I paid last month's rent 3 times. he didn't fully reimburse me for the boilder I bought him. He asked me to leave ... tomorrow ... becasue he was in a jam and had to, had to seel his property, as the house I was renting was pre-nuptual and the only things he had in his name which wasn;t a frozen asset; so I obliged him. It cost me $2,000 to move. the day I was moving he woke me up at 8am and I paid him rent, thinking of his financial situation, and he walked out the door with my $1,000 - after I realized I didn't owe him rent, and he said "UMMMmmm ... it's for last month's rent ... you know how it works." and then close the door behind him, and walked down the stairs. I went outside after him and I said to him "You aren't my friend anymore." He then yelled at me, in front of two people, "I know how to take care of Number One! I have two black belts and several year's Tai-Kwon-Do! blabh blahblabhbh!! !!"

$4,000 to my own mother.

$20,000 to my boat broker in Florida.

All that, in one year ... everything I had.

Before this, I lost everything to my wife, including my Internet business.

There is no NT, ever, in my life who has not betrayed me.

You could state that it says someting about me.

I will state that it says everything about human primates.

I will bet my everythng on that, no problems, against your everything. My everything is already behind everything I say, write, and do.

...except I don't have much of an everything anymore ... it was all stolen in less than one year by human primates ... looking out for "#1" ... all of them.

Read my blog about my doctor, for another one ... 14 years of betrayal.


I think I know ugly, so very, very, very well ... now.

anbuend wrote:
Basically, not having the opportunity to do something particular that is wrong, doesn't mean having no capacity for doing it if the opportunity presents itself. But get us in the right position, and we seem to do it as much as anyone.

If you are trying to tell me that the opportunity for me to do wrong has not occurred in my life, I will write about all the 'opportunities' I have had to do wrong ... and did not do so.

IF you are suggesting I am not in the "right" position to do so very, very, very much wrong ... oh, please tell me exactly what it takes more than what I've already taken just in this one year alone to 'get me in the right position' to do wrong.

Tell me; exactly what have I done particularly wrong???

anbuend wrote:
Believing those things to be 'NT' seems to me to be one of those ways some autistic people think we're superior in some way, when we're not.

Read what I wrote.
Then tell me what you think you know.
Bet your everything on it.

You can use the word "seems" all you want.
"Seems" is just another opinion in a world full of "people's opinions" and an Internet where everyone can write their "opinions" and use the word "Seems".

As long as you and everyone else understands that you are using the word "seems" exactly because it is you opinion, and not because you actually know anything.

As long as you and everyone else understands that your using the word "seems" is NOT because you are more 'rational, or more 'mature', or more 'objective', or more 'careful', or more 'thoughtful' than me.

I don't use the word "seems" because "seems" is an amazing understatement I used to use when I wasn't sure about things.

Maybe YOU'RE not superior. but I sure am.

But I happen to think you're superior, too; regardless of however careful you want to be to make sure you don't make an incorrect statement, and regardless of however compassionate you feel you should be to human primates because "they're people, too".

Sure, they're "people", if you want to use that definition; that's the definition I use in the science of Anthroponomy for the general populace on this planet that all look human, but aren't necessarily .. "people".

Sure, they're people. But they're human primates, and are the ugliest, most disgusting life-forms on this planet.


If you have a problem with that, that's your problem.

I think you should take your rightful place; that's all.

I think you should stop making definitive statements about how I could possibly be 'human', or the same sentient species as 'human',

I am highly offended by that. Human primates are revolting, disgusting, filthy animals. I am not; I am very, very, very different from them, and always have been.

You can speak for yourself, and call yourself "human". I won't happen to believe you, because you're better and superior to any human I have ever known.

Just don't offend me the most deeply you can, and tell me and other people that I am a human primate - or even remotely human.

...and while you're at it, stop brainwashing other Autistics even more that they're human, and ugly like humans - because they are neither. Take a deeper look in the behavior you might see and which you ascribe to 'human' behavior, and find the difference, because the difference is there to be seen.


We both cause division:
- Anbuend causes division among Autistics; between those who accept the brainwashing that they're defective 'human's, and those who deny being the filthy human primates they have seen, experienced, and been submitted to their entire lives.
- Archetype cause division between Autistics and human primates; where division is accurate and meaningful and true.

We both find something 'disgusting':
- Anbuend finds Autistics "disgusting" who separate themselves from disgusting humans
- Archetype finds humans "disgusting" ... just like they really are.

You are incorrect.
I am accurate and correct.

Those are the only(!) big differences between what you write and do and what I write and do.

If other Autistcs are afraid of what will happen to them at the hands of human primates because I state that human primates are disgusting, filthy, anmals ... that's because you know that you have reason to be afraid of human primates. you have each and every one learned reason to be afraid of what human primates will do to you; that is why you are afraid.
I am not afraid.
Fear is death. Death is fear.

I will never cower to filthy pigs. No matter how many of them outnumber me.

"Wave after wave of human primate soldiers will smash upon Archetype's shield, in the Hot Gates, where their numbers will count for nothing."

"What is your profession; a 'soldier', you say? Well, I am a White Knight. See? I have bought more White Knights than you."

I am Archetype. I an One. I am Autis.

- Archetype


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08 May 2008, 5:37 pm


Wow, way to demonstrate my point. (Unless that was snarky humor, in which case pardon me for not noticing, I can't always tell if someone's serious or engaging in self-parody.)

"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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08 May 2008, 6:38 pm

Warsie wrote:
You're better ehh? I challenge you to a DUEL
Let's have a Sins of a Solar Empire internet duel. Who can be the better gamer :P


I began gaming on a 10Mhz Mac, playing "Marathon"

then, Half-Life came out ... WOW!

I built myself a computer just for it.

I played Half-Life online since there were under 100 servers (and dial-up connection with a 400ms ping being good playing conditions and about 15fps ... down to about 2fps in heavy action. I played for many years. Loved it. Real Gooood.
I played Team Fortess (still on dial-up ... brutal) and was in the competitive clan [30+]. I just turned 30yo, mitigatng factor for joining 30+. Real Goooood. Played that for years, too. I remember getting DSL when it first came out; it cost $400/month ... just so I could play online ... 100 ping was good.
I played Counter-Strike for many years, and had my own clan [!q], 'Exclamation Quotient'. Me and my friend were all too good, and we used to beat other teams that were obviously cheating (no, we didn;t cheat). We used to get kicked off servers cause people thought we were cheating; we were just real good, that's all.
I tried out DoD but it was slow, and nobody could work together as a team.
(the more time that went by, the worse the players got, and by the time Team Fortress came along, most players on the pubs just got in the way)

I played Jedi Knight a bit, too, which was fun; but the players weren;t too friendly a bunch.

I played Mech-Warrior, which I loved, but they changed the game and everyone just used long-range guided missiles, so that game was ruined.

I played Quake3 (I think 3) online, but kicked butt so bad, it wasn't really fun. I'd just stand outside our fortress and the whole opposite team couldn't get in.

I trounced my stepson at Half-Life, and all sorts of WW2 games, from FPSers to Strategy games. The poor kid could never win. I used to have to let him win, just because he was getting too frustrated.

I picked up 'Perimeter' a couple years ago, but only played a little bit. FPSers are much more engrossing for me.

I played 'Halo', too, but not much.

I even bought the domain '', soon after Counter-Strike came out, and was a clan host for many years. I sold the domain, though, cause hosting is too time-consuming.

I have about 10 years of online gaming. about 1 year of solo gaming. I gamed too much. I stopped gaming,and haven't for about 6-7 years I think, except some with my ex-stepson. I stopped playing chess, backgammon, scrabble, rummy ... everything. I don't play games anymore. I had a lot of tremendous fun, but I feel I wasted too much of my life doing that. I don't really have any interest in it, anymore.
I stopped doing the Internet thing completely.
the only reason I'm on the 'net is because Auts are on the 'net.

Are you Autistic or NT? My challenge was against any NT/human. I'm not going to contend with another Autistic. No way. :)

don't tempt me with that stuff, anyway
I need to maintain self-control, so I don;t end up spending 8 hours a day playing video games again. I'm sure it would be awesomest fun to accept your DUEL (den den DEN duuunnnn), but I'll decline, if you don't mind ... unless you're REALLY serious.
then I'll have to practice one week, get up to my 'game' again ... and whooop on you something fiercifiably.
Except I'll probably have to drop $2k to build a new computer, too, as mine can't handle HL2 or anything around or after that.

HA! didn't know I was a computer-tweaking, hot-roddin', overclockin' l337 gamer, did ya???
Yep, got my 566Mhz Celeron up to 800Mhz, stable on air, (I used two fans on one tiny OM heatsink), and OC'd my vid card about 20% core with another fan wedged between my sound card and the vid card (Diamond TNT2 Ultra) with the slot between removed for exhaust.

That was great fun, but I over-did it. I can't do gaming anymore; it's addictive and I wasted to much of my 30's doing that. I'm 45 now, and I CAN'T BE GAMING ANYMORE!! ! can i?

oh, but what's this off-topic about?

- Archetype

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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08 May 2008, 7:03 pm

anbuend wrote:

Wow, way to demonstrate my point. (Unless that was snarky humor, in which case pardon me for not noticing, I can't always tell if someone's serious or engaging in self-parody.)

Hi Anbuend,

Understood; I always put humor and lots of self-parody in everything I do, and will mix it in just at all the 'wrong' moments, like at the height of my logical 'therefore'.

I'm very passionate, and I derive too much laughter at my own antics ... which I further by making parody of my own antics with more antics.

My avatar is a parody of me being an 'Autistic', and also a parody of my own Autistic traits. It's a cheaply modified photo of me, which I made just for WP.

My contention is absolute, but I do go over-board with things, as it's too delicious to abstain.

"Wave after wave of human primate soldiers will smash against Archetype's shield..."

is completely slapstick, and is an offtake from the movie '300', where;
"There, in the Hot Gates, wave after wave of Persians will smash against Spartan shields, where their numbers will count for nothing."

... or very nearly the quote.

.. as is the other offed quote from the same movie:
A: "We heard Sparta was going to war - is this, then, all the soldiers you brought?"
L: pauses before answering ... looks about, then;
L: "You; what is your profession?"
P: "I'm a potter, sir."
L: "You there; what is your profession?"
S: "I'm a sculptor."
Spartans: "...WWHHOOOOOHAAAAA!!"
L to A: "Ahhh, you see, my friend; I have brought more soldiers than you."

But, other than humorous injections threaded throughout, my point is very serious.

I haven't proven your point; you continuously prove mine.

archetype wrote:

We both cause division:
- Anbuend causes division among Autistics; between those who accept the brainwashing that they're defective 'human's, and those who deny being the filthy human primates they have seen, experienced, and been submitted to their entire lives.
- Archetype cause division between Autistics and human primates; where division is accurate and meaningful and true.

We both find something 'disgusting':
- Anbuend finds Autistics "disgusting" who separate themselves from disgusting humans
- Archetype finds humans "disgusting" ... just like they really are.

I leave you with that to assess and critique. My words may be contentionable, but the point ...???

- Archetype