I selected agnostic, as it was the closest option for me. However, while I am not AT ALL religious, I do believe in God, so am a deist.
I'm very science oriented, but I can't understand why god and science should have to be separate. What if god IS science, and vice versa? What if science is just revealing the inner working's of god's creation?
While my 'faith' goes only as far as a belief that a god exists (no praying, no attributing events in my life to god's 'will', etc etc), I still don't see why a god existing is any more illogical than the universe coming into existence on its own...but then, where did god come from? It's the chicken or the egg argument on a literal universal scale.
Oh, also, while I believe in god, I am not above recognizing the possibility, or even likelihood, that there is no god. I do, however, believe whole-heartedly in science, evolution, etc etc.
Aspie Quiz: AS - 141/200, NT - 77/200 (Very likely an Aspie)
AQ: 34/50 (Aspie range)
EQ: 32 / SQ: 68 (Extreme Systemizing / AS or HFA)
Diagnosed with AS and Anxiety Disorder - NOS on 03/21/2012