swbluto wrote:
Considering that some recent news article off the internet
That doesn't exactly give it an air of any authority, does it?
I'd imagine at least 4 out of every 110 people would be psycho-hypochondriac + introspective + socially awkward like myself
Hmm well that's not the case here. There's nothing psycho-hypochondriac about the things I have difficulties with.
They exist and they're not something I can control.
The reliability of this test is unknown, and it's doubtful it's too high.
I 'calibrated' it using four NT family members and it was very accurate with that.
Accurate to the extent of giving an indication of why I 'connect' better with one of my nephews and my younger sister than two other family members. Although they all scored 'thoroughly NT', these two didn't hit the NT edge of the chart quite so hard as the other two, and had a slight 'bulge' towards the Aspie side - and I'd already sussed the other two as being
very NT before I was aware the chart existed.
So it seems pretty good to me although, of course, it's not an absolute.
Here's mine again (couldn't find a way of linking to an earlier post).
Aspie: 176/200
NT: 20/200
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.