colton.s wrote:
I posted this in the wrong before sorry for that
OK here we go again and I know nobody but JD can tell me want is in JD's head. He had a Doctors appointment. I went I ask the doctor what went through JD's mind like when he went in a store does he feel like everybody is watching him does he feel different. does he I get the smell part and kind of the sound part. The doctor said well he sees himself as being the only different person in the world and kind of blew me off or it felt like that. If it is not a rude question How do Autistic people see them self or maybe how do they see other people? what is it like to walk in his shoes are can an NT get an idea of his world from his point of view are someone who has walked his road as a six-year-old. I don't even mean why he goes south (meltdowns) not any of that just how he sees the world Sorry if this question makes anybody upset.I really have a reason for asking,
I'd differ with the doctor on that it was more like I saw everyone else as different. You know like if you were the only human on another planet. With both the people and environment being somewhat alien. That's why they call this place Wrong Planet, because autistic people often feel like they're in an alien world.