YMBAAI...you've gone onto Quizmoz.com and created a quiz about yourself and all your private business, and when you've submitted it you discover the whole world could read it and you know that in a couple of days half the world will know you and your business, and you were stupid enough to even put your whole address on one of the questions.
Then you panic and start doing anything to see how you can delete it, but you've done everything possible and still can't delete it, and there is nothing more you can do.
That's when you realise you're just under average with your IQ, because most normal Aspies are smart enough to know consequences when it comes to computers. (Except me)
I hate websites a lot of the times. Even Wrong Planet, because once I entered a thread, then there was a slight error with it and I could not change it or delete it. I think it's stupid when once you've entered something there's no turning back.
YMBAAI....you created an account for facebook, just to see what all the fuss is about, and a few days later you noticed your email inbox was full of junk mail from facebook, like advertising you into more things you can do with your friends, and other s**t like that, and you take that as an insult because not everyone has loads of friends just because they're on facebook
YMBAAI...the forriegn old man you have a crush on gives you his email address, and each time you discover you have a new message in your inbox you get really excited and nervous and rush to see what he has put - then almost throw up with disappointment when it's just s**t from Windows Live Hotmail Team. So, out of uncontrolled anger, you write a message back to them yelling, ''f**k off!! !''