Set of scientific tests related to Autism Spectrum Disorders
Is it possible to become more autistic? I haven't been socializing much in the past 6 months. I feel like I am regressing.
Your result for The Broad Autism Phenotype Test ...
You scored 113 aloof, 124 rigid and 98 pragmatic
Your Aspie score: 161 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 55 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 2 Feb 2011
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 54
Location: Florida
1) BAPQ:
You scored 129 aloof, 111 rigid and 132 pragmatic
You scored above the cutoff on all three scales. Clearly, you are either autistic or on the broader autistic phenotype. You probably are not very social, and when you do interact with others, you come off as strange or rude without meaning to. You probably also like things to be familiar and predictable and don't like changes, especially unexpected ones.
You scored 129% on aloof, higher than 96% of your peers.
You scored 111% on rigid, higher than 78% of your peers.
You scored 132% on pragmatic, higher than 100% of your peers.
2) AQ:
3) EQ: 12 SQ: 86
Extreme Systemizing
4) EIQ: 55 or, .13%
5) HSP: 22
6) Mind in the eyes test: 21. Difficult and frustrating test.
7) Cambridge face memory test:
Out of 72 faces, you correctly identified 51.
In other words, you got 71% correct.
8) Aspie quiz: Aspie score of 172, NT score of 32. Very likely an Aspie.
All I'm lacking is the confidence to go and get the eval...
Your Aspie score: 172 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 32 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie.

Joined: 7 Dec 2010
Age: 55
Gender: Female
Posts: 12,275
Location: University of California Sunnydale (fictional location - Real location Olympia, WA)
I am retaking these because the first time I took them, I did not record all the scores before posting.
1. Broad autistic phenotype:
You scored 98 aloof, 93 rigid and 109 pragmatic
You scored above the cutoff on all three scales. Clearly, you are either autistic or on the broader autistic phenotype. You probably are not very social, and when you do interact with others, you come off as strange or rude without meaning to. You probably also like things to be familiar and predictable and don't like changes, especially unexpected ones.
2. AQ 40 - every time I take this, the score goes up. I believe my answers are accurate each time, and I always think that my answers would give me a lower score.
3. SQ: 91, EQ: 18 (extreme systemizer)
4. EIQ:
Snapshot Report
Self-report Component
Subscale IQ score = 78
Subscale percentile = 8
According to your self-report answers, your emotional intelligence is very poor. People who score like you do feel that they have trouble dealing with their own emotions and those of others. They struggle to overcome difficulties in their lives and they are unable to control their moods. It's hard for them to understand how best to motivate themselves and reach their goals. In addition, they find social interactions quite difficult, for several reasons. They may have trouble allowing themselves to get close with others, finding it difficult to be vulnerable enough to establish intimacy. They also report having trouble offering support to others, likely due to the fact that they do not understand where others are coming from or they lack ideas about how best to help. Perhaps by working on your problem areas, you can become more confident in dealing with your own emotions and those of others.
5. HSP: 23
6. Reading the mind in the eyes:
Your score: 23
A typical score is in the range 22-30. If you scored over 30,
you are very accurate at decoding a person's facial expressions
around their eyes. A score under 22 indicates you find this quite difficult
My last attempt was 18 or 19. I was guessing on so many, though.
7. Face Blindness / Prosopagnosia Test:
Out of 72 faces, you correctly identified 61.
In other words, you got 85% correct.
I think I was 79% last time.
Aspie Quiz:
Your Aspie score: 156 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 62 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
I scored a 48/50 for the AQ test.
For the EQ-SQ test, I scored 11 (EQ) and 89 (SQ) for a result of Extreme Systemizer. I had taken another EQ test with many of the same questions, only this one had 60 questions, just a few minutes ago, and I scored 7. Clearly I lack empathy. The funny thing is, I never really noticed it until someone pointed it out to me just recently, and I am 26. I can see now that I do, but it never dawned on me before.
For the HSP test, I scored 24 indicating I am highly sensitive.
For the Aspie quiz, I scored:
Aspie score: 168/200
NT score: 37/200
So, I am very likely an Aspie.
For the Bap quiz, I scored Autistic/BAP, 117 aloof, 123 rigid, and 118 pragmatic. The description they gave was:
You scored above the cutoff on all three scales. Clearly, you are either autistic or on the broader autistic phenotype. You probably are not very social, and when you do interact with others, you come off as strange or rude without meaning to. You probably also like things to be familiar and predictable and don't like changes, especially unexpected ones.

Joined: 12 Feb 2011
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Posts: 478
Location: Forth Estuary Area, Western Palearctic Archipelago, Sol III, Orion Spur, Milky Way
I'm new on this site. I discovered yesterday that the best explanation so far for the mess that I am may well be Asperger's Syndrome. I'm not formally diagnosed, although I am considering a trip to see my GP. He thinks I have Borderline Personality Disorder, which may be comorbid.
Here are my results, most taken after midnight last night:
I hated stats at uni, but having some grasp of the subject after many hours in the library I'd love it if some standard deviations were presented along with gross means. Having said that, I'm not even sure if I want to work out the SDs for the last test below, the one that's most scary.
Your Aspie score: 148 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 55 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
[Well, that doesn't settle that. I know that even the term "Asperger's" is likely to be struck from the DSM-V but, for the moment, it seems like a pretty clear pointer!]
The Broad Autism Phenotype Test ...
You scored 120 aloof, 109 rigid and 113 pragmatic
You scored above the cutoff on all three scales. Clearly, you are either autistic or on the broader autistic phenotype. You probably are not very social, and when you do interact with others, you come off as strange or rude without meaning to.
You scored 120% on aloof, higher than 79% of your peers.
You scored 109% on rigid, higher than 74% of your peers.
You scored 113% on pragmatic, higher than 89% of your peers.
You scored 6% on diagnosis, higher than 63% of your peers.
Highly Sensitive Person Test: 21
"If you answered more than fourteen of the questions as true of yourself, you are probably highly sensitive."
Autism-Spectrum Quotient
Agree: 2,4,5,6,7,9,12,13,16,18,19,20,22,23,26,33,35,39,41,42,43,45,46: 1 point
Disagree: 1,10,11,15,17,24,25,27,28,31,32,34,36,37,38,40,44,47,48,50: 1 point
Score: 43
(the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher.)
The Empathizing Quotient and Systemizing Quotient - Revised (EQ SQ-R) tests
Respondent Average EQ Average SQ Brain Type
Males 39.0 61.2 Systemizing
Females 48.0 51.7 Empathizing
Your Score 11 112 Extreme Systemizing
Mind in the eyes
Your score: 17
A typical score is in the range 22-30. If you scored over 30,
you are very accurate at decoding a person's facial expressions
around their eyes. A score under 22 indicates you find this quite difficult.
[Difficult? No kidding!]
Prosopagnosia test: The Cambridge Face Memory test
Out of 72 faces, you correctly identified 53.
In other words, you got 74% correct.
On our previous version of this test, the average person with normal face recognition was able to recognize about 80% of the faces. If you correctly identified less than 65% of the faces, this may indicate face recognition difficulties.
[At last one in the "normal", if the low "normal" range]
[... but this is truly frightening!!]
Snapshot Report
Self-report Component
Subscale IQ score = 55
Subscale percentile = 0.13
According to your self-report answers, your emotional intelligence is very poor. People who score like you do feel that they have trouble dealing with their own emotions and those of others. They struggle to overcome difficulties in their lives and they are unable to control their moods. It's hard for them to understand how best to motivate themselves and reach their goals. In addition, they find social interactions quite difficult, for several reasons. They may have trouble allowing themselves to get close with others, finding it difficult to be vulnerable enough to establish intimacy. They also report having trouble offering support to others, likely due to the fact that they do not understand where others are coming from or they lack ideas about how best to help.
[This is a standard bell curve around a mean of 100. I've often said that it's frightening that the average IQ is 100. I'm now throwing that back in my own face. My EIQ makes me an emotional moron!
This proves what I've been saying for years: I'm utterly useless at interacting with other (?!) humans.
It's probably why I'm so utterly s**t.
Right now, I want to curl up under a rock and die. I'l never be able to get close to anyone. I'll never get a job or be constructive in any way. I'm useless and despicable.]
Stuck on some pre-FTL rationality-forsaken mudball in the Orion Spur. Ecological collapse (dominant-species induced major extinction event) imminent. Requesting passage to any post-scarcity biological civ. Beacon status: ACTIVE. Can tell stories.
OK CUPID TEST: (BAPPY) ... r_aloof=81
AQ: 30
SQ: 26
Highly sensitive person: 15
Mind the eyes: 10
Faceblindess: 48% (However, I disagree with this result)
EQ: 91 (Actually higher than I excepted, apparently, EQ improves as you get older so I'll try it when I'm older)
Canadian, young adult, student demisexual-heteroromantic, cisgender female, autistic
Your Aspie score: 175 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 34 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Your result for The Broad Autism Phenotype Test ...
You scored 113 aloof, 132 rigid and 110 pragmatic
You scored above the cutoff on all three scales. Clearly, you are either autistic or on the broader autistic phenotype. You probably are not very social, and when you do interact with others, you come off as strange or rude without meaning to. You probably also like things to be familiar and predictable and don't like changes, especially unexpected ones.
Last edited by AspieDa on 23 Feb 2011, 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1. You scored 59 aloof, 75 rigid and 69 pragmatic
You scored below cutoff on all three subscales, suggesting that you are not on the broader autistic phenotype.
2. 23
EQ: 40
SQ: 100
4. Snapshot Report
Self-report Component
Subscale IQ score = 123
Subscale percentile = 95
According to your self-report answers, your emotional intelligence is good. People who score like you do feel that they have little trouble understanding and dealing with their own emotions and those of others. They generally are able to overcome difficulties in their lives and they are able to control their moods in all but the most trying of times. It's easy for them to motivate themselves to overcome obstacles and reach their goals. In addition, they find social interactions to be quite easy and fulfilling, for several reasons. They are comfortable allowing themselves to get close with others, and feel comfortable being vulnerable enough to establish intimacy. They also report having an easy time offering support to others; this is likely due to an empathetic nature and a clear mind when it comes to offering good advice.
5. 13
6. 27
7. 93%
Aspie quiz:
Your Aspie score: 76 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 135 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical
AQ = 44
EQ = 12
Brain type=Extreme Systemizing
EIQ score = 44
Aspie quiz:
Your aspie score: 156 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 46 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
You scored 108 aloof, 97 rigid and 104 pragmatic
You scored above the cutoff on all three scales.
AQ: 34
15 / 66 : Extreme Systemizing
Subscale IQ score = 87
Subscale percentile = 19
/ Somewhat poor /
HSP: 12 (could be 13)
Reading the mind in the eyes' test:
Face blindness:
Out of 72 faces, you correctly identified 54.
In other words, you got 75% correct.
Your Aspie score: 102 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 91 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
[... but this is truly frightening!!]
Snapshot Report
Self-report Component
Subscale IQ score = 55
Subscale percentile = 0.13
According to your self-report answers, your emotional intelligence is very poor. People who score like you do feel that they have trouble dealing with their own emotions and those of others. They struggle to overcome difficulties in their lives and they are unable to control their moods. It's hard for them to understand how best to motivate themselves and reach their goals. In addition, they find social interactions quite difficult, for several reasons. They may have trouble allowing themselves to get close with others, finding it difficult to be vulnerable enough to establish intimacy. They also report having trouble offering support to others, likely due to the fact that they do not understand where others are coming from or they lack ideas about how best to help.
[This is a standard bell curve around a mean of 100. I've often said that it's frightening that the average IQ is 100. I'm now throwing that back in my own face. My EIQ makes me an emotional moron!
This proves what I've been saying for years: I'm utterly useless at interacting with other (?!) humans.
It's probably why I'm so utterly sh**.
Right now, I want to curl up under a rock and die. I'l never be able to get close to anyone. I'll never get a job or be constructive in any way. I'm useless and despicable.]
Don't be so hard on you! When you know your problem is not unique, and that that it is not your fault, no reason! I'm also shocked about my test result, but I think it will improve when I know more about these things. So cheer up!
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