500-ish) Clean your daughter's room. Throw away things that you decide she no longer wants or needs. Re-arrange all of her stuff. Watch her freak out. Make fun of her for freaking out. Pretend to be confused about why she is freaking out. Tell her off for moving her stuff out of the places that you have designated for her. Continue to do this for 12 years. Feign confusion when she freaks out EVERY...SINGLE...TIME.
501-ish) Make promises and never keep them. Yell at her for being pessimestic when she finally decides that you will never do anything that you say you will. Tell her to be positive. Tell her that you do NOT make promises and then break them! You merely CHANGE YOUR MIND AND THAT IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!! !!
502-ish) Call her stupid and childish for becoming upset when you break yet another promise after she decides to be an optimist and believe you when you promise promise promise her that she can have that pet she's wanted for for EVER that is being offtered to her for free as a gift.
503-ish) Tell her that she is an adult when you want her to do something. Tell her that SHE IS THE CHILD when you do not want her to do something.
504-ish) Tell her that she is an adult and can do whatever she wants. Don't actually allow her to do ANYTHING that she wants because she lives under your roof and must obey your rules or move the f--k out!! !! Be sure that she is unemployed at the time. Belittle her for being unemployed when she has been job hunting and failing interviews for the past four years. Tell her that it is her fault that she fails interviews and to "stop being so f--king weird all the time!! !!".
505-ish) Yell at her for not "having a life" and acting like a normal girl, then teenager, then young adult. Tell her to go out and LIVE. Thwart her every attempt to leave the house. Use any excuse you can think of. Guilt her. Tell her that it is stupid. Get angry because where she wants to go isnt a party or a club, but the book store. Or a skate park.
506-ish) Tell her not to waste all of her money on books and skateboards or whatever it is that she is trying to waste her money on. Tell her that she should buy clothes, shoes, a nice purse.
507-ish) SCREAM at her for asking you ONE F--KING QUESTION when you are on the phone, but be sure to ask her as many questions as you damn well please when she is on the phone. Get angry/sarcastic/laugh at her when she tells said person on the phone "hey, i will call you back later." or "I have to go." when she is unable to listen to you and the other person simultaniously.
508-ish) When she does something that you find odd, gaze at the heavens and exclaim, arms raised for dramatic effect, "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!".
509-ish) Yell at her about something. Get in her face while yelling. Tell her that she makes you sick. Five minutes later, be cheerful and talk to her as if nothing ever happened. Become offended when she does not wish to speak with her. Say "You don't want to talk to me? Ok, you wanna be like that? I can show you. Let's see if you want to talk when you get the hell out of my house."
I think I know. I don't think I know. I don't think I think I know. I don't think I think.