Skilpadde wrote:
AnnePande wrote:
But it's strange that NT kids who bully "different" kids (eg. with AS) aren't said to have limited / selective empathy...
Yes, that one has ticked me off ever since I found out about AS.
The most irritating AS comment I've ever read, was written by (shiver) Gillberg. He spent pages discussing our lack of empathy in the same book as he wrote that aspie children are so odd it is a wonder why not more of them are being bullied in school.
Yeah some say we (or all of us) don't have empathy for others, or can put ourselves in the place of others.*) But NTs can do that, they say. The question only is: Which others??
The ones who are like themselves... but they forget to say that.
I've heard about Gillberg, haven't read anything written by him though.
*) Some even say: "put ourselves in another's shoes", but take care, we may understand it literally and begin walking around in our neighbour's way too big boots without permission - and when he asks what in the world we are doing, we would say: "I empathise with you!!" Or: "Can you see I'm able to put myself in your shoes!"