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06 Jun 2009, 10:12 am

Crassus wrote:
Well come on Daniel, quit whining and Just do it.

Someone just threw the oven mitten down. I accept.

I'll begin working on making the TNT and RDX mix right away (I've been meaning to, as a certain ASD clinic around here has been deserving of an adequate amount of HE for a long time; if I'm going to blast the local Nike warehouse, I may as well blast those that annoy me equally as much).

'What made you do it?'
'They told me to "'Just do it!'" So I did.'


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06 Jun 2009, 10:43 am

sinsboldly wrote:
AnnePande wrote:
AlMightyAl wrote:
I'm getting tired of the threads titled "I don't like doing this!" and "I don't like doing that!".
Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.

I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.

What about your own dislike about people posting threads about things they don't like?

What would you say if someone told you "just to get over" that?? :?

thank you, AnnePande. I had thought of that as well, but didn't want the grief by mentioning it.

I usually whine while I am doing it anyway, personally.

The same to you. :)

BTW I'm not sure I understand, you usually whine while you are doing what?

06 Jun 2009, 11:00 am

Because my Aspergers gets me excused for everything.
I just want to do stuff on my own without people going "Oh, we should let him pass this year cuz he has aspergers" or something.
I know out of experience that many people abuse the label.

I find that annoying too. I also wouldn't like it if people kept using my AS as an excuse and kept telling me I can't do this or do that. In high school I kept being shot down and kids and teachers didn't think I could do drama and should be in it and my special ed teacher also thought I can't do Spanish but my aid knew I could do it because it's memorization. It was one of the easiest subjects for me because it was concrete and I got 100% on all my tests and worksheets while other kids got some words wrong and I didn't have a problem doing the homework at home because it was so easy. I was underestimated in high school and kids and my aid thought I can't drive and when I started driving, I got asked by little kids and kids in my school "You have your lisence?" What did they think I was, ret*d?

I do agree that people abuse the label such as not having to wait in line for a few hours to get on a ride at Disney World so they use the disability pass. Even parents abuse their child's label so they might use their disability to not wait in line either at the place. To me it seems wrong, especially using your kid's disability. It be like a theme park not charging people with disabilties to get in and I have a kid with Down's syndrome lets say so I decide to not pay for my kid to get in because I want to save on money. It just seems dishonest is all. It be like me driving on the shoulder on the road because I don't want to be stuck in traffic and I use my AS label to get my way out of a ticket and have the officer tell me "Go on and drive in the shoulders." I take the back roads during rush hour to avoid the traffic and that is something for anyone to do so it's not a special rule.


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06 Jun 2009, 11:04 am

Its a state of mind.
Just do it and stop whining.

I full heartedly agree with you... it reminds me of those wasters with multiple-sclerosis

cry cry
i can't move my legs
my arms keep shaking
i just crapped myself again
oh no! a seizure
my muscles have just wasted away
cry cry

They need to stop whining and get off their fat lazy asses. I don't want to hear excuses, just do it!


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06 Jun 2009, 11:08 am

Hmmm. If the problem is that you are sensitive to certain kinds of stimulation, why would it be an abuse of your disability pass to avoid the overwhelming stimulation of waiting in line just to get a go on the dumbos? Not that I ever have I'm just not sure I get the problem with it in theory.

06 Jun 2009, 11:16 am

Crassus wrote:
Hmmm. If the problem is that you are sensitive to certain kinds of stimulation, why would it be an abuse of your disability pass to avoid the overwhelming stimulation of waiting in line just to get a go on the dumbos? Not that I ever have I'm just not sure I get the problem with it in theory.

It just seems unfair is all and I was taught I need to learn and adapt so I expect the same in others and it just bugs me to see others play the disability card. Makes me sick. Not literally.
What happens if someone gets overwhelmed waiting in traffic? :? Should there be disability passes for drives that allows them to drive on the shoulders of the road or on the side of the roads so they can get home faster? That could help my anxiety. I just do it and know how to keep myself calm. Should there be passes for people to cut in line in stores and restrooms? I just leave if the line is too long but sometimes I have no choice. Hey bring a book to read or something like music to listen to or a game to play to keep busy.

Last edited by Spokane_Girl on 06 Jun 2009, 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Jun 2009, 11:19 am

AnnePande wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
AnnePande wrote:
AlMightyAl wrote:
I'm getting tired of the threads titled "I don't like doing this!" and "I don't like doing that!".
Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.

I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.

What about your own dislike about people posting threads about things they don't like?

What would you say if someone told you "just to get over" that?? :?

thank you, AnnePande. I had thought of that as well, but didn't want the grief by mentioning it.

I usually whine while I am doing it anyway, personally.

The same to you. :)

BTW I'm not sure I understand, you usually whine while you are doing what?

I whine when I go to my job, I whine (to myself, mostly) while I am doing my job, I whine when I take public transportation home from my job, I whine when I get up in the AM I whine when I have long lonely weekends spread out before me. I whine and I just do it. Sometimes I can't do it, and I whine then, too.

I try to keep my whining to myself, though, as no one else cares, actually. Only me.

Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon


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06 Jun 2009, 11:20 am

Looking at it from the OPs perspective...

His experience is with middle and high school.

Most ADULTS adults with diagnosed (or self-diagnosed) AS (25+, diagnosed as adults) don't receive special treatment. Some of them have more difficulty than some other adults with AS due to additional disorders or physical problems that they've acquired over the years.

However, his experience is with children and teens with AS.

Do children, teens, and young adults (diagnosed as minors) get special treatment?
Oh heavens, yes. Sometimes beneficial, mostly detrimental.

Segregated classrooms, dumbed-down academic work, pity diplomas, disability job agencies setting them up with unpaid work terms, social workers, "aides", you name it.

However, ALL of these things have a nasty habit of being completely counter-productive in the creation of independant individuals with decent work ethics. People that I've met who've had those things ended up living with their parents, barely working a day in their lives, with their "special ed" high school diploma that isn't worth the paper it's printed on, and with whatever friends they had slowly drifting away due to their University and work schedules.

And you know what? The AS young adults who DIDN'T have the differential treatment are a part of those friends that are drifting away. Because they were taught that they had to work for what they had. And work they did.

But, this was back when I was in high school. Nowadays, there will be many more children with AS getting the exact same treatment, regardless of functioning level. Will the higher-functioning ones be able to survive the onslaught of coddling? Or will it dull their skills to the point where they behave exactly like the more severe ones?

I can tell you, at least, that if I had been diagnosed in childhood and received the kind of treatment that AS children do now, I probably would have turned out to be a lazy underacheiver. What little initiative I had as a teenager would have been wittled away due to the "special ed case" label I would have been given. If you're already a teenager with shaky self esteem, and psychologists, teachers, and your aides are constantly telling you how worthless you'll be to society, it tends to make one give up on life.


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06 Jun 2009, 11:31 am

Driving on the shoulder or side represents a safety hazard, however letting you have an exemption sticker so you could be in the car pool lane solo? I would have no problem with that. If you don't go out of your way to give cuts to the dude in the wheelchair at the restroom, I'm not sure what to say. Same goes for checking out honestly. I always make the offer for cuts to certain people, and they are free to say no that's okay I'm fine in line. I'll concede my spot to anybody that makes a polite and reasonable request typically. I'm just not one for making others suffer undue stress for some perceived convenience on my part. By the same token I'm not shy of making requests for special consideration about things that would otherwise require me to spend too much of myself to do.
It's like this, I'm a reed in the winds of life, I do my best to just let life flow over and around me and enjoy the caress, but if I feel myself being uprooted, I will ask my fellow reed to take my hand.


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06 Jun 2009, 11:41 am

Spokane_Girl wrote:
Because my Aspergers gets me excused for everything.
I just want to do stuff on my own without people going "Oh, we should let him pass this year cuz he has aspergers" or something.
I know out of experience that many people abuse the label.

I find that annoying too. I also wouldn't like it if people kept using my AS as an excuse and kept telling me I can't do this or do that. In high school I kept being shot down and kids and teachers didn't think I could do drama and should be in it and my special ed teacher also thought I can't do Spanish but my aid knew I could do it because it's memorization. It was one of the easiest subjects for me because it was concrete and I got 100% on all my tests and worksheets while other kids got some words wrong and I didn't have a problem doing the homework at home because it was so easy. .

I was the exact same in that exact subject. I never got less than 100% in a Spanish test at school.

They thought I was just extremely diligent, but I wasn't especially.

'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)

06 Jun 2009, 12:00 pm

If you don't go out of your way to give cuts to the dude in the wheelchair at the restroom,

We let them cut in line? 8O Goodness. Seems like special treatment. I do know they need to use the handicap stall because their chair won't fit in any other stall, that's not special treatment. They just have to wait for the handicap stall to open when their turn comes.

When a wheelchair person gets on the bus and people have to move out of the seats that are made to go up for them, that's not special treatment because they can't block the aisle with their chair.

When a blind person gets on the bus and has to sit up front, that's not special treatment because they need to be close to the driver so he or she can tell them their stop is there. We can't have the drivers shout at them so they can hear him or her. Not their fault the drivers are too lazy to get out of their seats to walk up to them to tell them their stop is here so no wonder they have to sit up front. What choice do they have? They can't make the drivers not be lazy.

When a pregnant woman gets on the bus, they have to sit so that's not special treatment because what if the driver has to slam on its breaks. The woman could lose her balance and fall and it can hurt the baby. Well that's what bars are for anyway. Too keep you from falling and you are supposed to hold onto it when the bus is in motion but the woman could still bump into other people if the driver slammed on its breaks and it can still hurt the baby. Took me a while to figure that one out on my own.

I always make the offer for cuts to certain people, and they are free to say no that's okay I'm fine in line.

That's honesty because you are asking. Everyone has that right. I have had people asking me if they can get in front of me and I happily let them knowing one person cutting in front of me isn't going to kill me. I figure maybe they have to go that bad and they couldn't find a restroom in time to go before. Sometimes restrooms are hard to find in public. This usually happens when I am next in line but it doesn't happen often. I once almost wet myself in public because I couldn't find a restroom in downtown because I didn't know where they were. I couldn't use the restrooms again at the hotel I applied at in 2007 because they were locked so I went looking around for a restroom and walked into a clothing store. I was just lucky an employee there let me use their employee restroom even though they didn't have public restrooms. I didn't even ask if I could use their restroom, I asked if they had any restrooms meaning public restrooms. I don't see that as special treatment because I didn't ask to use it and the lady just offered it is all. She probably saw how bad I really needed to go because I was holding myself down there and I was moving my legs up and down and I said "Are there any bathrooms here?" I didn't even know I used the employee restroom until she told me. I had asked her why do they keep it locked and she said it was an employee restroom. I never understood why some places such as gas stations keep their restrooms locked and you have to ask for the key from the cashier. Maybe it's to keep out homeless people or none customers.
I did go to the bathroom when I arrived at the hotel (I was just lucky an employee was cleaning it and then it was locked as I left) and after forty minutes I had to go again and then all of a sudden I had to go really really bad and I had to go somewhere else to do the urine test so they can test me for drugs before they hire me and I was holding it to go there but then I had to go so bad I thought I was going to wet myself I was grabbing myself down there and was forced to find a restroom. Luckily I was still able to go when I got to the place.


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06 Jun 2009, 12:41 pm

When someone asks me if they can cut in line I turn to the people behind me and say "this person wants to cut in line, is that OK?" You see, it is not just MY consent, but the consent of the whole line that is needed.

I have had people in wheelchairs read me the riot act when I come out of "their" stall when they have had to wait their turn to use 'the next stall'. I could not believe it and asked if the stall should go unused until a person in a wheelchair should turn up. I was told that that was exactly what it means! Bah! this person was mistaken. What was hard to take was her attitude that me using 'her' stall was somehow diminishing her as an alter abled person.

Of course, today, I would just calmly tell her of my own 'disability' as I washed my hands and got the hell out of there. :roll: However, my 'hidden' disability might be considered 'mild', eh?

Alis volat propriis
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06 Jun 2009, 12:41 pm

Even with a handicap stall, if you are in a wheelchair it takes you extra time just to manuever yourself out of your chair onto the toilet to do your thing, and then back into your chair. If somebody shows up to the queue outside a restroom in a chair I'll send word forward in line asking if the handicap stall is currently open and if so I send the wheelchair right in. Is that special treatment? I'm not even sure what that means in this context. I think of it as being conscientious towards my fellow man and doing for others as I would have done for me.

06 Jun 2009, 12:55 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
When someone asks me if they can cut in line I turn to the people behind me and say "this person wants to cut in line, is that OK?" You see, it is not just MY consent, but the consent of the whole line that is needed.

I have had people in wheelchairs read me the riot act when I come out of "their" stall when they have had to wait their turn to use 'the next stall'. I could not believe it and asked if the stall should go unused until a person in a wheelchair should turn up. I was told that that was exactly what it means! Bah! this person was mistaken. What was hard to take was her attitude that me using 'her' stall was somehow diminishing her as an alter abled person.

Of course, today, I would just calmly tell her of my own 'disability' as I washed my hands and got the hell out of there. :roll: However, my 'hidden' disability might be considered 'mild', eh?

The stall is also used for parents who have strollers. I can remember when my brothers were babies, my mother would push the stroller in the handicap stall to go. Are people supposed to take their babies out of their strollers and bring them in the stall with them or leave them out in their stroller as they go? I think not. Of course I have seen baby seats attached in the single stalls for parents to put their babies in as they go. I have even seen changing stations in handicaps stalls.


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06 Jun 2009, 12:56 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
AnnePande wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
AnnePande wrote:
AlMightyAl wrote:
I'm getting tired of the threads titled "I don't like doing this!" and "I don't like doing that!".
Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.

I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.

What about your own dislike about people posting threads about things they don't like?

What would you say if someone told you "just to get over" that?? :?

thank you, AnnePande. I had thought of that as well, but didn't want the grief by mentioning it.

I usually whine while I am doing it anyway, personally.

The same to you. :)

BTW I'm not sure I understand, you usually whine while you are doing what?

I whine when I go to my job, I whine (to myself, mostly) while I am doing my job, I whine when I take public transportation home from my job, I whine when I get up in the AM I whine when I have long lonely weekends spread out before me. I whine and I just do it. Sometimes I can't do it, and I whine then, too.

I try to keep my whining to myself, though, as no one else cares, actually. Only me.

OK then, yes of course there is the option both to whine and do it. :wink: I didn't think about that.
I don't whine so much, but sometimes. And try to do it / the things I should do, sometimes I succeed, sometimes not. But I keep on trying.

06 Jun 2009, 1:00 pm

Crassus wrote:
Even with a handicap stall, if you are in a wheelchair it takes you extra time just to manuever yourself out of your chair onto the toilet to do your thing, and then back into your chair. If somebody shows up to the queue outside a restroom in a chair I'll send word forward in line asking if the handicap stall is currently open and if so I send the wheelchair right in. Is that special treatment?

Seems like it, do we want them out of the restroom sooner or what? :? Seems like discrimination if that's what this is about. We don't try and get other people out of the restroom sooner so why must we do that to wheelchair people if that's what it's all about?

I believe in fairness.