Transformers Revenge of The Fallen
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 28 Jun 2009
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Posts: 59
Location: Saskatchewan
It's like the first transformers movie was made for people who were fans of the 90s cartoon, and the 2nd movie for fans on th3 cartoon version that was done a few years ago.
I was very disappointed in the 2nd movie. The whole premise doesn't make any sense, there's hundreds of thousands of stars out there, why do they need Earth's. Why does an underground room hidden under a butcher shop's freezer have sunlight streaming in the 10 foot tall windows?? Since when can you see the mountains from the Smithsonian?? If you're in the middle of a battle and there's killers on all sides, why send you parents in a direction sure to send them into enemy hands when you're heading for your allies yourself?? Why would Robots have hill billy teeth? Why would a robot dry hump some ones leg? There's sunlight and plants at the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean? has no one watched a titanic documentary?
There's just so much outright a stupidity that I couldn't even enjoy the entertaining parts of the movie. Really wished I had waited til the damn movie hit DVD so I could have just rented it. It's really sad it made as much money as it did, considering how little thought actually went into the movie. Makes you appreciate how much effort and planning can go into even a lousy movie when a multi-million dollar block buster seems to have been organized by a collection of 5th graders.
Personally, I don't even see why we need to divide things into 'white people' vrs 'black people.' The twins were portrayed as ghetto and unintelligent, true. Why does that make them black (plenty of white, brown, and other people also speak that way) and why does that mean they are intended to make a statement about all black people?Seems to me that you are more race-concious than I am. *shrug*
Exactly. I could be race-conscious (?), and stereotypes are based off of reality, but a stereotype is a stereotype I guess.
I see now I'm just venting on race. sorry, but it probably happened cause I watch too many black movies, especially flipping thorugh the remote and noticing BET having their gangster movies (so ignorant, and they're an African-American channel. Oh well, if that's what the public want), so if I see a gangster, I just think all of a sudden of the movies I've seen. Granted, I've seen gangsters before, but I've seen a lot of black people who're smart and gangster at the same time. ANdI've seen some white people too who adhere to the culture. It's just that when they talked they sounded like African Americans to me, or it could me I guess.
I didn't like the twins because they were just there just to be in the movie and man, were they annoying!
I don't see the whole point of race either, yet I have to say it to distinguish a group. Then again, I could just say dark-skinned man.
Sorry about it. Like I said, could be me the whole time when in fact I was just mad at the movie the whole time.
I've been a Transformers fan when I was 4/5 years-old,and like the cartoons of the series.I also collect the action figures too,and I did saw Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen.When I saw it had some sexual innuendo into it,bad humor,and not a serious plot line.The Chevy Corvette Sideswipe had blades on both of his arms(T-1000),and a blond college girl turn in to the T-X from Terminator 3.The creators stole some ideas from the Terminator series!Overall,Revenge of the Fallen was a of money!Also I saw Shia LeBouf this August,and asked him if he was him,and said no!I knew it was him,by the voice.Freaking Jerk!Anyhow Terminator Salvation was better for me.