I have been referring to myself in the third person since I was very young, and still do.
In addition, I also refer to the people who are my intimates, be they friends or chosen family, in the third person.
For more than two decades I have been being called 'The Woman' while my primary partner is 'The Man' and so on...
It was an artifact of my language usage that the doctors I was taken to when I was a small child in the 70s latched on to and decided meant that I was a 'psychopath'.
Needless to say, nothing good came out of that diagnosis, and I commonly refer to the times that followed it as being my 'Oprah childhood'.
I flew to places which the clouds never see, too close to the deserts of sand, where a thousand mirages, those shepherds of lies, forced me to land and take a disguise, and welcome the horse's kick to send me back, if I could find a horse not made of sand