GreenPele wrote:
I know what that's like, ever since I was 14 I always felt like a grown-up trapped in a teen's body. I always respectful, took responsability, and wanted to talk about serious things, not things like the latest music or the hundreds of people I wanted to have sex with. One of my biggest problems with making friends with people my age was that nobody ever wanted to discuss the problems our country has, or talk about things I thought were cool like mythology.
Also it seemed like all anybody my age wanted to do was do drugs and break the law just because they think they can. I'm strongly against that, which is why just about everyone hates me. I've always gotten along with older people more then I have other teenagers.
I'm just gonna give you a thought since you brought something up: regarding "talking about the problems our country has"...when you get older you might realize, as I have, that the whole thing is a massive joke, and since Day 1 we've always had these problems, and always will...cause we're humans, and we actually like things that way.
Humans just like to b***h and complain. Check out the 48 Laws of Power; it's on there.
Otherwise, I hear ya sista