Greentea wrote:
I mean role model as someone whose personality and lifestyle are similar to yours and so you sometimes find yourself (consciously or not) taking decisions that they would take in your situation, acting the way they would act. Not someone you'd like to be, but someone who already is a lot like you. I don't mean someone you admire, look up to, want to be like, etc. Those are not role models but heroes.
It's practically impossible for us Aspies to find people close enough to us in everyday life with whom we have similar values, lifestyles and personalities. This is very easy for mainstream NTs. They're similar to each other even within the same group they were born into, without having to venture looking any further. This, I believe, accounts for much if not most of our isolation and feeling of aloneness/loneliness.
Apart from my son, I don't know of anybody that I'd think of as being particularly similar to me, and I wouldn't feel comfortable emulating him. Of course I have my humanity in common with the everybody else, but I'm more aware of the differences than the similarities.
But there was one guy I knew who had an amazing way of making everybody feel at home when he was least everybody who shared his values....luckily I did, and I found myself emulating his behaviour sometimes. He seemed very strong and wise, so it was quite a shock when he committed suicide. After his death I noticed the emulation thing increased and I even detected a little bit of his Birmingham accent creeping unbidden into my own speech. In those days I was still vaguely superstitious and wondered whether his soul was somehow living on in his friends. I didn't entirely like thinking that I'd been partially possessed. Anyway, these days I'm sure it was just my unconscious playing tricks. He does live on in his friends, but only metaphorically, not in any supernatural way.
Beyond that, mostly I go around feeling that I have some strange "spark of life" about me that few other people have or would understand, and that I'm largely set apart from the rest of the herd. Aspies tend to feel closer to me than most others, but I seem to have accepted my isolated state these days....I've let go of a lot of the hope that I used to feel back in my youth. It's still there, but I've lowered my expectations a lot. In some ways I feel like the last of the Mohicans.
I do copy the behaviour of others, but it's very piecemeal and there's nobody in particular who inspires me to emulate them or seems to be very much like me. It's more a case of logic, watching people and learning from their successes and failures, with no focus on the nature of the individual concerned. I might copy an action that was done by a person I have very little sense of identity with, if the action seemed wise at the time. I'm at least equally likely to do the opposite too......I notice things people do that don't seem to work and I avoid doing those things. But I have no "anti-role models" these days. Probably when I was a lot younger I would have deemed certain people to be as*holes, and would have taken great care to always do the exact opposite of what they did, but I learned that it's never that clear-cut, and that there's no need to totally dis-identify myself from any particular individual.