When first learning to ride a bicycle as a boy, I rode in tight circles for hours on the concrete back patio of my parent's house, occasionally changing direction to go in circles the other way. As a teenager I frequently took thirty or forty mile day trips on a bicycle. When in my early twenties, I discovered I could play my guitar while riding the bicycle. That was more than thirty years ago. I've traveled many tens of thousands of miles playing guitar on the same bicycle since then. The Bicycle Museum of America wants to display my bicycle after I die, and I have put that into my will. The only times I've been hurt on my bicycle the past thirty years are when I was foolish enough to try riding without a guitar.
I've posted the following on other threads on WP, but I'm gonna do it again! This shows me riding and playing indoors this past February.
"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008