Does anyone have issues riding a bike?

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03 Sep 2009, 3:08 pm

A tip for anyone who does want to try and learn to balance on two wheels: take the pedals off. It's much easier to learn to balance without having the pedals in the way, and you can brake with your feet while you're learning how the handbrakes work. This is a great tip for small children, in fact there are now several models of pedal-free bike available for young children.

Only caveat: taking the pedals off and putting them back on properly is best done by someone who knows what they're doing and has the right tools.

And by the way in some countries back-pedal brakes are common. I have never seen one so not sure what the implications are.

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03 Sep 2009, 3:25 pm

Found it hard to learn, then a few years later couldn't remember how. I know they say you never forget, but I did.

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03 Sep 2009, 4:10 pm

I am 25 and have never ridden a bike. I never really took an interest and the one time I did try, aged about 7 or 8, I just couldn't suspend my disbelief. No balance and no trust.


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03 Sep 2009, 5:14 pm

TouchVanDerBoom wrote:
I am 25 and have never ridden a bike. I never really took an interest and the one time I did try, aged about 7 or 8, I just couldn't suspend my disbelief. No balance and no trust.

Very Interesting: The Suspension of Disbelief. This is a (Capital-C) "Concept". You can't swim either, then. What about things like fantasy and Sci-Fi? Can you watch them? Do you enjoy them or hate them with a passion?

Who am I? This guy!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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03 Sep 2009, 11:27 pm

Yes!! I do!! I cannot balance on a bike I remember when my brother was teaching me how to ride a bike he would hold on the bike then let go and see if I could ride on my own. I never mastered it and the only bikes that I know I can ride perfectly are the ones that are used for fitness/gym (Stationary bikes).


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04 Sep 2009, 9:45 am

I didn't learn to ride a bike till I was nine ( without training wheels, i mean). My mom made me sit on a bike for half an hour everyday until I learned to ride. I HATED doing that. Eventually I started sitting on the bike and rolling around, until I learned how to ride. I still have trouble turning and it's pretty impossible for me to let go of the handlebars without losing my balance.

My dad's huge into biking and once I did a forty mile bike ride with him...I probably won't do that again.


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23 May 2012, 1:24 pm

I could not ride a bike as a child until age 16 when a 10 year old neighbor taught me. Seeing other comments in this thread about balance reminds me of my own misconception. It requires no balance at all to ride a bike. The bike supports itself naturally through the laws of physics. I think that if someone had shown me that a spinning gyroscope or spinning wheel or hoop would support itself once it got moving without any external balance then I might have learned to ride a bike sooner. Ironically, three years later I began riding motorcycles exclusively for the next four years and just loved it.


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23 May 2012, 1:26 pm

I have problems with riding a bike. When I was a little girl I couldn't ride a bike without training wheels because of balance issues and fear.


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23 May 2012, 1:29 pm

I tried really hard as a 6-year-old to ride the bike. I kept on failing and falling, and then, all of a sudden as in a miracle, I could ride the bike. I heard this is common in autism.

We also have demandatory swimming lessons for children in my country, and after a year I still couldn't swim. I'm considering to take lessons again, but am afraid it'll be very expensive due to the fact it takes me much, much longer apparently.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 May 2012, 1:51 pm

balance has always been my strong point so bikes, basketball and such I have no problem with. But doing anything on a god old boring straight road with no bumps or terrain is another thing. Head don't care for challenge'less tasks, get unfocused.


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23 May 2012, 2:21 pm

Last time I was on a bike was in December and of course I lost balance and fell over. I know how to ride a bike but I'm very good at falling.


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23 May 2012, 3:06 pm

When first learning to ride a bicycle as a boy, I rode in tight circles for hours on the concrete back patio of my parent's house, occasionally changing direction to go in circles the other way. As a teenager I frequently took thirty or forty mile day trips on a bicycle. When in my early twenties, I discovered I could play my guitar while riding the bicycle. That was more than thirty years ago. I've traveled many tens of thousands of miles playing guitar on the same bicycle since then. The Bicycle Museum of America wants to display my bicycle after I die, and I have put that into my will. The only times I've been hurt on my bicycle the past thirty years are when I was foolish enough to try riding without a guitar.

I've posted the following on other threads on WP, but I'm gonna do it again! This shows me riding and playing indoors this past February.


"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008


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23 May 2012, 3:30 pm

Like my handle says, I've pretty much been riding forever. My first bike was a fixie and I had some trouble with that but soon after I got a regular coaster brake. Balance never seemed to be an issue, in fact I can ride handless and carry large objects. I've ridden motorcycles since I was 11. I suppose you can say it's one of my special interests. The only small issue is when I ride scooters; my lower body isn't used to the different leg positioning and the machine's geometry so I have a hard time getting comfortable and doing more acute maneuvering. But for those who persevere and overcome the balance issue, you will discover another friend called countersteer (push left=go left)


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23 May 2012, 3:51 pm

lostgirl1986 wrote:
I have problems with riding a bike. When I was a little girl I couldn't ride a bike without training wheels because of balance issues and fear.

I've personally given up on it a long time ago, riding a bike is one thing but getting into traffic with it and not end up getting crushed is just undoable for some of us aspies, especially in this overpopulated/car-crazed country where road aggression is just daily happening and part of life.


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23 May 2012, 4:10 pm

My brothers and sisters taught me how to ride a bike when I was 11. They took me to a nearby supermarket parking lot and had me ride down the hill, without pedaling. After 3 weeks of this i got the hang of it. By the time I was in high school, I could ride no handed. Even make turns no handed. I was just getting the hang of the staying in one spot without touching the ground thing professionals do. I would ride to school regardless of weather. Yes even in winter.


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23 May 2012, 4:13 pm

I'm 37 and I can't ride a bike. When I was a kid and tried I always fell even with training wheels.