bhetti wrote:
I also pull out hairs one at a time, but only around my forehead and in front of my ears. some of them feel like they don't belong there and I HAVE to take them out. I also play with my nose, lips, rub my eyebrows (and have to jump up and get tweezers if a hair is bothering me).
lately I've been playing solitaire on my ipod when I have to wait in public so I don't swing my leg, pace, stare at people and do other weird things. reading a magazine helps too but usually the ones I find in offices are really boring or I'm there often enough to have read all the interesting stuff. I guess I'd have to consider solitaire a "stim". my grandfather used to play it incessantly and I kind of wonder if it was the same thing for him. he was an odd duck when I think about it, but he was so much fun to hang out with. he didn't talk much, but he was full of facts and strange stories and had some fascinating interests.
I used to pull out my hair, but I didn't want to go bald so I finally made myself stop. When I'm very stressed or tired or unfocused, I love to bang the back of my head into the wall, not so it hurts, just to feel the thud. But I almost never get a chance to do that, though in grad school I gave in a few times and did during long study sessions, and just let people stare and deal with it. Heck, during finals, everyone else was so stressed and exhausted too that I doubt anyone thought much about it.
Otherwise, I chew on the inside of my lips and press my thumbs against my fingernails and twiddle my toes constantly. I learned at some point to keep it subtle, I guess.