Aspergia becomes a nation! What do you do!
...well they can't mow us down like they did with the Branch Davidians & et al. What with States Rights & whatnot taking a strong upsurge-and the whole peopel buying guns before Obama takes them thing
lol good. It brings a decentralized world faster IMO
I've heard people say 'salad bar' is a more accurate term re. american 'integration'-considering how it has varied (and how fake the 'integration' was to some)
What did I do
It would be fun to explore this idea further.
Our nation will need a military first to defend us from the neurotypicals! The Aspergia Defense Force needs YOU to defend your people from foreign aggression!
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!
Honestly, it'd probably just end up becoming a (more) male-dominated version of what already exists in the "real" world. The Aspie world, really, is just as diverse as the neurotypical world. There are some Aspies who like to socialize but aren't that good at it, and others who don't like to socialize at all. There are some who prefer the "nerd" status and others who prefer to blend in with neurotypicals (so much so sometimes that they can be mistaken for one). There are some who enjoy sci-fi/fantasy and others who more enjoy the arts. There are some who are heterosexual, but there are others who are homosexual, bisexual, or even asexual. There are some who are moral and others who are downright raunchy (and some who are in between). There are some who are religious and others who are atheist (or agnostic). There are some who are very friendly and others who are a bit less approachable.
Alright, you've prob'ly heard enough of this, lol My point is, Aspergia wouldn't really be all that different from the "real" world. It might be MORE quirky, but probably not 100 % (or even 90 %) quirky. The main difference, really, would be that there would be more of a population of males than females.
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I'm against it because I've been in groups of all aspies for "social things" so to speak and all we did was feel awkward around each other and eventually lump into groups based on interests... which is what NTs do anyway. It would just be another country with no clear cut purpose. Though it would be quirkier and a little more stable in terms of politics.
However, I would visit there and buy some delicious Aspergia themed cupcakes. I would drop off magazines from the outer world to bring new facts and interests that can be analyzed to infinite degrees by the residents.
If Aspergia had enough economy and bulk in population, I might consider moving there for a while and see how it works. But maybe not.
I'd start our own space agency and get all the best scientists and engineers from around the world to join us. Half of them are on the spectrum anyway. We'd finish what they started:
if urban planning involved solar farms on rooftops and household gardens, then I'd move there. city codes that confine activities over certain decibels to certain hours and certain zones. mowing and hedge trimming limits. electric railcars with extra wide seats.
I'd think the main failure point in an aspergarian society is consuming special interests that don't benefit anyone. still, a shorter workday, flexible schedules, and telecommuting options per national policy, so we can all go isolate and immerse ourselves in our special interests, would be quite a nice thing.
I like law, so maybe I could work in the legal system. and do art.
Nah, I like where I am; I'd rather just stay here, and succeed on my own terms.
Besides, my girlfriend is Catholic, and she loves it here too.
So what if most NTs can't for the life of 'em comprehend anything I'm saying? It just helps me realize how lucky I am to understand what I do and not get my panties all bunched up over the crazy things that the rest of the world seems to. It helps me appreciate the beauty and wonder this world really has to offer.
i would feel that a group of idiotic misfit NT's have somehow claimed some land and they are hijacking what true AS is with their ideas of "indigo children" and their belief that they are superior in every respect to non AS people.
i really would believe that the self chosen administrators of such a sovereignty were egotistical people who's main aim was to prove they are smarter than everyone else.
there is an extreme immigration to the self diagnosis of AS, and there are all sorts of people who should go to the doctor and find out they are just misguided rather than autistic.
i feel that people who are obviously socially integrated in a normal way and who go to many parties and use the word "dude" etc can not speak for me.
if the idea of AS gets hogged and clogged by people who are stuffed full of conceit and want to imply they are rare, then they just pollute the idea like tourists to a pristine wilderness.
there are not enough true AS people on the earth i think to compile a "nation".
for every hundred persons that claim to be AS, i believe about 2.
i know i am not an authority, but i am the only person who thinks in my head and that is what i believe.
This topic of a nation consisting of those of us with Asperger's reminds me of a thought I had. I am writing a novel that has two autistic characters (AS/HFA---father/son). It is a sci-fi/horror genre. Cooresponding with the novel is an HO scale model I am making of the town which has an amusement park. I have over 200 scale models for this thing. I had thought about the idea of having the town largely occupied by autistics. And, I would like the restaurants named for famous writers in autism research (Attwood's Australian Barbeque, Grandin's on Main---Fine Steaks, Asperger's Festhaus, Kanner's Family Restaurant, etc.) Ok, I know, maybe a little tacky. But you do have to admit that Grandin's would have to serve steak---humanely slaughtered of course.
Well, the town is almost beyond fascinating. It boasts an eclectic collection of residences that share a deep secret---literally. And the amusement park is like a step back into time---back to the roaring 1920's when the mighty wooden roller coaster was the king of the park. The theatres on Main Street and in Town Square feature wonderful theatre pipe organs from the 1920's. There is a large traditional circus under a good-old fashioned big top---and of course a display of side shows and other circus entertainments.
This town is an autistic town. And the NT visiter is not the norm there. Interesting is the NT visitor's struggles with socialization in an environment foreign to him/her. He/She struggles to understand the conversations of the autistic. However frustrated he/she becomes, there is something incredibly fascinating about the autistic people there. There are a handful of savants whose skills amaze the crowds. And the NT probes the depths of the town and its eclectic nature. The HFA son treks to the lakeside autistic community after reading about this place in his deceased father's diary. Upon arriving there, will he be successful in discovering the secret that cost his father his life? After an astounding sequence of events, is it possible for the son to reunite with his father among the living?
Well---that is my novel that might take place in a community that will have a large group of autistic residents. There are a lot of possibilities with this.
"My journey has just begun."
I wouldn't want to live there, personally (although I'd probably visit).
Don't want to be stuck in a social ghetto where the only other people I meet are aspies.
I always try and avoid that kind of marginalisation in real life, so it doesn't particularly appeal to me even as a fantasy.
The panda made me do it.
That said, I would want to come to visit, so where do I register for a visa? :humor:
While location is the easy part, it would have to be isolated, under Biology, water, food, shelter, clothing optional, everything needs an economic base.
Most of this thread is about spending, free toasters for all!
Tourism comes second, which might pay, but no one said they would produce the living quarters.
Since agreement within this group is in short supply, that leaves only a Corporate Model.
I never did care for the views of the masses, they have a short attention span.
Economics is my Special Interest. Not the Theory but the Applied version.
I can supply a town, water, food, Post Office, UPS, broadband, in an area with some great tourist attractions.
My economic base is in publishing and light manufacturing.
I do my best to avoid being the tax base to support governments, armies, employees, social welfare programs, but am open to free and fair exchanges of labor, materials, capital.
My view of the future is that the National Economic Unreality cannot last. For a while there will be a market for wheelbarrows, as in the coming hyperinflation it will take a wheelbarrow of money to buy anything.
Longer term, small economic realities will be all that is left. Water, food, a place to be, are the new rich. The whole exchange system can fail, and being homeless without water and food, a month is a very long time.
I do not have much faith in money. The dollar is down 14% this year, and gold and oil are reaching new highs. I also note that 14% of the stimulas has been spent, and as rest is, the dollar will continue to fall.
My business has been based on the consumer. First I lost all of them in Katrina, changed to national marketing, and the last year has been nothing but decline. Everyone I know reports the same.
Costs must be cut, and I see retired owners replacing hired clerks at my local hardware. Sales are way down, and income does not cover rent and utilities.
My only answer is to directly control my water and food supply, and locate my business where the location can be owned free and clear. I can survive property tax and utilities, and the rest will go into growing the business.
All paper money has become worthless, all governments have fallen, but some things continue unchanged.
I'll go live there with my AS wife and my HFA daughter only at those condition:
- the citizenship should be made based on common behaviour/belief and if some weird NT would came, should be welcome, It shouldn't be an "Aspie nation" it should be an "Aspie style nation" (that's different).
- you shouldn't have highly populated building and it must be in a natural environment.
- At least 20% of the incoming must be used for research and development.
- I want to be part of the scientific department.
As for pupulation, there are 6bilions people in the world if only 1/200 will go there (and actually 1/100 are on the spectrum so we are talking at about 50% of AS people) we would have 30 milions people, 30 milion is a good number for a nation, far more than many european nations.
Planes are tested by how well they fly, not by comparing them to birds.
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I'm not sure military defense will be that big of a problem, although the United States has made it a habit in recent decades to invade and occupy the most insignificant countries in the world.
I think against aspies their tactics will fail even worse than usual though. Can you imagine the CIA types at Guantanamobama, now located in Texas, trying to get information from a captured aspie?
CIA Interrogator: You aspies don't have a lot of friends. I'd like it if you thought of me as your friend. You seem like a really interesting person. Maybe you'd like to talk to me... as a friend.
Joe Aspie: Wow... Sure. Most people don't like talking to me very much. Did you know that a grove of aspen trees is actually a single individual? They look like separate trees, but they're all growing from a common root system, like blades of grass. Isn't that amazing?
CIA Interrogator: Ummm... Yeah, that's fascinating. You really know a lot of interesting stuff. Oh, by the way, not to change the subject, I'm really interested in aspen trees, but we've heard reports that you people have an underground factory where you're manufacturing tanks out of dumpsters you took from behind gourmet restaurants that closed down during the recession. Do you happen to know where it is?
Joe Aspie: Something else that's really interesting. The stems of the leaves aren't round in cross section like most trees. They're more like a cat's eye shape, so the individual leaves sway from side to side in the wind and more sunlight penetrates down to the lower leaves. That's why they call them quaking aspens, the motion of the individual leaves makes the tree look like it's shimmering. Don't you love aspen trees?
CIA Interrogator: Wow, that's really interesting. I never knew that. It sure is fascinating talking to you. You know it's funny, in the communities around Aspergia, a lot of garbage cans have been reported stolen and somebody's been breaking into bicycle shops, leaving the money, but taking all the inner tubes. We think some of the Aspergian insurgents might be converting the garbage cans into five hundred pound artillery rounds launched by giant slingshots made from braided bicycle inner tubes mounted on flatbed trucks.
I know you wouldn't be involved in anything like that yourself... but have you heard anything about the range and accuracy they're getting with those things?
Joe Aspie: And clumps of aspen trees on the prairie actually move with the prevailing wind. The trees on the side exposed to the wind dry up and die, while the trees on the other side are sheltered from the wind, so they grow faster. It happens on a scale of centuries, but the grove of aspen trees is actually being blown along by the wind.
*The CIA interrogator turns and looks at the calendar on the wall and calculates how long he has left before he can retire.*
It will be a problem trying to create a national economy out of a bunch of unemployed, underemployed, and unemployable aspies.
It may be that computer innovation as a driver of the economy has pretty much passed it's prime. If anybody needs a faster computer nowadays it's because they're too broke to buy one, so they won't be contributing much to that consumer spending we hear so much about.
Inventor's frequently mentioned fondness for beer suggests one option.
I read here: ... 2009-06-05
...that some molecular archaeologist found evidence that people were brewing beer nine thousand years ago in China, so beer drinking probably isn't just a fad, and I doubt if long term high unemployment will significantly reduce beer consumption.
Aspies, with their attention to detail and their enhanced sensory perceptions could probably brew up some excellent beer, but a beer based economy would require marketing, and aspies aren't exactly the most persuasive salesmen.
People living in cities often suggest tourism as an employment generator for people who live out in the middle of nowhere, but they seem to ignore the fact that most tourism jobs are very low paying.
What would be required is beer tourism, bringing in lots of people who are certain to spend lots of money on beer. Glider18's suggestion about involving asperger's industry celebrities as entrepreneurs suggests an obvious possibility.
How about Simon Baron-Cohen's Extreme Male Brain Monster Truck Rally?
They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...