I've been hassled, stressed, and unappreciated through several different jobs for 13 years now and am about ready to throw in the towel. I have a Journalism degree but am not socially fit for anything in that field except maybe technical writing, so I've scraped along in low-paying jobs: McDonald's, WalMart, Goodwill, you name it. There are bright spots, but generally it's a long stumble through the dark. I get very flustered if there's a problem, immediately forgetting how I'm supposed to solve it because my mind is overwhelmed and on the verge of panic. I feel so stupid and useless. I have trouble focusing on two things at the same time, and it takes me too long to make decisions.
I am usually able to make up for this by befriending the boss and working hard at general tasks, but there's no question that my condition leads to plenty of mistakes and difficult moments in the workplace. I've never been fired, except from one job that was losing money and had too many people--that was Subway. (Which, BTW, has a seriously bad business model. A lot like Starbuck's--"build one on every corner! It's not like we'll ever have a recession or anything, right?!")
In the last few months things have become almost intolerable. I really want to give it up and just go on mental disability, but if you're making more than about $1100 a month they reject your application out of hand. That's right--if you're making any more than some arbitrary number they pulled out of thin air, you won't even be considered for benefits. Never mind the circumstances of the income--in my case, I'm working a night job at a hotel and barely staying sane. It's ridiculous. If I quit or reduce my hours any more than this, how am I supposed to pay the bills between now and the time my application is finally approved? I have to pay my rent, and I can't just go back and live with my mom or my brother again. And who knows if the benefits would be enough to support me? The system in the U.S. needs a lot of improvement, that is for sure. It's like they want you to grovel and be nearly homeless before they'll give you anything.
We're not the ones who are socially inept, guys; they are. They refuse to accept anyone who's not like them and they'll give you a hard time for it every step of the way.
Sorry, just had to get that out. Rant over.
Clammy frog descends
Demon's wind, the stars answer your desire
Join the undead, that's the place you'll never leave
You wanna die...
but death cannot do us apart...