How many people here don't work/will never likely work?

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27 Aug 2014, 6:03 pm

Simplegirlviv wrote:
I am going to have to do something.

I wish you good luck and good energy :)


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27 Aug 2014, 6:05 pm

...I never hve worked in my life ~ Maybe falling into the social oipe of " college " could make it so I would " :(

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Aug 2014, 6:09 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Simplegirlviv wrote:
I am going to have to do something.

I wish you good luck and good energy :)

Thank you.

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27 Aug 2014, 7:09 pm

I honestly doubt I am ever going to have a job....there is the slight chance I might eventually motivate myself to learn to make beer, try to get some people in on it and start a self employment by selling beer, but I don't know that it will ever happen just a thought of something that could maybe happen one day.

But yeah I cannot function in work-places really, I get side tracked have problems interacting with other employees or the employer, I do things to slow, forget directions and have to ask for too much clarification and I'd probably miss days when my mental health issues are kicking my a**, there is more but those are some issues I find with working. Right now I am on SSI, better than nothing but still like scraping by....if I where kicked off of that well then I guess I'd have to find a way to make money on the is not sure what is going on with the house I live in, my mom isn't exactly working, going to college for a certificate and trying to start her own buisiness but basically there is a chance of things not working out and then not having this house to live in. Also though even if I lost SSI and she kept the house and still let me stay here without rent....I'd still need some form of money since sitting in my house or outside it with no money whatsoever isn't going to work.

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27 Aug 2014, 7:12 pm

being a brewmeister would be a good home business :idea: a labor of love :)


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27 Aug 2014, 7:15 pm

Unemployed here. :(


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27 Aug 2014, 7:16 pm

rugulach wrote:
Unemployed here. :(

on the bright side, you are not part of the rat race. that is something.


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28 Aug 2014, 12:01 am

I've been hassled, stressed, and unappreciated through several different jobs for 13 years now and am about ready to throw in the towel. I have a Journalism degree but am not socially fit for anything in that field except maybe technical writing, so I've scraped along in low-paying jobs: McDonald's, WalMart, Goodwill, you name it. There are bright spots, but generally it's a long stumble through the dark. I get very flustered if there's a problem, immediately forgetting how I'm supposed to solve it because my mind is overwhelmed and on the verge of panic. I feel so stupid and useless. I have trouble focusing on two things at the same time, and it takes me too long to make decisions.

I am usually able to make up for this by befriending the boss and working hard at general tasks, but there's no question that my condition leads to plenty of mistakes and difficult moments in the workplace. I've never been fired, except from one job that was losing money and had too many people--that was Subway. (Which, BTW, has a seriously bad business model. A lot like Starbuck's--"build one on every corner! It's not like we'll ever have a recession or anything, right?!")

In the last few months things have become almost intolerable. I really want to give it up and just go on mental disability, but if you're making more than about $1100 a month they reject your application out of hand. That's right--if you're making any more than some arbitrary number they pulled out of thin air, you won't even be considered for benefits. Never mind the circumstances of the income--in my case, I'm working a night job at a hotel and barely staying sane. It's ridiculous. If I quit or reduce my hours any more than this, how am I supposed to pay the bills between now and the time my application is finally approved? I have to pay my rent, and I can't just go back and live with my mom or my brother again. And who knows if the benefits would be enough to support me? The system in the U.S. needs a lot of improvement, that is for sure. It's like they want you to grovel and be nearly homeless before they'll give you anything.

We're not the ones who are socially inept, guys; they are. They refuse to accept anyone who's not like them and they'll give you a hard time for it every step of the way.

Sorry, just had to get that out. Rant over.


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28 Aug 2014, 12:21 am

I believe my executive dysfunction coupled with being unable to effectively deal with anything more than minimal stress will make obtaining and maintaining a job quite challenging. That said, I planned for this when I started higher education and plan to get a low stress and predictable/tedious job.

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28 Aug 2014, 3:39 pm

I don't think I'll ever be able to hold down a typical job as I have both Asperger's and a significant hearing loss. As a result of these two conditions, interpersonal communication and relationship building are nearly impossible for me, as is working on a team. I also become very stressed in most workplaces as they're often noisy, busy, and chaotic. It's not like school where I could work from home or a quiet corner of the library.

I did very well academically by going to small schools with good accommodations, and as a result, I have a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Meteorology. I have applied for disability but am waiting for my application to go through. I hope I get it on the first attempt, but most people don't, so I'll probably need to get an attorney at some point if I get denied.

Fortunately, I'm living at home with my mom, so I don't have to pay bills and stuff while I wait for the application to go through. I spend my days working out, looking at weather stuff, and watching Youtube, among other things.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Aug 2014, 4:48 pm

I have never worked, but I kinda do want to have a little job one day (not fulltime thought)
But as for now I get paid by the government so I dont have to work :lol:


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28 Aug 2014, 5:24 pm

I was never really able to work in the sense of being employed and having the responsability of being employed and earning money, but if I am capable I am doing voluteers work, on places or from pc, but I have severe executive dysfunction and other autistic symptoms and need a lot of guidance in it, it only works when people know about my autism.
I have financial help from being on disability and I can live from it monthly.

English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.


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29 Aug 2014, 3:50 am

I have never held a job for longer than six months. I have maybe worked 3-4 years of my entire adult life. I am now 45 years old.

I am waiting for my second SSI hearing.


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29 Aug 2014, 4:53 am

Not working at the moment However, I am taking classes to obtain a GED and eventually go to college I've had more then a taste of decent money and the independence that money can buy over the last few years and I know what pittance is provided from SSI-DI which wont even cover my car insurance premiums. So I want to work and I am putting much effort into getting the types of education needed to get the job(s) that I want. So I don't have to rely on such a small amount every month and sub-par medical (most of the specialists I've seen were out of pocket because they didn't accept public insurance likewise with dentists) The only thing is I'm not good picking on social cues or reading people's facial expressions which in all honesty here cost me a few good paying jobs. So knowing that I DO have Autism now *maybe* somebody will be more willing to help guide me as to what is ok and what is socially unacceptable.

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29 Aug 2014, 4:47 pm

I find this thread very sad.

I was fired from my first four jobs and when I did learn to hold down a job I was badly bullied.

My current job I am happy in and everybody knows about my ASD.

I kept on trying when I was younger because I was too ashamed to admit my problems to anybody and I had no idea what ASD was never mind the fact I had it all along.

Pressure and bullying almost made me commit suicide so I would never heap pressure on anybody.

The one thing I would however say is I like to give people a push to help with motivation.

I am not the smartest Aspie on the block and to be honest many of you in this thread put me to shame.

My message is keep trying even when you don't feel like it.

In my current job I have rammed my ASD down my fellow workers necks so now they are happy to talk just about anything else with me. :lol:

That was not the plan but it worked.

They seen the Autism first and then seen there was a hell of a lot more to me.

One thing I will say about my current job is that the atmosphere is good and there is a good group of people.

I started my first job at 17 and I stated my current job at 38 so it took me 21 years to find a job that I liked that also liked me.

Getting on in my current job was thanks to the posters on this board.


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29 Aug 2014, 4:49 pm
