I often get the feeling that guys are sizing me up, as if getting ready to fight. Perhaps I have an agressive "look" about me, and they are just preparing to defend themselves? I mean, I'm only 5'7", and never been in a serious physical altercation. Ever. Been slapped, grabbed, attempted pushing (apparently I have a low center of gravity), had knives and guns drawn on me. But no physical fights. They always appear (to me, at least) to be REALLY unsure of their abilities against me. Even the people holding knives and guns. Umm. My attitude is, "Can't we all just get along?" Maybe I need to smile more? But then that seems to make some guys think that I'm weak, and easy prey. Once branded that, it's hard to convince them otherwise (until they piss me off). I dunno. Just leave me the frick alone, and I'll give you the same courtesy. 
AQ: 32; EIQ: 69; BAPQ: 114 aloof, 86 rigid, 90 pragmatic
Aspie AS, NT: 109/200, 100/200 (Both traits)
EQ, SQ: 21, 67 (Extreme Systemizing); HSP: 12