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13 Feb 2006, 10:38 pm

Im not afraid of the dead. Just that picture.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.


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14 Feb 2006, 2:54 am

I'm afraid of sharks and people. (Hmm...there's a connection there)


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14 Feb 2006, 10:37 am

Not afraid of bats, mice, snakes or spiders.
Not afraid of death or dying.
Not afraid of heights.
Not afraid of fire.
Not afraid of needles..(always enjoy watching the needle sink right in;also an ex-self-mutilator)

I am afraid of getting to heaven at the end of my days and facing God and having Him ask me, "Did you do what I created you to do?" and realizing that I tried to do something else or be someone else. (Not that I think this would be damning, but it would be a collosal bummer.)

"Honey, would you buy me some boobles for my 40th b-day?" "No way, they're too expensive. Your own baubles will have to do."

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15 Feb 2006, 12:30 am

Serious answer?

Alien abductions. I'm freakin' serious. I mean, I love discussing other lifeforms, but the entire being abducted at night thing freaks me out, man.



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15 Feb 2006, 8:22 am

Spiders and other creepy-crawlies, heights (but especially stairs - they are the bane of my life) the number 9 - OK it's not quite a phobia, but almost! - and being in deep water without anything to hold onto. OK so I can't swim wonderfully well, but I can float fine, and I could swim to save my life if need be.

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15 Feb 2006, 8:25 am

Geoffrey wrote:
I've had necrophobia since I was a child too. I hate living but the alternative is even worse so what can one do? And no I do not believe in god or an afterlife or I would have given up long before now and killed myself.

So what do you believe happens then, to be worse?

Spectrumite ... somewhere.


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15 Feb 2006, 9:36 am

Does it have to be alien abductions, meaning if me and 4 other people kidnap you in the night you'll be okay with that?

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Feb 2006, 5:56 pm

Actually I have Thanophobia apparently, not necrophobia as I thought sorry.

Musical_Lottie wrote:
So what do you believe happens then, to be worse?

I don't think anything happens - that's the point. This concept really frightens me, and has done so since I realized there is no god or santa claus. I don't understand why it does not upset other people, but I guess that is because I have AS, and I never will.


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15 Feb 2006, 7:10 pm

Geoffrey wrote:
Musical_Lottie wrote:
So what do you believe happens then, to be worse?

I don't think anything happens - that's the point. This concept really frightens me, and has done so since I realized there is no god or santa claus. I don't understand why it does not upset other people, but I guess that is because I have AS, and I never will.

When I was a kid I'd be awake in the dark ("bedtime") imagining being dead, it would terrify me & make me dizzy. Would think of lying immobile, under dirt, as if I were sleeping or doing nothing-forever. Later found out that's not what being dead is like, instead it's total annihilation of oneself. My mind & my body will no longer be differentiated from their environment, my consciousness will evaporate & I will become compost. Upsets me still, get panicky & hysterical when I focus on inevitable fact that I'm a temporary phenomenon. No one gets out alive, at the end we all die, no matter what happened or how one behaved. There's no way to win, unless having a good enough time (individually defined) while alive is worth the grievous outcome.
Other people have their ways of dealing w/it, like religion-I'm not at all comfortable with nor receptive to that. I research by reading & talking w/close persons, to learn science info.-it's how I look at the scary truth sorta' sideways. Doesn't make me feel better, yet feeds some of my need to understand.
Sorry for off-topic-ness !
Is it irrational to fear death ? That's a HUGE question all by itself...It's certainly rational to fear dying, how that experience will be. Society & family & oneself all contribute to helping or hindering a relatively "good" death. However you define that...Does having a "good" life influence how afraid one is of end if that life ? Depends, we'd each answer differently.

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15 Feb 2006, 7:25 pm

Bland wrote:
Not afraid of bats, mice, snakes or spiders.
Not afraid of death or dying.
Not afraid of heights.
Not afraid of fire.
Not afraid of needles..(always enjoy watching the needle sink right in;also an ex-self-mutilator)

I am afraid of getting to heaven at the end of my days and facing God and having Him ask me, "Did you do what I created you to do?" and realizing that I tried to do something else or be someone else. (Not that I think this would be damning, but it would be a collosal bummer.)

My ideal converstaion with god would be something like:

me: Oh no! I didn't do X,y, and Z! I died too soon!
god: Well then, you must be bummed out. Have an eternity of bliss as a consolation.
me: Yeah, OK, I guess.

((Nothing could bum me out if I made it to heaven. Provided I was there to stay.))


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15 Feb 2006, 7:39 pm

Does anyone get stressed about seriously messing up in a social situation, like blurting out something super-inappropriate, and having people hate you for a long time?


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15 Feb 2006, 7:58 pm

wayward wrote:
Does anyone get stressed about seriously messing up in a social situation, like blurting out something super-inappropriate, and having people hate you for a long time?

Yes, but with me, this isn't so irrational.

Tufted Titmouse
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15 Feb 2006, 8:02 pm

Thanks Belfast for putting it so well. I still have those feelings at night. My psychologist said sometimes denial was a good tool - I wish it was that simple![/quote]


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15 Feb 2006, 8:04 pm

2 blonde hair blue eyed homosexuals singing about love over poppy synth pop music. Its like a nazi wet dream gone horribly wrong and makes me wonder just what kind of music we would be subjected too if the axis had won world war 2. Also I find some of their songs quite catchy and this worries me immensly...but then I own soft cell clearly ive been turned to the dark side already


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15 Feb 2006, 8:23 pm

wayward wrote:
Does anyone get stressed about seriously messing up in a social situation, like blurting out something super-inappropriate, and having people hate you for a long time?

Yes, unsure whether AS or OCD is to blame for how I feel after the fact, or for how poorly I blend in.
Several years ago I was outside laundromat & stranger walked past & said hello. I replied good morning, or good evening, when it was actually afternoon. Or something like that.
I felt so stupid afterwards-never saw person again, just the idea of making a mistake upset me so much. Like my embarrassment was & is boundless, can't forget these "small" social slips.
I say too much about the wrong thing at a bad time, with people I know also. Worry they'll de-friend me, decide I'm no longer worth tolerating, that I'm a hassle & no fun, etc. I tell them & talk it out with them, or with another close person who can try giving me their p.o.v.

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15 Feb 2006, 8:40 pm

What was a snake doing there?