There are lots of replies on here which I totally identify with, and which are really well expressed too. Interesting one about "time". I have that too. And the often not understanding what people are saying, needing things repeating, or not following what people say in a group unless it really is just one person speaking at a time.
My sensory issues are not such a problem now, both because of dietary changes ( much much calmer as a result of a gf diet ) and because have been living in a wonderfully peaceful place for the last three years, so I actually don't mind it, actually almost appreciate it, as if I had the hearing of the elves in "The Lord of the Rings"! But yes, I can hear noise at astonishing distances and be driven up wall by them. I avoid noisy, flashing/flickering, smelly, scratchy, etc environments, etc as much as possible.
Needing rituals/routines; I used to cover this over with alcohol a lot, but the less I drink ( almost none nowadays, and less and less the last 10 years ), the more I discover how much "being laid back/able to go with other people's behaviour" was a big part of my social success at uni and for a few years after, and how much it had to do with drink. I wish I didn't need so many things to be just so, or always need a "safe" space to retire to to reestablish/reconnect with "my way of doing things" in order to recharge.
A sort of face blindness which I didn't even used to know I had. I have always wanted to arrive first/early at social events, always preferred to get there when a place is still empty and watch it fill up, and recently realised that it is to do with how if I am confronted with more than a couple of faces I start not seeing them, they go fuzzy, and I won't remember what they look like. I recognise by context, and/or after some time spent one to one or in a small group, ( when able to concentrate on/simply "look" at faces ).
Being so preoccupied by "managing/handling" the appropriate social response that I find it very difficult, often impossible, to say what I want and need, or what I really think about something. I can only do one, or the other, unless I know the person really really well. That is a real problem, most especially in working environments.
So ... the one thing that I'd like to lose more than anything else ... right now it's the ritual/routine thing; it's very limiting/restrictive, ( it makes a lot of activities too expensive for example because I "have" to have/do things a certain way ). I only realise just how much they "restrain" me when find myself unable to avoid a disturbance of my routines and discover just how much I am disturbed by it.
PS. It's just occurred to me that perhaps one reason why I used to fear and loathe clutter, ( and conducted regular, at least twice yearly, and ruthless, clear outs/"weeds" of my possessions ), is that I knew I got attached to objects in a ritualistic way, and the best way to deal with it was reduce the number of objects so that at least I could carry most of them around with me, ( in satchel/little bag on daily basis, and a rucksack for moving ). ... I have collected a lot of objects the last 10 years ...
But I get what Dossa said about it being different almost every day, the thing that most bugs me.
Last edited by ouinon on 03 Dec 2009, 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.