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05 Mar 2005, 11:42 am

- Autistics are guys

I am 100% girl and I love being feminine!!

- Autistics are white

I am of many different nationalities, including Irish, Greek and Native American

- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'

I'm sort of a geek, but I prefer to think of myself as strange!

- Autistics don't believe in religion

God is the most important thing in my life. I could never live without Him to help me.

- Autistics like rock and goth

I like some rock, but my preference is traditional celtic

- Autistics can't speak or write

I tend to talk too much, rather than too little, I keep three journals at a time, plus I write bad poetry and childrens' stories

- Autistics are math nerds

I don't like math, although I am tolerably good at it

- Autistics are introverted

well, I am uncomfortable around people I don't know, but I love being around people I am familiar with!!

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Mar 2005, 3:46 pm

Tom_FL_MA wrote:
TaliDaRadical wrote:
Autistics don't believe in religion

This is the least likely of your list. Most people that have disability actually have a moderate to strong faith.

quite true for me, i have been an hard heretic from 12 to 19 which is of course of kind of faith, a hard belif at least
i have switched to my own *religion* after 19anyway

so faithfull
have been geek for a while
then nerd for another while
then not a lot of things right now but this is part of my religion :lol:


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06 Mar 2005, 12:15 am

- Autistics are guys

I am a guy.

- Autistics are white

I am white (of almost all German ancestry).

- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'

I am definitely a geek, perhaps even a nerd to some people.

- Autistics don't believe in religion

I am an atheist but I grew up in a Christian home. I'm 16 now and decided to call myself an atheist when I was about 13; before that I never really believed anything -- religion was just "there" for me.

- Autistics like rock and goth

I like rock and metal but not goth. But I also like jazz, classical, and some folk.

- Autistics can't speak or write

I definitely can. I was able to read and write from a very early age. When I learned the basics of reading (my school taught phonics) in kindergarten I was already capable of reading very large books. In fact, I don't believe I read much better now than I did then, and I'm a good reader today. I was able to write at the same time I could read. I wrote and still write very neatly and very small.

- Autistics are math nerds

I am not THAT great at math, but I've been at the top of my class in math before.

- Autistics are introverted


TalidDaRadical, are you really Asian or do you have one Asian parent and one Caucasian parent (white seems a funny word to use here since both Asians and Caucasions are white)? I ask this because in all honesty I have never encountered a non-Caucasian aspie before and I'm just curious if maybe you received AS from a Caucasian parent.

Last edited by Rekkr on 06 Mar 2005, 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Mar 2005, 9:01 am

- Autistics are guys
- Autistics are white
- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
- Autistics don't believe in religion
- Autistics like rock and goth
- Autistics can't speak or write
- Autistics are math nerds
- Autistics are introverted

- I am female (I haven't not worn a skirt since the seventh grade)
- I am white...
- I'm a geek...
- I believe in religion, just differently than other people I think
- I like rock, but not Goth (who doesn't like Rock?)
- I talk nonstop and that's mostly on the computer. I love writing, I want to be a writer when I get older, in fact. (I was also started speaking in full sentences by 11 months old)
- I'm not a math nerd, but I do happen to like Algebra.
- I love certain people to the extent that I will suffocate them with a hug, but most people I am not very comforatable with...

instincts are misleading/you shouldn't think what you're feeling


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12 Mar 2005, 11:14 pm

batman wrote:
Autistics like rock and goth. I've never heard this before. :P

I think depending on the Autistic person and where they are on the Autism Spectrum, they might be more prone to depression. And what music genres involve depressing and angry lyrics? Rock and Goth music.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Mar 2005, 1:54 am

Here are a few oft-repeated stereotypes about Autistic folks:
- Autistics are guys

I am
- Autistics are white

I'm close enough
- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'

Asperger's syndrome has been called that. I suppose I am 'geeky'.
- Autistics don't believe in religion

I can be described as an atheist.
- Autistics like rock and goth

I like rock, though no more than jazz metal, or 'classical'.
- Autistics can't speak or write

I don't do either particularly well.
- Autistics are math nerds

Math is my biggest strength.
- Autistics are introverted

I am.

edit: fixed typo.

Last edited by Vulpes on 13 Mar 2005, 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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13 Mar 2005, 2:45 am

nayashi wrote:
I was also started speaking in full sentences by 11 months old

I started speaking full sentences by 11 months too!


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13 Mar 2005, 6:36 pm

- Autistics are guys
I'm a guy.

- Autistics are white
I'm mostly white. I'm about 1/2 british isles, 3/8 dutch, 1/8 asian.

- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
I'm somewhat geeky, I do enjoy video games and I am talented in the sciences, but I don't know if the term 'geek' really applies to me.

- Autistics don't believe in religion
I am a devout Christian.

- Autistics like rock and goth
I like some alt rock, but overall this doesn't apply to me.

- Autistics can't speak or write
I speak with ease, never lacking the vocabulary to say what I want to. Sadly though, I cannot write with the same eloquence. It seems like I use two different parts of my brain for speech and writing.

- Autistics are math nerds
I enjoy math and am better than most at it, but my ability is by no means excellent.

- Autistics are introverted

Emu Egg
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13 Mar 2005, 8:24 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
Glenn wrote:
I am a Buddhist (and I won't go here into the question of whether Buddhism is a 'religion' or not!)

I only wonder whether that is another god in human form thing, which I difficulty believing in. Other than that is perhaps the only major deistic belief system not drowning in a history of violence. That is one point Buddha seems to trumped over all others.

Buddhism is deistic?

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18 Mar 2005, 8:21 pm

I am white (English, Irish, Scots, Latvian, Polish, and French). I might not be totally white because my dad was adopted and we think he is part Native American, but we're not really sure.

I'm a girl.

I have a passionate HATE for maths. I don't know anything at all about them.

I was probably reading by age three, and I am very good with languages (I understand at least eight). I read all the time.

I was raised Anglican, now I'm converting to Catholic.

I talk a lot, some people I say I talk too much.

I love 50s and 60s rock. I like jazz too.

I prefer to think of myself as strange, too. But what kills me is when my dad says that since I'm weird, I'm not supposed to think of anybody else as weird, and I know people who are weirder than me. (Like my horrible downstairs neighbor, and he's a very nasty weirdo...I'm a good weirdo.)


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19 Mar 2005, 2:49 am

- Autistics are guys
I'm a girl

- Autistics are white
I look very "nordic" I guess

- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
My classmates once refered to me as their human dictionary, but in highschool I wasnt really part of the nerd/geek group, so I don't know

- Autistics don't believe in religion
I am an atheist/don't see the point in believing in a fictional book)

- Autistics like rock and goth
I LOVE gothic rock and metal :)

- Autistics can't speak or write
I only talked to my mother and my big sister until I was in the 3rd or 4th or 5th grade, but that was all beeing shy and afraid of course, I don't know when I started talking. And I am writing now, so yea I can write

- Autistics are math nerds
I have problems with mathematics because I tend to think/make things more difficult than they are(math-problems I mean)

- Autistics are introverted
I have been all my life, exept a few years when I dressed and acted very hyper, and talked to everyone

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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19 Mar 2005, 2:59 am

- Autistics are guys
- Autistics are white
- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
- Autistics don't believe in religion
- Autistics like rock and goth
- Autistics can't speak or write
- Autistics are math nerds
- Autistics are introverted

-Guy here
-Been called a geek.
-Staunch atheist, thank you very much.
-I like rock and goth
-Speaking sucks, writes well.
-Average to below average math results
-Some people believe I'm mute...


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04 Apr 2005, 6:25 pm

Heres some autism stereotypes that I've noticed

~Autistics are fat and annoying
~Autistics have some kind of prodigious savant ability, like playing entire symphonies from hearing it once, or "counting cards"


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04 Apr 2005, 10:10 pm

- Autistics are guys
- Autistics are white
- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
- Autistics don't believe in religion
- Autistics like rock and goth
- Autistics can't speak or write
- Autistics are math nerds
- Autistics are introverted

I'm a guy

I'm super white.

I hang out with geeks, but I'm not considered one myself.

I've been a Christian since I was 13. Although my believes are a little different then mainstream Christianity.

I was raised on Rock, so of course I enjoy it. Goth.....Isn't that the kind of music were the lead singer yells whiny lyrics about how depressing his life is?

I often get tounge-tied when talking to people other than my friends, but I can write just fine.

I'm good at most math. As long as it's not geometry.

If I don't like the crowd I'm around, I'll become introverted.

~Autistics are fat and annoying
-I'm a little overweight, but not FAT. I can be annoying if I want to.

~Autistics have some kind of prodigious savant ability, like playing entire symphonies from hearing it once, or "counting cards"
-I can't count cards, but I'm really good at most card games.......And Monopoly..... and Checkers......I wish I could play by ear.... :(


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Apr 2005, 5:34 am

i think people have problems thinking outside the box and looking at things from a logical, yet open perspective.


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05 Apr 2005, 6:25 am

I think people suck.

Might just be my current state of mind talking.

Right now I just hate them, so much. (NT's)