Psygirl6 wrote:
poopylungstuffing wrote:
If got to live in a group home, where all I did was sew sock creatures and sing and play the ukulele all day...(provided that an increase in severity would not diminish my capacity to do those things)...then maybe it would not be so bad....
Trust me, I live in a residence and it is the opposite. They do not let you focus on your obsessions, even the lower functioning clients in the more stricter residences are not allowed to either. The staff make them do other things and do anything to get them "out of their obsessions." I no longer go to a day program, but when I was there, they had a high functioning woman who just wanted to knit all day. She made these beautiful quilts and could build a huge, pretty quilt in less than an hour. Even though the program has an art center, but she was only allowed to do it for only a half hour only 1x a day. The staff wanted her to do other things,like do piecework jobs and other hobbies, and she would get so mad and frustrated. The staff had to practically restrain her. It was horrible. If she try to sit there and quilt all day, the staff would disciple her, yell at her, and they would have to remove her stuff physically. She of course decided to leave that place. I see why. So, I would never want to be more autistic or any lower functioning because no matter how fun someone might think it is to be less responsible or be allowed to do more obsessions, it is the opposite. You are forced away from it. At least being high functioning, you can avoid those forced situations, and could do you obsessions anytime you want. Yeah you may end up having to go to work or have responsibility, but at least you could d o an obsession in a free time and not get penalized for it. Free time in these places, there hardly is none. It is just about stupid programs, and even if there is free time, the staff want everyone to do something more social and less obsession. If anything, you would only get an hour for it.
Trust me, i used to have that same thinking about wanting to be lower functioning and how everyone has it better than me. But since I went back to school, and got staff off my back, I got my obsessions back, in full swing, and they even help me survive my schooling, a break that help relieve the stress. Which is why I am more happier and doing better going to school, because I have more time and freedom for the obsessions.
in here its more free they aint forcing anyone to do anything, only responsibility for me is finish school even it feels hard....i been having problems most of my school years which prevent me to fully pursue it to get top grades(long story) anyway i cant really complain ^^ some of staff never remember i have sensory issues with ligth touch so NEVER touch to my back,shoulders, neck area with out warning...unless u want black eye on best case
other then that i love going to work because i can have more money most of companies how ever dont take u if u are student
yah i wouldnt chance it to more autism at least> but less yes
followthereaper until its time to make a turn,
followthereaper until point of no return-children of bodom-follow the reaper