Hyersensitivty to sounds
OMG, I could hear conversations several rooms down, and every single noise would pierce through my skull and make me nauseous. It was so horrible, I couldn't stand to have hearing like that all the time.
Edit: About high-pitched sounds, when there is suppose to be no sound, there is a high-pitch hum... I don't know where I came from, but I remember as a kid when in a cave and the guy said it was perfectly quiet when nobody talked... I still heard the hum.
I remember reading a story about stores using a high-pitched sounds kids and teens can hear but adults usually can't to keep shady-looking teens from loitering around the store. They hand a sound sample in the article and I thought it was HORRIBLE! Then I got really ticked off because of the threat to us on the spectrum if too many stores use this hideous sound.

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Lemme see here: cant stand high pitches (like the higher guitar notes that just squeal), loud noises in echoing rooms (disorients me thinking the sound is coming from everywhere, and tends to rake the nerves). Dont mind crowds so long as i cant distinguish any conversations (2+ conversations going on at the same time is askin for an overload). On top of that, the meds im on has a side effect that induces a ringing in the ears (so not only am i sensitive to sound, now im supersensitive ><). High pitched laughing also rattles me a bit, as well as ratchety talking (those who's voices vibrate a bit more and it seems to linger. no offense to those who do this, but it does rattle me a bit).

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I'm very sensitive to loud noises. The things that bother me are:
- Electric saws that remind me of the dentist's drill
- The sound of a hockey game on a loud TV when I'm visiting someone and I'm trying to sleep
- The Rap music blaring out of the back of a young man's car or truck, when I have a nice, mellow Kinks song playing in my head, which is why I listen to my portable CD player, everywhere that I walk, these days
- Loud voices comming from adults. There's a member at my clubhouse, who acts like she's 13 and she's constantly talking at the top of her lungs.
- People saying swear words at the tops of their lungs, just for the fun of it
- People swearing in general
- Mothers/Fathers yelling at their children for having meltdowns. If their meltdowns are that bad, go to the expert doctor and get them tested. If it does turn out that your little one is on the spectrum, be easy on the kid...he or she is very sensitive.
The Family Enigma
Drums are ment to be loud and the amp, gosh, I just can't simply can't it and I used to play in a band. We was all given earplugs to protect our hearing.
-Balloons, i'm scared of them because of the sound it makes.
-Anything that makes a loud bang would scare me, I wouldn't be able to be in the room without having my ears covered and it just goes on in my ears.
-Used to be scared of dogs because of the loudness they make and it would also used to scare me.
-Firealarms, it rings on and on in my head, even if it was switched off and it is just horrible and i would of felt like screaming for it to go away.
Thats what im gonna list for now... ive not covered all of it but thats all i want to cover for now.
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OMG, I could hear conversations several rooms down, and every single noise would pierce through my skull and make me nauseous. It was so horrible, I couldn't stand to have hearing like that all the time.
Edit: About high-pitched sounds, when there is suppose to be no sound, there is a high-pitch hum... I don't know where I came from, but I remember as a kid when in a cave and the guy said it was perfectly quiet when nobody talked... I still heard the hum.
I remember reading a story about stores using a high-pitched sounds kids and teens can hear but adults usually can't to keep shady-looking teens from loitering around the store. They hand a sound sample in the article and I thought it was HORRIBLE! Then I got really ticked off because of the threat to us on the spectrum if too many stores use this hideous sound.
We had a spell of that being used outside shops here in UK, but they got banned because it was raised as a human rights issue. Thank goodness!
I used to hate the sound of the loud ringing school bells when I was in preschool and kindergarten. I would block my ears as tight as I could whenever I was walking in the hallway just in case the bells would ring unexpectedly. I also skipped school several times because of this.
Today, the only sounds that I can't tolerate (WITHOUT showing my freakouts) are the sounds of people farting on purpose or defecating in public bathrooms.
I just remembered I posted this post but at that time didn't know I could click on a Notify me when a reply is posted. Now I do. So I am answering now, thanks to everyone who replied.
This is to RampionRampage I get very bitchy also with noises that aggravate me or are too loud. Like when my mom bangs on something or my sister randomly screams because she saw our cat she does this annoying scream even though I ask her to please stop or not so high. It gets me so aggravated I yell at them, I don't mean to but sometimes I can hold it in unless they do it over and over. My mom is learning to tell me before she gets plates out of the cabinet or something like that.
This is to zeichner, I always have my headphones at the laptop with me. Which I will be putting my laptop upstairs in my room soon. But I always have my headphones so if someone is making a sound or even a cellphone I listen to music like you. Sometimes I don't have my headphones, so if I am out and something happens I hold my ears with my fingers. Other times I can minimize some of the sound by doing something with my mouth I think to lower the noise.
Same thing with me lyricalillusions I have to hold my ears from leaving or freaking out from the noise I think is loud, scaring me or aggravating me.
This is to M_p_furo. With the fire alarm in the house, I hate that. I am holding my ears, like crazy and yes some music I like really loud. I am glad I am not a lone on that, since most people think it's weird.
I have that too, fiddlerpianist, startling noises are also a problem for me.
High pitch noises are the worst for me, rmgh.
Same here TonytheTiger, some smells give me headaches or make me feel sick. Like when my mom put two air fresheners in our fake tree this year I felt like I was going to throw up or pass out and my mom and sister didn't bother at all.
I actually went to my audiologist or this guy my aunt said was good. He was he found hearing aids for lowering volumes so I might get that.
I remember I was in Khols with my Aunt and we were shopping and then his high pitched squeaky noises. I couldn't get away from it than I heard 3 of them. Found out they were the carts, my aunt said I sounded mean to her but that was because I was freaking out and couldn't find an escape. She told me go away from the sound I did, than she yelled at me because she couldn't find me. I called her cellphone her fault she left it in the car, then when I found her she yelled at me in front of everyone saying I embarrassed here, didn't feel good. But the story was that I heard the sound she didn't hear it at all.
Most of everyone who posted back would not want to be in my house when my sister does these obnoxious screams. I couldn't explain what she says and how it sounds. Its horrible to my ears and aggravating to me.
Same here superboyian when fire alarms go off and then stop I get it going on and on over and i hear it tiny sometimes and just ah! I hate it!