These are probably the types of threads where lower-functioning people on the spectrum probably want to punch us in the face(if not them then the parents.)
Many times in threads like these I see many positives about the diagnosis but none of the negatives. If autism was good enough to be a world full of them then it wouldn't be considered a disorder.
Now let me list some negatives here.
Less socialization, meaning most likely more depressed and unmotivated people and no one to teach how to get better.
A bunch of naive people that many animals would be more than willing to eat alive.
Due to less socialization there will also be less children, human population would most likely get much smaller if not die out.
Let's not forget that autism varies so who says that "high-functioning" would be the majority.
Many autistic people don't multitask very well or don't handle sudden changes well, for many on the spectrum life has shown that it doesn't care about that whatsoever.
Many of technology was made by people going to other areas and talking, planning, and getting ideas from one another, etc. Many autistic people don't like going out and meeting people so we probably wouldn't have most of the technology we have now.
I could go on and on but my basic point is: it's survival of the fittest. Many animals such as lions, tigers, bears, and other carnivorous animals would take full advantage of all of these things.
So most likely, that world wouldn't last too long. There is no "I" in team which is how societies are made. No one can exist alone.
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."