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03 Mar 2006, 1:13 am

Well, it looks like the Israelis can teach us a thing or two about founding a country. They lived scattered around the world for 2000 years. Then, once they were started their own country in 1948, Israel went from a desert wilderness to modern nation in just 50 years.

Sure, it gets bad rep about "occupying" West Bank, but didn't many countries start out as "occupying" indigenous lands? This is not to defend any alleged occupation, just to point out facts.


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03 Mar 2006, 2:52 am

Aspie1 wrote:
Well, it looks like the Israelis can teach us a thing or two about founding a country. They lived scattered around the world for 2000 years. Then, once they were started their own country in 1948, Israel went from a desert wilderness to modern nation in just 50 years.

Sure, it gets bad rep about "occupying" West Bank, but didn't many countries start out as "occupying" indigenous lands? This is not to defend any alleged occupation, just to point out facts.

True, but if you look at how the forming of Israel happened, they didn't do it on their own.


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03 Mar 2006, 8:16 am

Cindy wrote:
Well there's some large tract of land in one corner of Hawaii that has been claimed for ethnic Hawaiians as a totally Hawaiian-only community and is more or less independent. And there's a large tract of land in Florida where the millionaire retired founder of Domino's Pizza is attempting to build a totally Catholic community and university. Can't remember where I heard either of these two things, but they're true. I could look them up on the internet if anybody wants me too. Or heck, look 'em up yourself.

So maybe we just need to ask an aspie millionaire for a really big piece of land somewhere. Like maybe Texas - they have the right to seceed from the Union if they want to, correct? Well, maybe eventually we could seceed from them. :lol:

Yeah, I heard about the Domino's guy. I don't know about the ethnic Hawaiian thing but still that sounds like it could be true.

Actually, I don't think Texas really has a right to secede from the union. I live in Texas and my teachers all say that the union does not give the rights to secede, something that was shown in the Civil War. I doubt that we could secede from Texas. Besides, we would be better off buying an island or something. Aspies would probably function better in some level of isolation, we need to control our immigration in order to protect ourselves from odd immigrants. I don't think an aspie society would function as well with crime as an NT society and I don't think criminality is very much of an aspie trait either so therefore we must make sure to keep ourselves relatively pure so to speak. After all we are the master race. :lol:

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03 Mar 2006, 8:26 am

Set up a tax type of system, each aspie who wants to live in "inset Aspergers Civilisation here" have to contribute a certain amount of money.
Once we have enough money we could then purchase an adecuate place and set up a comunity there. If we got enough money we could live in Buble type buildings all isolated in antartica.
These buble building are sort of like half a ball, made out of a transparent material to have a greenhouse type of effect and large enough to sustain a comunity.
After we have that established eventualy most aspies will live there and the governments will give research/scientific/development projects to us and pay us for it!
Peace is far better than War, War gets you there fast at high cost, Peace gets you there slow at low cost!


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03 Mar 2006, 10:41 am

I started a revolution once. A big one. The wheel went round twenty, maybe thirty times before stopping due to friction :D

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03 Mar 2006, 11:08 am

DrizzleMan wrote:
I started a revolution once. A big one. The wheel went round twenty, maybe thirty times before stopping due to friction :D

LOL. i'm going to steal that joke and inflict it on everyone that i know! :twisted:


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03 Mar 2006, 11:40 am

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
Actually, I don't think Texas really has a right to secede from the union. I live in Texas and my teachers all say that the union does not give the rights to secede, something that was shown in the Civil War. I doubt that we could secede from Texas.

Texas has the distinction of being the only state that was ever a sovereign independent nation, recognized by the United States, Great Britain and the major European powers of the day. This is why Texas is the only state that can fly their flag at equal height with that of the US flag.

That said, if you live in Texas, you know it has already seceded. Just no one told the Bush's yet.

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03 Mar 2006, 12:11 pm

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
NTs are dangerous because they can organize quickly and have can negative impacts on our pure aspie dominated society.

:roll: So we'll just call them terrorists. Problemo solved!!

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03 Mar 2006, 12:22 pm

fernando wrote:
Anybody has plans for taking over the world? I want a planet where NTs have to pretend to be autistic just to get a job. I'm thinking we could set our headquarters in Silicon Valley and maybe disconnect every server on the planet from the internet, until they agree with our demands... the poor bastards wouldn't know how to get a server running on themselves. We could demand that in order to get married at least one in the couple must be on the spectrum, that way we ensure the survival of our subspecies. I think by the year 2100 we could outnumber them...

Ideas anyone?

Actually that would good but the major down side of your taking over the world plot isn't really that acieveable. Everything these days relays on the internet. No I don't have a plan to rule the world I'm just trying to rule my self for now.

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03 Mar 2006, 12:23 pm

Silver_Shadow wrote:
If we got enough money we could live in Buble type buildings all isolated in antartica.

The trouble with Antarctica is how much of the land is not actually land mass but ice cap, so an Aspie nation would be severely threatened by global warming. In fact it could be said that much of the western world is waging war on our nation before we've even boarded the Mayflower (or the Endeavour)...

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03 Mar 2006, 12:28 pm

neptunevsmars wrote:
Silver_Shadow wrote:
If we got enough money we could live in Buble type buildings all isolated in antartica.

The trouble with Antarctica is how much of the land is not actually land mass but ice cap, so an Aspie nation would be severely threatened by global warming. In fact it could be said that much of the western world is waging war on our nation before we've even boarded the Mayflower (or the Endeavour)...

We could go underground and create a huge base with every want and need inside it. By then we could launch our own sats and maybe so spy sats. Were are we going to get the funds? Are we going to steal the worlds money and use it to create this bubble. Or base of my idea. We could have our own military. Wage war and take over. How's that?

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03 Mar 2006, 12:49 pm

I'm starting to think that maybe the moon is the prime real estate we're after. Unlike Antarctica it is totally uninhabited; it would be hard for any coalition of the willing to come our way without us noticing; And after a few years there our military would be acclimatized to fighting in zero gravity.

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03 Mar 2006, 1:46 pm

Yeah but if you want to be farther away where no one from Earth could touch us maybe a base on Mars? At least you got a much bigger world to live on besides the moon. We build our own cities, towns, places of government and our own military and air force. As well as a space ships to transport people to and from Earth and also to Mars.

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03 Mar 2006, 1:47 pm

The only problem with the moon base at the moment is the fact that is costs about 60 million dollars every time we send people/supplies/building equipment up to the moon. It is achibable if enough people wished to do it by simple tax type funding though.
Another way would be to create an underwater base, it does not have to be very deep, just enough to avoid being affected by storms on the surface and passing cargo ships (as they draw quite a bit underneath). Since nobody ownes the sea outside of about 20 miles for most countries it is all free for the taking.


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03 Mar 2006, 1:59 pm

Silver_Shadow wrote:
The only problem with the moon base at the moment is the fact that is costs about 60 million dollars every time we send people/supplies/building equipment up to the moon. It is achibable if enough people wished to do it by simple tax type funding though.
Another way would be to create an underwater base, it does not have to be very deep, just enough to avoid being affected by storms on the surface and passing cargo ships (as they draw quite a bit underneath). Since nobody ownes the sea outside of about 20 miles for most countries it is all free for the taking.

I agree. We might as well train sharks while we're at it and they'll be our defenses and attack animals. We could conquer the world just by stopping their trade income and out. We could train whales to crush tankers that are filled with mail, food, or supplies. How's that sound?

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03 Mar 2006, 2:28 pm

Under the sea sounds good but mars i'm not so sure on.
Not that i don't like mars it's just that maybe i've played a little too much doom 3 :roll: