Owendust wrote:
PunkyKat wrote:
I find her a hypocryte more than anything. She either needs to fight the consumption of beef or quit claiming how much she loves the cows...
...or she could actually be realistic, come to the simple realization that people are not going to stop eating beef (no matter how many emaciated vegans throw pictures and statistics in their faces) and attempt to make the slaughtering process as peaceful and pain-free as possible.
The way I see it, that carries far more weight than standing on a street corner handing out flyers and protesting slaughter-houses.
There's a huge difference between being a hypocrite and being intelligent enough to do something that will actually make a difference.
Agreed. You know, Dr. Grandin's designs were made, not for money or fame, but out of compassion for the cattle, so that they may be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve for their sacrifice in their final moments. One may not agree with the consumption of animals by human beings, but it's a fact of life. Humans have been omnivores for thousands of years, and though there will always be people that choose not to eat meat (and there's nothing wrong with that), there, too, will always be people that *do* eat meat.
That said, I don't find her annoying at all. It would be almost the same as calling myself annoying - after all, I have problems controlling the volume, speed, and tone of my voice, too (not to mention that I have a rather high-pitched voice). I first read her autobiographies six years ago - they were among the first books I read after discovering that I likely had Asperger's syndrome - and I've held her in high esteem ever since. In fact, the copy of her latest book that I've had on reserve at the library came in today... I can't wait to start reading it!