barbedlotus wrote:
I get the claws in the head feeling from certain sounds, but more often than not what I can best describe as being filled up with white noise or the mental version of the blue screen of death. Too long listening to white noise on the TV or an alarm will make me start to gag too.
I know my little boys big one is his hands feeling gritty (like the seasonings from chips or sand getting on them). Instant total melt down if his hands aren't wiped off within seconds. I've been working on helping him calm down enough to wipe them off himself before it gets that bad since it is really difficult to do much of anything when he wants to eat some chips (which are actually his favorite snack despite the aversion to the feel, so I figure he REALLY likes chips).
The sock thing is really annoying, but the worst to me about socks is when they pull tight when you put shoes on. Anyone else re-put on their shoes about a dozen times until you get the socks to stop pulling on their toes and sometimes just give up on the socks all together? Some days I just give up and through on some sandals even if its snowing.
I feel the same. It's like my skin tightens and prickles and I'm about to burst or scream if I don't hit something. White noise scares me if I listen to it too long.
I hate strong perfume, body odour, or smelling people's breath when they talk to me, or feeling my own breath on my cheek when my head is on the pillow. And when the chip flavouring dust itches on my fingers or gets under my nails while I eat them. I can feel it. Squick. Maybe your son and I should eat chips with chopsticks?
Light really hurts my eyes and makes my head sting. I can't stop registering flashing light even if it's in the corner of my eye, it's distracting.
Tags scrape unexpectedly so my attention keeps getting pulled to the needling feeling and I want to rip the damn thing off in the middle of the supermarket. And with the socks, I have to pull at the ends so they don't twist or cramp my toes when I put them on. Anyone else hate walking on the seams?
But the worst for me was showers.
I could hear the hissing and feel the poking needles of water smacking onto my skin and in my face. It overwashed my back and shoulders so the skin felt hot and crawling shrinking tight, but didn't rinse soap or dirt out from my hair or elsewhere so I itched and prickled. And the feeling of hot water and cold air alternating drove me mad, as well as the curtain blowing in and slicking slimily on me until I yanked it away. I always used swear cry and thump my hands and feet into the walls, which hurt and was stupid but I couldn't help it. I actually used to refuse showers and wash with a bucket because I had no bath.
I've been a lot less stressed since I went into a place that had bath, but now I'm being forced to move again within the year and the only place I can get only has a shower. I'm really unhappy and starting to stress over it already.
I look normal to people so they think I'm being picky and dramatic when these things overwhelm me and I meltdown.