Some of them perhaps. I cannot make that assertion, as I've been specifically told I talk like Data from Star Trek.
CowboyFromHell wrote:
"I know, right?" I never heard that phrase until the past year, and it's everywhere and extremely annoying. Commericials, and people use it while typing on forums and comments (I've seen it here once). I don't say it, I can't decide if it's either because I refuse to conform by using it or I don't feel the need and automatically say something else that has the same meaning ("I agree").
I have used that phrase. I am conscious of its uselessness, but I seem to have picked it up unconsciously as I became more socialized. Usually if I use it, however, I am making fun of someone using it. It is the same with 'like' in its improper adverb form.
?Evil? No. Cursed?! No. COATED IN CHOCOLATE?! Perhaps. At one time. But NO LONGER.?