Lightning88 wrote:
Here's another one I wanted to add as well. Even when I was just eighteen months old, I was already very organized. I apparently used to take all the wash cloths in the house and fold them up into neat little stacks. I did the same thing with pots and pans sized inside each other properly. And when I was four, one of my favorite games was "video store", where I would take all the videos in the house and display them properly in the living room. When I was ten, I always used to organize the Tae Kwon Do pads whenever we were finished up with class. The other kids often wanted to help, but I never let them in fear of messing up my work.
I also have OCD, which gets worse when I'm stressed, but that's beside the point. When I was little, I also used to arrange things. I would take all the clothes out of my parents closets, and then I would arrange them exactly neatly on top of each other. I thought that might have something to do with my artistic abilities, but maybe it also has to do with ocd. I really think that OCD and art have a lot to do with each other as well, or at least, they influence each other in my case. It is interesting that there are such early signs such as these. Does this mean that whenever a child displays interest in organization, they will obtain ocd? I think it also means that neurological disorders like ocd are weirdly labeled as disorders, because they are so inherent to personality, hence early symptoms, and more importantly, early non-problematic symptoms. I also have synesthesia, and trypophobia.