I HATE THE NOISE OF ______________________BECAUSE

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do any noise make you go crazy
yes ahhh 98%  98%  [ 159 ]
no silly 2%  2%  [ 4 ]
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24 May 2010, 8:23 am

[quote="katzefrau"]car alarms, and any other beeping that begins out of nowhere .. the worst part of it, not knowing what it is or when it will stop./quote]
Oh yes, sounds I can't identify the cause of will also rattle my nerves a good bit, especially if they are fairly loud. Although, I must admit, I think this is probably pretty normal. xD

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24 May 2010, 8:50 am

excessively loud automobiles, and loud noises..

Loud vehicles frustrate me the most, because I have to wait till they are several blocks away to be able to think straight again. They stick out.

'sigh' reminds me of public school days, when kids would come into the quiet room, and slamm their books to the desk.

CockneyRebel wrote:
I hate the sound of electric hand saws, because they sound like dentist drills.

Forgot about those.... :hic: The dentist drill is horrible! How on earth do they stand those sharp, steady high pitches?


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24 May 2010, 9:43 am

Fire drills (shudders)


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24 May 2010, 9:43 am

I hate noise of plates scraping when I'm eating, because my taste sense is turned up to the point of a psychedelic drug effect whenever I eat something really good, and my hearing is turned up to the point of sharp things stabbing my ears:

"Oh my God...This bacon is so good! How is this even possible? This shouldn't be allowed, it's just so...*SCRINK**SCRUNCH*SCRUNCH*SCRUNCH*SCRUNCH**SCRAPE*"

Ow. :oops:

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24 May 2010, 11:05 am

FREEZERS -shudder- Eugh, that noise when you pull the drawer out of the freezer, and all the ice squeaks, its actually making me shiver thinking about it. Mum thinks I'm just being lazy if she asks me to put something into the freezer and I make a big fuss about it, but i just hate that noise so much!

And knives on plates, and the noise when someone bites into an ice lolly (same as freezer sounds) and if a dog barks at you, not just a dog barking, but when it suddenly out of the blue barks at you and makes you jump out of your skin.


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24 May 2010, 1:50 pm

I don't like noise because it distracts & confuses me. I have problems focusing on things I should when there is a lot of noise. Interestingly lots of people refer to some of my music as "noise" 8O

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24 May 2010, 4:25 pm

Dogs barking because it short circuits my brain.


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24 May 2010, 5:08 pm

I hate the noise of:
- exploding baloons, because it hurts
- computer/programs sounds and signals, because they piss me off
- autoalarms, the same as above
- squeezing soprano voiced girls, because they make me mad
- stupid techno, especially Wixa, because it makes me mad
- loud drunk people + stupid techno, because it makes me mad and cruel
- plastic Viva music in the shops, because it's too loud and annoying
- snoring people close to me, because I can't sleep, it piss me off and I become sadistic (I punched snoring people many times)
- kids, it's the same as squeezing girls
- crying babies, it's like squeezing girls + autoalarms. If mum of this baby is squeezing girl... oops, better get away

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24 May 2010, 5:44 pm

Chewing, hairdryers, cellophane crinkling, law mowers, stainless steel scraping noises, sharpening knives (almost got sick last time mom did that 8O ) book slamming, fireworks, and nose-blowing. Um.... The fact that I did not use perfect parallelism in this list bothers me.

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24 May 2010, 7:06 pm

Quartz11 wrote:
Styrofoam. Just pure cringe.
Honorable mention to children crying and smoke detector test beeps

Or that squeaking with another piece, makes me shudder... literally.

I hate the scraping of cutlery, I can't stand children screaming, it reminds me of the days I used to work at a horrible restaurant. I don't like sirens driving past me as they're too loud to cope with, cars backfiring, guns going off, balloons popping, hedge clippers, chainsaws, the same noise being repeated over and over.

I don't like the sound of chewing, and kids who constantly ask "why" more because It makes me mad that people can be so annoying more than actual sensory issues.

But it's annoying.


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25 May 2010, 7:22 am

There's only a couple that really send me toward meltdown but many others are annoying/anxiety producing.
1. The sound that tv or radios make when they are not tuned to a channel, I have to make sure that I've turned off the tv before turning off the VCR/DVD player to avoid this horrendous sound.
2. People talking over each other/cutting each other off in mid sentence.


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25 May 2010, 10:09 am

People who chew gum loudly, ydrk.


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25 May 2010, 12:28 pm

i hate the sound of buzzing, whining, screaming 2-stroke gas engines in full cry.
i hate the sound of impulse noises [clicks, crackles and pops] on my phonograph records [anybody remember those?].
i hate the sound of HISS on old analog tape recordings.
i hate the sound of right-wing blowhards on the box [tv and radio].
i hate the sound [and sight] of destruction, of demolition.
i hate the sound of gunfire.
i hate loud audience noise in entertainments.
i hate the sound of tv sitcoms with their canned laugh tracks- if it's truly funny stuff it will stand on its own 2 feet without any technical trickery- can the canned laughter!
i hate the sound of sports.
i hate the sound and existence of buzzing [biting and stinging] insects.
i hate the sound of noisy old computer power supplies.
i hate the sound of people arguing and fighting.
i hate the sound of people busily working, it makes me so tired just listening to 'em toiling and sweating out in the hot sun.
i hate the sound of mixers and blenders and food processors.
i hate the sound of boats' unmuffled screaming engines tearing up the water at the lake.
i hate the sound of barking and whining dogs.
i hated the sounds of basic military training, with drill instructors hollering vulgar and profane orders, recruits grunting and panting, whistles blowing and bullhorns crackling.

too many other hated sounds to list here.


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25 May 2010, 2:05 pm

I just realized what sound I hate the most; the sound of those required weekly test of the federal emergency alert broadcast system. Every couple days while I'm watching TV in the middle of a program I start hearing the loud buzzing alarm. It's extremely annoying & the weekly test happens least twice a week on all the TV channels at the same time. Those test only happen during the day & never happen at night when fewer people would be watching TV. That alert test is NOT doing any good at all because those test happen so frequently that when we would have a national emergency; most people will assume it's another drill & simply turn on the TV. When we actully have had national emergencies; those things wer not used even thou their wer test a few days before. The freaking FCC loves watching us squirm & get annoyed :evil:

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25 May 2010, 2:49 pm

I hate the noise of somebody scraping something rough... It literally echoes in my head. :(

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25 May 2010, 3:14 pm

Fire alarms, lawnmowers, motorcycles, teenagers chatting :lol:, etc.

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